Liona Sabarac

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 05:39, 5 June 2010 by OzLionHeart (Talk | contribs)

Called "Lia" for short. 6ebe6.png



Lia is an anthrofeline. She stands about 5' 7", and has cream-coloured fur, straight light brown hair, and rather pretty gold-green eyes.

She is currently dressed in cargo pants, and a white sleeveless top with the emblem of a Thaumic Healer (a red cross surmounted by a glowing paw). Oh, and she wears gold nail-polish on her claws.


Lia has magical healing abilities. Too much use of them in a short period takes a toll on her physical stamina.

Like all of her race, she has very fast reflexes, and is about 20% stronger than a human her size. She could bend a steel poker in half with some effort.


Lia is normally friendly and easy-going. As a Healer, she takes her job very seriously. Do NOT threaten a patient under her care.

The Crossover Wars

Lia is currently stationed at Fort Mayhem, where she has been appointed as the Fort's Chief Medical Officer.


Lara Sabarac-Mage is a plushie copy of Lia, created (along with others) during an outbreak of chaos magic in Fort Mayhem, and then magically animated by Alex_Mage (and is thus one of his "children"). As such, she "inherited" the powers and personality of her "mother". She has also (somehow) "inherited" all of Lia's knowledge of magic.

  • Lara is not especially fond of being squeezed, even though she has no need to breathe.
  • Her last name is hyphenated as an acknowledgement of both her parents. Well, technically, she has three parents, since she effectively has two fathers (Alex and Michael).
  • Currently, Lara is working in LPW, at the request of KF-Oz.


  • She has revealed that she hails from Felisar, the homeworld of Leon deCoeur and Kayla. (She is in fact related to Lee, though this has not been mentioned IC as yet.)
  • Her last name is "Carabas" spelled backwards. This may be significant. Or not...
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