June 9th, 2011- Lights out Part 1

From Egs Mayhem

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In the cafeteria, MarissaInaba decides she’s sick of listening to that uppity SoftSpeak and heads into the hallway to try and solve the no lights problem herself. There she meets MachDasher who also can’t stand waiting around. He has a flashlight and agrees to help Marissa find the school’s fuse box. He challenges her to a race and dashes off with the flashlight.

Meanwhile, NiteBrite and SolidGear look for NB’s the lost glasses in the hallway. NiteBrite finds them just in time for Anthrax to trot through the door from the roof’s stairwell. She steps on NiteBrite’s hoof and glasses. The glasses crack but are not completely broken so NB isn’t completely blind but rather sees stuff like looking through a kaleidoscope. Anthrax explains that she can’t find her BF Dysentery and that he never leaves the roof during school hours. In fact she was bringing him some sandwiches for lunch since he wouldn’t even leave to visit the cafeteria today. So she’s distraught and wants help finding him. SolidGear asks about the fusebox when Anthrax notes the lights are out in the hallway. Anthrax tells her its on the roof.

MachDasher arrives at the group by the stairwell first and nearly crashes into them. Marissa calmly followed after him at a reasonable pace. The group explains about the fuses on the roof and the missing Dysentery. SolidGear attempts to climb the stairs but her mechanical prosthetic front leg freezes up causing her to fall. Anthrax’s mother is a nurse so she decides to take a look at SG for injuries. SG has a sprain and needs help standing/walking. NiteBrite attempts to help her up the stairs but he is too short and weak to be of much help. MachDasher steals and eats the sandwiches Anthrax had and then he races up the stairs leaving the others behind in the dark (he took the flashlight with him). The rest of the group follows behind him with SG following slowly due to her injury.


Narrator: So when we last left off...

NiteBrite: My glasses! I was blind before but somehow without them I see even less

SolidGear: I'd imagine so, Nite Brite... she mutters, looking around hopefully for said glasses.

Narrator: NiteBrites glasses had slide across the floor down the hallway stopping infront of the stairwell to the roof marked 'Staff Only'

Narrator: It is dark in the hallway, the lights are out and it does not have the benefit of starlight that the cafeteria's windows provide

SolidGear: had unfortunately started searching in the opposite direction of the glasses, mostly as she hadn't heard the clatter all too well.

MarissaInaba: <caf> *was eating in the cafeteria when the lights went out; is presently debating the merits of leaving to explore and potentially getting hurt, or staying and having to deal with a large amount of panicky ponies*

MarissaInaba: *the former is looking better with each passing second*

SoftSpeak: Remain calm everypony, the lights will be on again soon. Bumbling around in the dark will only cause you to hurt yourself

SoftSpeak: 'After all not everyone is a brilliant and beautiful as I' she thinks to herself

MarissaInaba: *mutters to herself* Yeah. Right. That is totally gonna work.

Narrator: Those who remain in the cafeteria get to ooo and ahh at SoftSpeaks take charge attitude

NiteBrite: NiteBrite searches near the door and "I found them he says"

NiteBrite: *crunch

SolidGear: (())

MarissaInaba: *this is the last straw for Marissa; she uses the other ponies' distraction as an opportunity to sneak out, but not before rolling her eyes in an exaggerated manner*

SolidGear: winces as she hears the crunch of plastic and artificial glass, quickly turning to Nite Brite and heading over.

Narrator: The door to the stairwell opens and Anthrax trots out in a hurry seemingly upset. She accidently steps on the glasses

SolidGear: Uhm....hi? she asks, hearing another Pony canter out the doorway.

Anthrax: Oh, what's up with the lights?

Anthrax: was on the roof when the power blinked

NiteBrite: Your. standing. on. my. h-hoof

Anthrax: What?

NiteBrite: pain

Anthrax: OH!

Anthrax: steps back

MarissaInaba: <caf -> hal> *presumably manages to sneak out; mutters* well now what >:/

SolidGear: sighs and groans softly.

Anthrax: didn't see you there short stuff

SolidGear: So, what's up? Why did you come down here?

NiteBrite: s'okay

Anthrax: Dysentery's gone. And he never leaves the roof. I was even bringing 'im sandwhiches

NiteBrite: Maybe, he went to class?

Anthrax: pfft ahahaha

Narrator: The hallway is dark. Perhaps you want to find a breaker or something?

MachDasher: MachDasher, fastest pony in the school, also leaves the cafeteria

MarissaInaba: Right. First order of business is being able to see. *begins to dig around in her pack; she coulda swore she had some kinda light in here...*

SolidGear: looks around, then nudges up past Anthrax, "Did you see any circuit breakers while coming down?"

MachDasher: cafe->hal "ugh can't stand sitting around! Stupid SoftSpeak. The time for action is now

MarissaInaba: At least she's keeping the stupider ponies from getting in the way. You got a flashlight?

Anthrax: Um, there's a panel up top. Makes for a great table

MachDasher: Checkeroni!

SolidGear: Thanks...Nite Brite, keep with Anthrax, will ya? I'm gonna get us some power back. she states, heading....up the downward stairs, which results in a large tumble downwards ending with a loud thump.

MachDasher: *turns on a flashlight

MachDasher: Ta-da

MarissaInaba: Awesome! Now let's go look for a fuse box or a circuit breaker or something.

SolidGear: groans, now definitely hurt as she'd landed on her back.

MachDasher: The fuzes? Now that's a plan! I bet I can beat you there? Ready?

MachDasher: Go

MachDasher: races off into the dark

NiteBrite: O-okay

MarissaInaba: :| *watches as he runs off, before calmly following him*

Narrator: loud rapid hoofbeats fill the hallway as Mach Dasher draws near

NiteBrite: Somethings sure in a hurry, NB says as he moves himself and Anthrax out of the way

MachDasher: *Screeech!* Mach slams on the breaks just missing NB and crew

MachDasher: Ha! First! As usual

MarissaInaba: >:| *arrives shortly after MD* yeah, like the order we got here matters. Oh, hey, people.

Narrator: The light from Mach's flashlight is a rather blinding considering the dark hallway conditions

Narrator: (())

NiteBrite: Are you okay SG?

NiteBrite: pokes

SolidGear: sees the light a floor above and slowly tries getting up, before giving a grunt of pain, "Well...my non-metal hoof hurts..."

SolidGear: ((x3 I did mention she fell down a flight of stairs...so he'd be looking down.))

Anthrax: Ah 'me ma's a nurse. Lemme take a look

SolidGear: hasn't moved much, just fallen onto her side and smiles lightly, "Funny, given your name I'd expected something else..."

MarissaInaba: ()

Narrator: Anthrax pokes SG in a small bruise

Narrator: Ant: "Har har, I didn't know you were such a comodian"

Narrator: (())

MarissaInaba: (comodian: a person who tells jokes to toilets)

NiteBrite: Maybe I should just..

SolidGear: winces, trying hard to not get angry, "Right...well, how bad does it look?"

SolidGear: hasn't tried standing yet, but it's obvious her non-metal fore-hoof seems rather injured.

Narrator: (())

SolidGear: (())

MarissaInaba: Well, okay, person. But I think I hear people talking.

MachDasher: hall -> roof- What are you slowpokes doing? Come on

Anthrax: It looks like a sprain. I'd keep of it for a while

MachDasher: took the flashlight with him

MarissaInaba: >:| *turns to NB* come on, we need to follow the light. I mean, unless you LIKE standing around in the dark, lookin' like an idiot.

SolidGear: groans lightly, "Well....there goes my chance at fixing the fuzes. Uhm...any way I could get some help to get out of this stairwell?"

NiteBrite: is too short to help

NiteBrite: I'll help

MarissaInaba: (ha.)

NiteBrite: offers a shoulder for SG to rest on

SolidGear: tries getting up, and promptly looks rather awkward resting on NB's back with her hoof.

MarissaInaba: ()

SolidGear: Uhm...thanks, but this will be really awkward for ya, Nite Brite. I don't want to slow you down.

NiteBrite: has spread his pegasus wings for stability

NiteBrite: Its... fiiine

SolidGear: glances down at NB and then sighs, slipping off onto the ground and lying down, "I think...I can just stay here."

NiteBrite: He takes three or four small steps that are less than what a usual stride is for SG

MachDasher: I gots sandwhiches.

Anthrax: Hey! My sandwhiches!

MachDasher: is a bit of a klepto

NiteBrite: starts up the stairs

NiteBrite: hall-> roof: You shouldn't take other ponies sandwhiches Dasher

NiteBrite: Its impolite

Anthrax: Can you believe that guys nerve? Those were meant for me and Dysentery

Anthrax: OMG! Dysentery's still gone

MarissaInaba: <hal -> roof> >:| *heads up to the roof* some people are so impatient.

MachDasher: mmph caph't heear youpff

MachDasher: he says as he scarfs down the food. His third meal today

NiteBrite: Eating like that can't be healthy...

MarissaInaba: Tch. Chew with yer mouth closed.

Anthrax: Help me look for him please SG?

SolidGear: has started her way up to the roof and calls up, "Yes! Just let me get up there, okay?"

SolidGear: (())

Anthrax: taps her foot impatiently

Narrator: The roof is a big open with different levels and lots of big A/C units and such to create blocked views and ample hiding spots

MarissaInaba: Save who? >:? *was not present to learn of Dysentery's disappearance*

SolidGear: takes her time, being careful to not cause that sprain to get any worse than it already is.

MarissaInaba: ()

MachDasher: (( )) Anthrax: Dysentery, ya know never attends class. Dresses in colorful punk

MarissaInaba: Oh, right... he's missing? That sucks.

Anthrax: He never leaves the roof. But I can't find him

SolidGear: (())

MarissaInaba: ()

NiteBrite: U-um aren't we supposed to be looking for a fuze box, NB interrupts

NiteBrite: (())

NiteBrite: (())

MarissaInaba: ()

NiteBrite: (())

NiteBrite: closes the RP, cut log here

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