Backstory200 MKRP

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 11:54, 27 January 2010 by HeWhoWatches (Talk | contribs)


Pages 176 to 180

Page 176

Wiki Notes

  • Rainbow-KF is the term given to Rose-KF while she's inflicted with a morphic condition. She currently has four-foot eyelashes, rainbow coloured fur, asymmetrical wings, spines on her arms, a rat-like tail and oddly patterned eyes. She also starts the page unconscious.
  • Nonah is a Lake Dweller. Unfortunately, I can't find any details as to their nature, so ask AP if confused.


  • Grim, referring to Rainbow-KF, says she has never seen anything like this before, even as an Author. She pokes Rainbow-KF in the right arm.
  • Rainbow-KF didn't react, but is still breathing.
  • Grim asks Ann to pass the vanillin.
  • Ann clumsily gets to her feet and looks for the vanillin jar.
  • Lomgren gets the vanillin jar for Ann.
  • Grim waves the open vanillin jar under Rainbow-KF's nose.
  • Rainbow-KF wakes with a cough.
  • Grim asks if Rainbow-KF is OK.
  • Rainbow-KF is confused and oblivious to her condition.
  • Grim tells Rainbow-KF where she is.
  • Rainbow-KF complains about a headache and requests a mirror, as she's noticed her elongated eyebrows.
  • Grim agrees that Rainbow-KF needs to see herself.
  • Rainbow-KF heads into the bathroom to use the mirror. As she does so, a crest of spines grows on her scalp.
  • Kraggi and Grim follows Rainbow-KF into the bathroom.

Clothes Store

  • Atescu and Patricia kiss for the first time.

Kraggi's House

  • Ann-KF heads back towards town while Nonah heads towards the lake.


  • Lora is playing music.
  • Freek meets Nonah and says hi.
  • Nonah sits down to listen to Lora's music, ignoring Freek's greeting.
  • Freek is slightly insulted by Nonah ignoring him, so walks up to her and says hello louder.
  • Nonah is startled and apologizes for being distracted by the music.
  • Freek and Nonah introduce themselves and shake hands.
  • Freek explains that Freek is just what he calls himself, as his real name is hard to pronounce.
  • Nonah says that means they have something in common, then says she was about to go for a swim.
  • Freek asks to Nonah while swimming.
  • Nonah says not at all, undresses, and dives in.
  • Freek is stunned for a bit, then also undresses and joins Nonah in the water.
  • Nonah surfaces from her dive, in her true form.

Page 177

Vor's Tower

  • Lora stops playing her flute to eat some guacamole.
  • Lora heads inside the tower. She returns a few minutes later with a pitcher of iced water, a glass and her saxophone. She starts playing the new instrument.


  • Freek is stunned by Nonah's transformation.
  • Nonah has yet to realise she has changed, so expresses confusion at Freek's reaction.
  • Freek explains that he thought Nonah kind, ie, Lake-Dwellers, were extinct, and is honoured by meeting her.
  • Nonah screeches as she realises she's accidentally revealed her true nature.
  • Freek assures Nonah that he'll keep her secret.
  • Nonah demands a reason why she shouldn't kill Freek to make sure he doesn't talk. However, she knows full well that no one can die in Mossy Knoll.
  • Freek says he was adopted by a people called the Vl, who also have to hide their true nature, so understands Nonah's situtaion.
  • Nonah is convinced and asks Freek his real name.
  • Freek says it's Xxr.
  • Nonah tries to pronounce it, but can't get it quite right.
  • Freek tells Nonah about his past.

Diner: Bathroom

  • Kraggi is making "Ick" sounds and shaking his head over Rainbow-KF.
  • Grim says that she's seen a lot of things more disgusting than Rainbow-KF.
  • Rainbow-KF tries to remember the last thing she can remember, realising it was eating a sandwich.

Diner: Kitchen

  • Lomgren takes Ann's hands and asks her if she's going to be OK.
  • Ann squeezes Lomgren's hands slightly as tears start to form from the shock. She asks if all this is a nightmare.
  • Lomgren cradles Ann in his arms and begins to rock her gently.
  • Rainbow-KF returns from the bathroom, followed by Kraggi and Grim, and apologizes for her behaviour when she "wasn't herself." She also says she now know what caused her condition.
  • Xiao has been watching all this quietly and in shock. He now thinks to himself that he's not being paid enough for all this weirdness.
  • Kraggi offers to use his CMD to revert Rainbow-KF to normal.

Clothes Shop

  • Chuck wakes to see Atescu and Patricia kissing. He is pleased by this development.

Sage's Tower

  • Sage lies some ground-rules for the kittens staying with him. He then heads to the roof and surveys the town, wondering about the feelings of pure confusion he's getting from it.
  • The kittens decide to get high on catnip when Sage leaves.
  • Sage decides to not intervene unless he senses actual danger, Instead, he simply listens to Lora's music.

Page 178


  • Ann, still badly shaken, demands an explanation from someone, anyone.
  • Rainbow-KF says her metamorphism is the result of an expired transformation mix. She also asks Kraggi how the CMD can help, as it's temporary.
  • Kraggi replies that any form is better than Rainbow-KF's current one and she should get out of it as quickly as possible.
  • Lomgren works out that Rainbow-KF is talking about the sandwich she had earlier.
  • Kraggi wonders out loud why anyone would make such a sandwich.
  • Rainbow-KF replies by saying that the sandwich was years past its use by date.
  • Ann sighs in relief that this isn't caused by the Waste's and changes the subject by asking Kraggu what Grim meant by her being Ann's mother in law.
  • Kraggi is surprised that Skippy hasn't already told Ann that Kraggi and Grim are engaged.
  • Lomgren realises that Ann is still topless. He blushes and offers her his shirt.
  • Rainbow-KF tries to summon some clothes for Ann, but for some reason this fails.
  • Ann tells Kraggi that she's been at the Diner all day. She also covers her breasts with her arms.
  • Death's staff suddenly appears in Rainbow-KF's paw. She uses it to magically repair her dress.

Ann's House

  • Skippy is banging his head on the front door, screeching to be let in.
  • A sleepy Rose answers the door, hugging Skippy when she the monkey.
  • Skippy gives Rose the news about Kraggi and Grim, then asks where Ann is.
  • Rose is surprised by this, but invites Skippy in so she can get dressed properly. They talk while she does this.


  • A robe suddenly appears on Ann-KF, to his confusion.
  • Ann-KF realises that Rose-KF was trying to summon the robe and the mistake is because they both hold the office of Death, which confuses their powers.
  • Ann-KF tries to summon her staff, so she can try to fix the problem

Page 179

TF Shop

  • Xaych drags Keb out of the shop by his feet. As she drags him towards Bob's Truck, an argument ensues.


  • Grim takes Kraggi's hand and says he should tell Ann himself. She then turns to Rainbow-KF and starts asking questions about her condition.
  • Kraggi tells Ann that he's engaged to Grim, in a very excited fashion.
  • While Rainbow-KF is thinking about Grim's question, Grim turns to Xiao and says if he's still hungry he can talk to Kraggi. She then turns back to Rainbow-KF.
  • Ann uses her own magic to summon her Frisky Kitty t-shirt. She then congratulates Kraggi, sounding less shaken now.
  • Rainbow-KF answers Grim's questions, then her stomach grows.
  • Grim offers to cook something for Rainbow-KF.
  • Kraggi offers to help Grim cook, which Grim accepts.
  • Rainbow-KF, drooling from hunger, accepts.
  • Kraggi and Grim start to cook.

Ann's House

  • Rose tells Skippy that Kraggi is probably at the Diner.
  • Skippy waves goodbye, then runs off to the Diner.

Clothes Shop

  • While Atescu and Patricia are still embracing, Terra sidles up to Chuck. They quietly congratulate each other on getting Atescu someone.
  • Terra suggests they leave, leaving Atescu and Pat alone.
  • Terra and Chuck leave and start looking for Ann.


  • Ann-KF leaves.


  • Nonah asks why did Freek grow up in a human-based society.
  • Freek says he though he was human for the until he was twenty. And after that he found humans and their culture fascinating.
  • Nonah says she thinks humans are generally thoughtless and destructive creatures.

Page 180

Town Square

  • On the way to Ann's House, Chuck asks Terra about when she was exiled.
  • Terra says she exiled herself when a disagreement with Chuck's great Great-Aunt Aura turned violent.
  • Chuck is awed after hearing the story.

Ann's House

  • Outside, Chuck points out their destination to Terra.
  • Chuck yells for Ann.
  • Rose, who has just finished getting dressed, answers the door, greeting Chuck and his friend.
  • Chuck introduces Terra as his Great-Aunt, the Exiled Duchess.


  • Freek tells Nonah that he an Authorial Demi-Deity, shocking her into silence.
  • Freek goes on, explaining a little about his nature and powers.
  • Nonah is still shock at meeting a divine being and says as much.
  • Freek reminds Nonah that he's effectively human here.
  • Nonah asks how the previously mentioned Vlyntyr relate to Freek, who answers in some detail.


  • Grim asks if anyone else is hungry and Lomgren accept for both himself and Ann.
  • Grim asks what kind of fish would everyone like and gets three orders for salmon.
  • Xiao besides he's also hungry, so asks for some of the same.
  • Outside, Ann-KF is approaching.

Pages 181 to 185

Page 181

Wiki Note

  • First appearance of Max, James' dog. He's a pit bull terrier.

Ann's House

  • Rose greets Terra and asks what should she call her.
  • Terra replies she prefers Terra, then asks Rose if she this "Ann" that Chuck has been talking about.
  • Rose says in a way she is, as she's "the other Ann."
  • Chuck is a little distressed, so Rose changes the subject by asking what she can do for them.
  • Terra says they came looking for directions about town.


  • Lomgren takes Ann into the dining area.
  • Xiao follows, but sits separately.
  • Skippy arrives and re-merges with Kraggi, surprising Lomgren.
  • Grim is surprised, but simply continues cooking.
  • Kraggi says the food is nearly ready.
  • Ann suggests to sit with Rainbow-KF, which Lomgren reluctantly agrees.
  • Eric arrives and smells the fish cooking, he asks if he can have some. Grim say yes.
  • Eric suddenly leaves.
  • Eric returns 10 minutes later with a pit bull terrier following.
  • Grim exits the kitchen with the dinners and immediately starts back away in terror from the dog.


  • Nonah is intrigued by Freek's people.
  • While talking, Freek accidentally says "I cannot live without you" in Aquan.
  • Nonah dives under the water to hide her blush, shock by Freek's sudden affection.
  • Freek, lost in thought, doesn't notice.

Eshli's Shrine

  • Eshli has been hand at work building the place. Now, hungry, she heads towards the diner.

Page 182

Vor's Tower

  • Lora reaches The Zone with her saxophone playing. her music become so beautiful that various small magical activities happen as a result.


  • Nonah resurfaces to listen to the music.


  • Eric asks Grim what's the matter.
  • In the kitchen, Kraggi asks Grim why she come back with the food.
  • Ann-KF turns up and is shock by Rainbow-KF.
  • Ann beckons Ann-KF over.
  • Ann-KF chastises Rainbow-KF for carelessness, then sits between her and Ann.
  • Lomgren asks Ann-KF if she can cure Rainbow-KF.
  • Ann-KF suggests another transformation sandwich.
  • Rainbow-KF uses her antennae eyebrows to stroke Ann's face, seriously freaking her out.
  • Rainbow-KF apologizes to Ann and backs off.
  • Lomgren chastises Rainbow-KF for scaring Ann.
  • Ann-KF checks Ann's breathing.
  • Ann slowly recovers, but tears her trousers as her claws retract.
  • Max the dog and Eric converse in canine.
  • Ann-KF was going to ask Ann if she okay, but realized it was a stupid question halfway through.
  • Ann remains frozen, then suddenly looks at Ann-KF, only moving her eyes.
  • Rainbow-KF looks uncertain. Ann-KF tries waving her tail in front of Ann's face.
  • Slowly, Ann seems to come back to her senses.
  • Ann-KF asks Ann if she's recovered while Rainbow-KF wishes she could just curl up in a ball.

Ann's House

  • Rose suggests Terra and Chuck talk to Ann, who's should be at the Diner.

Page 183


  • In the kitchen, Grim stammers about the dog in the eating area and how she won't be going out with it there.
  • In the dining area, Ann nods at Ann-KF, indicating that she's feeling better. It's at this point she realizes she's scratched her own thighs.
  • Lomgren takes Ann's paw in his hands.
  • Rainbow-KF huddles into herself, feeling awful for causing all this.
  • The pain brings Ann more back to her senses. She asks Ann-KF to help with the bleeding.
  • Ann-KF summons a medkit and starts treating Ann's wounds. Rainbow-KF is now feeling really sorry for herself.
  • Lomgren turns to Rainbow-KF and tries to comfort her.
  • Rainbow-KF looks up, accidentally rubbing Lomgren with her eyelashes.
  • Lomgren conceals his shudder of revulsion as best he can.
  • Max calls out to Grim in badly broken Feline, apologizing for scaring her.


  • Nonah swims up to Freek and asks if he really meant what he said.
  • Freek snaps out of his revelry and asks Nonah she means.
  • Nonah looks embarrassed and says the word he used mean something very specific in her language.
  • Freek asks Nonah what it means in her language.
  • Nonah, still blushing, explains that it is the greatest declaration of love that someone can make.
  • Freek blushes and looks away, stammering that he didn't know.
  • Freek apologizes to Nonah, still looking away.
  • Nonah accepts Freek's apology.

Vor's Tower

  • Lora notices Nonah and Freek and calls to them, asking Nonah who her friend is.


  • Nonah hears Lora and suggests swimming over to her.

Sage's Tower

  • When the music ends, Sage looks about the roof and thinks about putting some furniture up here.
  • Inside, the kittens are still on a catnip high.

Page 184


  • In the kitchen, Grim hears Max's attempt at Feline. This scares her even more, so she hides behind Kraggi.
  • Kraggi comforts Grim and offers to take the food out for her.
  • Grim accepts, still obviously scared.
  • Kraggi take the plates and heads into the dining area.
  • In the dining area, Eric also calls out to Grim, asking what's wrong. Grim squeaks back dog.
  • Lomgren continues to comfort Rainbow-KF, saying it's not her fault she looks like this.
  • Eric casts a spell to turn Max into a anthro-dog, much to the targets surprise.


  • Nonah and freek swim over to Lora.

Vor's Tower

  • Nonah turns human and climbs out of the water. Naked. She asks Lora if there's any guacamole left.
  • Freek climbs out after Nonah.
  • Nonah helps herself to some guacamole, using a finger. She asks Lora if its home-made.
  • Lora says it is, then asks Freek if they've met before.
  • Freek says they haven't met, so introduces himself and extends a hand.
  • Lora wipes her hands then accept Freek's greeting. She offers him some guacamole.
  • Freek eats some guacamole and is surprised by its spiciness.
  • Nonah recommends milk or bread to help Freek.

Page 185


  • Kraggi notices that Ann is bleeding and asks her what happened.
  • Ann answers that she all right. She slowly opens her eyes and looks at Rainbow-KF, mostly keeping her calm this time.
  • Rainbow-KF changes the subject by pointing out the food has arrived.
  • Kraggi brings over a chair and turns his concern to Rainbow-KF.
  • Lomgren continues to comfort Rainbow-KF, pointing out that this is easily reversible.
  • Starting with Rainbow-KF, everyone starts eating.
  • Lomgren, noticing Ann only picking at her food, goes back to comforting her.

Sage's Tower

  • Sage checks up on the kittens and finds they've fallen asleep. He then heads towards the lake.

Vor's Tower

  • Lora rushes inside to get some milf and bread. She quickly returns, with some cheese too, and gives them to Freek.
  • Nonah manifests a claw to cut some bread and cheese for Freek.
  • Sage arrives at the lake's sure and calls out to the three. He starts walking across the water towards the tower.
  • Lora notices sage coming and introduces him to Freek and Nonah as the local shrink.
  • Nonah and Freek introduce themselves to Sage.

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