O'Lionheart's Trans-dimensional Pub

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 18:31, 7 February 2011 by OzLionHeart (Talk | contribs)

It's a pub, located somewhere outside of time and space.

It's run by one "Oz" O'Lionheart (who may well be another avatar of OzLionHeart, although he himself has neither confirmed or denied this as yet). Other staff members include Kayla, Kari Fleet, a kobold, an animated skeleton, and a certain ex-FBI guy.

The food is good, the atmosphere is rather nice, and pretty much any drink you can imagine is available.

They accept all known currencies (including most major fictional ones).

It does rather resemble Kylen's Interdimensional Bar in some respects. The resemblance is not entirely coincidental.

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