Moritania-Britonia War

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 03:58, 21 January 2009 by Cheez (Talk | contribs)

The war between Moritania and Britonia, which broke out in carrot..?

The Early War

The war began when Cheez and MDM had a somewhat-fake argument about the proper name of OOctavian the OOC AI; MDM referring to him by his proper moniker and Cheez calling him "Whatsisname the OOC AI". Theopenandclosedbook subsequently declared war on MDM as the Proud Nation of Britonia for no reason whatsoever. Moritania promptly responded with its own declaration of war for "insulting its glorious leader! Read all about it!" Britonia fired a 'Top Hat Rocket' which hit an empty plain in the heart of Moritania's Earldom of Greater Saskatchewan. The Moritanian Navy was mobilized as a result of this action. At this point, Kgirl1992 came in and complained a little, something along the lines of 'this is geting really anoying guys', but quick thinking on the part of MDM placated her.

Immediately afterwards, the Kingdom of Hyksos, ruled by Cheez, contacted both nations with the message that their services were open to the highest bidder. MDM was in German class at the time, so Book bid '2 crumpets and a top hat. And a monocool.' According to Cheez, "That won't pay for a single squad. Higher please. Payment is accepted in gold bullion, raw materials or prisoners." Book replied immediately with "Hmmm, well. Fire the gold bomb! RandomMan: Are you crazy? Lord British: Yes I am, ok, sends it by mail then, second class to save money. *Sens enough gold to hire Cheez's kingdom*" And thus was Hyksos' military hired by Britonia.

Cheez deployed the Hyksos Navy to counter the Moritanians. Soon enough, the Moritanian First Fleet appeared at the extreme edge of the firing range of the Hyksos Navy. Also at this time, Moritania's army was being mobilized. Hyksos deployed several recon planes to spy on the Moritanian mobilization, but these were quickly attacked by a vigilant Moritanian Air Force squadron. All of the recon planes and one of the Moritanian fighters were shot down. At sea, two Moritanian merchant ships carrying twice the amount of gold that Britonia had paid began transferring it to a Hyksos warship under the watchful eye of three Moritanian battlecruisers that had escorted them. Once the gold was transferred, the Hyksos ship attempted to get the Moritanian vessels to surrender by training its guns on them. The Moritanian battlecruisers promptly trained their guns on the Hyksos warship.

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