Villains RP

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 13:27, 25 May 2007 by Teleros (Talk | contribs)

A new RP proposed by VOR, in which players take the role of the villains of the piece rather than the heroes.




I wanted a large city with cold winters and access to the ocean. I also did NOT want New York. Thus, I've chosen Boston as our location. I have no idea what Boston's like, but luckily this Boston shares only its location on the coast with the real Boston. It's got a nice bay, naturally rapid weather changes which let me have the weather be whatever's most dramatic, and a core of wealthy homes and businesses and enough lower-class households at the edges for easy hunting. It's also got some shiny cylindrical skyscrapers on it skyline for our more corporate villains to stand at offices at the top of and look out over their domains.
It's a pretty liberal town. If you go around carrying...oh, I dunno...holy symbols Loki, for instance, nobody's gonna look at you funny unless you're acting strange. Catholicism is the biggest religion due in part to the city's Irish population, but those of minority religions are just as likely to be accepted.
Yes, real-world religions exist, and yes, you can talk to those spirits too. As bad guys, you should know that wandering into a church followed by your demonic minions is a Bad Idea. You can summon an angel up and bind it to your service if you want, but watch out or you'll piss them off. Unlike demons and most spirits, angels tend to stick together and help each other out. They also occasionally go to battle with each other over points of dogma: just because they all obey a really powerful spirit who claims monotheism doesn't mean that they all follow the SAME really powerful spirit. And no, most of 'em have never met their God.
Ancient religions that're dead in our world are still going strong, too. The ancient greek pantheon is much weaker than it used to be, but they still watch over Greece. The Egyptian pantheon is currently at war with Allah's servants in the Middle East (there's ALWAYS war in the Middle East). The Norse pantheon is still worshipped in northwestern Europe, and they've got a wary truce with Christianity which involves a mutual defense pact (we'll help you fight the Giants if you help us fight the Devil). North America was succesfully colonized by Europeans, but the Native Americans (and plenty of other tribal societies all over the world, for that matter) still have the protection of their spirits and deities. There are fewer casinos than in our world.
Boston is a hotspot for biotechnology, and some of the local companies are nearing the ability to clone organs efficiently enough to actually make a profit. There's a lot of factory work and fabrication on the fringes of the city, and a big tourist industry due to the place's historical significance as 'the birth of the American Revolution'.

Magic & Technology

The psuedonatural/Far Realms stuff exists, but it's in a highly outlawed role. Contact with the Far Realms is strictly illegal, and worship of the Old Gods (the ones with tentacles who wanna eat you) is carried on only in secret. Your dragon should probably have an alternate form, CC, or it's gonna have the FBI (Freaky Being...inseminators? No...Investigators? No...incapacitators, inconveniencers, INCINERATORS! That's it!) on its tail.
Now, the setting. First off, magic is common enough and well-understood enough that it's legislated and studied scientifically. There are several types of magic, but the most common involves complex occult rituals that attract the attention and favor of the spirits you're trying to convince to do things. This branch of magic is very formal and ritualized (unless you're trying to impress something from the Far Realm), and can be learned by anyone willing to put in the time and the energy. Learning it well enough to do it WELL, though, is about as easy as learning astrophysics well. Most people know simple little rituals that unscrew stripped screws or protect their homes from Gremlins or perform extremely minor (cuts n' bruises) first aid. If they want to do more than that, they call a specialist. Plumbers work with the same tools as real-world plumbers, but the good ones are on speaking terms with several Garbage Spirits and maybe a Water Spirit or two, who they can use more complex and specialized rituals and tools to summon and bind temporarily to service. Most magitech operates by binding spirits of some appropriate sort into whatever item is being used. Most cars use minor lightning spirits as an ignition source, for instance.
Ritual magic can be bound into runes or objects, allowing for quick use of a pre-performed ritual. If it takes three days to summon the nightmare-spirit Grizdulagri, you can perform the ritual and then bind its effect to a rune or a candle or a stapler or a hair you lick and place on your doorjamb. When the rune is read or the candle lit or the stapler runs out of staples or the hair is disturbed, the ritual is completed and Grizdulagri will show up and perform the duties required by the ritual.
Making repeat-use items is a more involved process because you have to bind the appropriate magical being INTO whatever item you're enchanting. More powerful enchantments take longer/are more expensive. Pretty simple, there.
Innate or 'Psychic' powers are much rarer, and usually result from a pact with a powerful spirit or from a spirit as an ancestor. I note that quite a few of you have mind-control capabilities. For some of you those abilities might be a result of a pact with a demon (a catch-all 'evil spirit' category, for purposes of this game) or a powerful spirit inhabiting an asylum or a law office. For some of you, the abilities might be your inheritance as the descendant of a spirit of some sort. That could work well for you, Amon, if your character's grandparent was a spirit, it sometimes skips a generation. For some of you, you ARE spirits of some sort, and thus have innate magical powers.
Now, since I'm ruling magic is based on the control of spirits and not, as is common, on quasi-scientific manipulation of the laws of an alternate universe, I need to define spirits a bit. Spirits are nonphysical beings composed of magical energies. Most things, sentient or no, have spirits, and the aspects of the mortal realm over which spirits have control is based upon what kind of spirit they are. Spirits of nonliving things tend to haunt their own local areas: the spirit of a building rarely leaves its building, and concerns itself entirely with what goes on in the building. The spirit of a stretch of road might maliciously cause accidents or it might help travellers through smoothly and battle the efforts of the Pothole Spirit living with it. These actions are magical and rarely noticed unless seen by someone with the Sight (or specially treated glasses). Spirits can take on a corporeal form, but it takes a great deal of energy and attracts the attention of other local spirits, who might oppose what their now-physical enemy is doing, so they rarely choose to manifest themselves in this way. They do gain their strength from events in the physical world, though, so they'll show up if it's absolutely necessary to protect their interests.
For the record, gods are really REALLY powerful spirits, and generally don't recognize terrestrial governmental agencies. Some are more powerful in certain areas than others, but they're all more powerful than you. Summoning one, while it's possible and has been done before, is a BAD IDEA.
As a human being (or an alien), you have a spirit, but it's YOUR spirit and has no power over anything except you. Healing spells work by harnessing your spirit and using its innate magical energies to heal your body, so if you've just been healed your magical powers are going to be weaker. Nonexistent if you've healed critical injuries. Effectively, every living creature is a spirit taking a corporeal form on the mortal plane. Upon that creatures' death, its spirit (usually) continues to exist, and goes on to dwell in the realm of whatever spirit lords it served in life. Necromancy, a highly regulated field of magic, involves binding the souls of the dead or animating their bodies without souls. Usually the magical energy gained to perform the latter act is garnered by the destruction of the body's soul, though any soul will do. Necromancy is widely frowned upon, but it's legal to bind the dead if you are performing an autopsy and wish to gain firsthand testimony.
The spirts of planetary bodies (yes, there is a Gaia-spirit-thingy) can control gravity. Smaller bodies...not so much.
To answer your question, Teleros, it's possible to force a spirit out of a nonsentient (or even sentient) object. It's called an exorcism, and the exact manner in which it has to be performed varies depending on the spirit. Any given ER is gonna have an Exorcist on staff for the nastier cases, and most law enforcement agencies and prisons have a few as well.
Spirits can be killed by destroying their bodies while they've manifested in corporeal form (minor or medium spirits), or by destroying their spiritual bodies. This latter can be easily performed by anybody with the ability to interact with noncorporeal spirits (mostly other spirits), or by someone who's learned the proper ritual to destroy a spirit. You can ward spirits away from an area, preventing them from entering, or you can trap spirits in an area. These are magical rituals, but they can be accomplished by machines emitting the proper spiritual energies.
Some spirits, mostly spirits of some abstract deal or emotion, can be starved to death. If you take a Love spirit and then use magic to bind it in a dark room by itself, it will slowly wither out of existence, gradually growing weaker until it's simply not there anymore. If it's released in a weakened state, it's probably going to go on a feeding frenzy, of sorts, causing all the love it can as fast as it can to get back up to full strength. Same goes for Pain spirits or Fear spirits or what-have-you, but Love spirits are probably the hardest to do it to.

Character Bio Links

Six Degrees

Or, how characters know each other

  • Amon Star's character knows Teleros' character: the latter came to him for advice regarding the world he's on, as well as to sell what he had in order to get some money.

Amon Star's Character

Name: Luther Robert Lambeth Real Name: Geoff Howden Age: 26 Gender: Male Species: Human with Spirit ancestry Height: 5' 11" Eyes: Baby Blue Hair: Bald
Powers: His main power is mind reading. He hears the thoughts of those around him as easily as he hears the words out of their mouths. This originally caused him problems, but he has since learned to filter out & control the ability. It works up to his normal hearing range.
He can also probe the recesses of some ones mind. This however requires time & either physical or eye-to-eye contact. Also, the victim feels like they are being violated & is aware of who's doing it.
He also has limited mind-control. However, it has the same restrictions as above & is no more potent than hypnosis, ie, he can't make them do anything that they REALLY don't want to.
Physically, he's in top condition. 20-20 vision, healthy, athletic, etc. He's not excessively strong or agile, he's just a good all-round specimen. Though he has to work at maintaining his condition, it doesn't come to hard for him.
Skills: Luther has very little combat training. He can probably fire a handgun at most. However, he has very good general knowledge. He knows a little bit of everything. This, combine with his telepathy, means he can hold his own in conversation on most topic.
Two areas of knowledge that he excels at are Finance & Law. He knows what to do with money & how to get away with it afterwards. He's also a qualified lawyer, but he only did this so he could defend himself if he ever went on trial.
History: Luther Robert Lambeth wasn't born with that name. He was born Geoff Howden & to poverty in some inner-city slum. He never knew his father, who was no don't one of his mother's clients. To her, he was just a bigger benefit cheque, as where his siblings. To him, his family was competition.
Desperate to escape his past, Geoff through himself into his school work. It being a rough school, this made him a target. Though always a healthy child, he has no stomach for violence. However, he soon learned that he could buy protection with his intelligence by doing the school work of the biggest bullies. To this day, he prefers manipulation to force.
His powers kicked in at Puberty. Suddenly hearing the thought of everyone around him was very disorientating at first. Luckily, he was spotted by a social worker that recognised the symptoms. He was enrolled into a special school that taught him how to control his gift, as well as offer him a better education. He was also placed with foster parents. That was another lessen for young Geoff right there. People would only help you if they thought you could be useful.
Life went a lot smoother until Geoff was 21. By then, he had acquired a good education, had a good job lined up & had saved a good bit of money. However, as a known telepath he found his freedom unnecessarily restricted. So, he killed himself. He faked his death in a car accident, changed his looks & fingerprints through a black market plastic surgeon & emerged one your later as Luther Robert Lambeth, socialite & corporate raider. He's been living the high life ever since.

Author-Man's Character

Name- Goes by Sierra. Age- Unknown; appears to be in the early twenties. Gender- Prefers female, though can appear male in a pinch. Species- Succubus. Height- Varies; usually around five-and-a-half feet. Eyes- Red. This is the only part that remains constant. Hair- She prefers it to be black and shoulder length.
Powers- She can shape-shift. She can appear as almost anyone, with limitations. She can only transform into mammals. She can't become anything inanimate, nor can she be a plant or a bug. Also, her eyes always remain the same. She has some limited hypnosis powers. That is, she can put strong suggestions into people's heads. It takes a fairly strong will to resist this. She can drain the lifeforce out of people, though, being a succubus, she prefers the taste of young males. She can do the draining by any means of physical contact. This includes anything from holding hands, to kissing, to 'doing the necessary'. Being a demon, she can be up to twice as strong as the average human when it's needed. however, this is rare.
Weaknesses- She needs to feed once a month, otherwise she'll cease to exist. She is subjugated to the will of the Demon King who employed her, and to that of the Elder God who created her. She has managed to find a loophole that has let her temporarily circumvent this issue, but if either really wanted, they could still control her actions. She is also a bit of a slut X3
History- Karl Smith was tired of girls turning him down. So, one day, he decided to try his hand at the dark arts. If it didn't work, no harm done; if it did, he would have a beautiful sex demon bound to his will. The problem is, he forgot to add a binding spell, so Sierra took control of the situation. She forced him back into the dark dimension that was her home in her stead. This freed her from ever having to return, so she decided to capitalize on her new freedom by devouring the souls of the innocent.

Grim Atescu's Character

Name: Rokel Mikelagos (new name chosen upon entry into his profession) Age: 38.42365296 years (and yes, you can multiply out the fraction to get approximate days, hours, and minutes.) Gender: Masculine-Gendered, Logic Emphasis Height: 1.9183665 meters Build: Dangerously thin, underweight Weight: 64.770288 kilograms Hair: Black, glossy Eyes: Gray, cold Skin: Pale, almost lifeless Other Appearance: Rokel wears tattered clothes, and often has bloodied bandages stolen from hospital morgues wrapped around him - he claims these bandages tie him closer to the ineffable dead. He wears no shoes. His hands are clammy to the touch. Personality: Rokel has come to be perfectly cold and logical. Dispassionate to a level that most would deem inhuman, the only passion he has is in death and undeath, his ultimate goal to transcend that boundary and prove that one does not need to be animated by another to be eternally unalive. He is also extremely exact; when asked his age, he'll tell it, decimal trailing off to at least five places and sometimes more; the same is true of his height and weight. History: From his youth, Rokel was fascinated by death. All four of his grandparents, already advanced in age by the time his parents bore him, died before Rokel (then named Roger Michaels) turned 18. Day and night, and even during school, he studied the object of his fascination. Then he began studying necromancy at the age of 18, gaining an increasing interest in the dead.
By the age of 20, he began grave robbery, and by 23 he had begun robbing morgues. It was after taking a female corpse from a hospital morgue that he began feeling yearnings. Not to be dead, but to be with one of the dead. He had enjoyed the cold feel of carrying them to his vehicle, and had enjoyed the results of his experiments in necromancy... but now he began to wonder whether the undead could serve as consorts. After bringing her to his laboratory, Rokel infused her with unlife and commanded her to do his bidding.
After just one encounter, Rokel discovered his latent necrophilia. His enjoyment of the dead broadened, but at a cost: As he slowly became more entwined with the dead, his mind began thinking along the track of logic, the logical path of life to death, with a raising into undeath afterwards. Humans and other living things became first lesser beings, then objects in his eyes. He did acknowledge that these objects were valuable and could kill him, though his recognition of value was something most humans would back away at.
He recognized that humans, above all other beings, were perfect studies for necromantic experiments, including some very vile ones. He also dipped into torturous experiments, beginning to study pain and its connection to death. Above all, however, he studied how his experiment subjects died, and what their reaction to being reanimated was.
Now, almost 38 and 1/2 years old, he is no longer human in the sense most people would use, though he is still physically human. He has a consort who he raised himself and gifted with limited intelligence and the ability to speak, though the magic to do so drained and very nearly killed him. He is a commander of the undead, and uses them to do his bidding, including kidnappings, murders, and experiments (at times, though he prefers to be the one doing the experimenting). Ultimate Goal: Transcend death, heading straight to undeath. Nothing else really matters to him.

Blinkdog's Character

Name: Leonard D. Pleasant Age: 27 Gender: Male Species: Human Height: 6'3" Weight: 200 lbs Build: Athletic, only slightly imposing Hair: Black, worn long in ponytail Eyes: Dark reddish brown
Leonard is always well dressed, but in a subtle way. His suits are all plain black, with a white dress shirt and plain black silk tie, but a good eye can spot that they are of a very fine Italian make. He is clean shaven, and often wears a pair of stylish but un-branded sunglasses. His hands are well taken care of, and he wears a plain ring set with a small red jewel on the middle finger of each hand, as well as a stylish looking watch of nondescript make and model on his left wrist. His shoes are also nondescript but finely made, blending perfectly with the rest of his outfit.
Background: Leonard came from obscurity, born in a sleepy Midwest town into a lower-middle-class farming family, and through an uncommon level of determination, ruthlessness and intelligence he has created the Pleasant corporation, a startup that is turning heads with it's innovative services and products.
The Pleasant Company, the main face of Leonard's endeavors, is a prolific company in the newly developing realm of Magitech, using the arcane in subtle ways to make consumer technologies better. Telepathic interfaces with cellphones, pens with spell-check, etc. One of it's most prominent services is what has been labeled 'The Mechanical Workforce'. The Plesant Company developed as one of it's first projects a highly versatile, cheaply produced, socially acceptable robot worker that it now hires out in batches to various companies at rates well below what they would have to pay human workers. This has earned the company some animosity from those who have been displaced, but the company scored a huge PR victory when it offered to either hire or help the displaced workers find new employment.
Subsidiaries of the Plesant Company include a media company "New Era Inc" that has developed a new animated show based around a trading card game, as well as marketing that card game to the public. It stands out because the cards include actual magic runes, which may be weak, but provide for a very entertaining and fun play experience. New Era sets itself apart by using magic-based technologies in both it's entertainment and in it's news outlets, which include a daily paper, a weekly magazine and a news channel.
Another highly visible subsidiary is the NewMan Cybernetics, one of the more promising companies to have entered the arena of high-tech human prosthesis. Again, magic is often used to enhance their products, which gives them a distinct edge over their more mundane competition.
There are other subsidiaries of the pleasant company that are not necessarily as above-board. The public has very almost zero knowledge of the existence of the HAZARD group, which has several contracts with various armed forces to develop robotic soldiers and advanced magitech weapons, or Seventh Circle technologies which is a research company developing Magitech in various third world countries without the strict mage-laws that have slowed research in first-world nations. The Pleasant corporation benefits from these shadowy sub-groups, but has the ability to claim ignorance of their developments, even though Leonard himself works closely with all of the subsidiaries in their operations.
Leonard himself is a very private individual, keeping out of the public spotlight except as the confident, well spoken public face of his company. His employees all have a strong sense of loyalty to him, as he often checks on their progress personally and makes a point to be available whenever anyone has a concern. As his company grows many think he won't be able to keep up his involvement with his lowest levels, but he has been managing very well. This loyalty he's fosters has resulted in a very strong company that has a great deal of pride in it's work, and makes infiltrating it difficult.
Leonard does not appear to have any particular genius, he is simply a superb leader, bringing out the best in his employees and putting smart minds together and giving them the resources to create great things. However, his leading scientists have commented that much of the initial work for the company, before he got his venture capital, was done entirely by Leonard, and he often contributes to even the most advanced projects, and never needs to have any new development explained to him.
His public records show that he did attend a state university, but he dropped out for personal reasons after his first year. There are three years where he doesn't show up on any public search, and then he explodes onto the scene at twenty five with an incredible startup that attracts unprecedented venture capital. His public statements are that he had spent those three years traveling the world, but concentrated investigation shows no record of where he was. This isn't public knowledge though, and for most, Leonard Pleasant is merely a new face in the world of CEO's, not anything to hold in more suspicion they have for anyone who wears a suit.
Personality: Leonard is a man of two faces. The face he shows the public and his employees is that of an optimistic, competent leader with a great deal of understanding and sincerity. What goes unseen by all but his most trusted confidants is a relentless, uncompromising man who will not let anything stand in his way. He understands the need to appear good, but he resents it. He has no desire to help his fellow man, but he does so because it furthers his own agenda. He is manipulative on more levels than most people can comprehend. People who have known him for years can't even begin to understand how little they mean to him. Oddly, those who he truly counts as his peers and associates are often those he treats with the most coarseness.
Goals: Leonard goes to great lengths seeking power and influence. To most it appears he's seeking power for powers sake, but there is something he wants to do that requires a great deal of it. It's probably going to be revealed via narration or internal monologue at some point, but for now it's a mystery!
Powers/Abilities: Other than his inexplicable intelligence and exceptional leadership ability, there is little that sets him apart from a normal human being. He shows some signs of having training in the arcane arts, but has never been observed actually casting a spell. He has some form of preternatural awareness that he uses mostly as a form of empathy, giving him an edge in most business dealings, but also allowing him to detect and avoid various traps and assassination attempts.
Leonard has full access to all of his companies assets, including various experimental and production technologies, which encompasses a panapoly of concealable and low-profile armor and weapons which he no-doubt has on his person at all times. His suit is able to withstand high powered rifles and can shrug off small explosions. His sunglasses give him full-spectrum vision. He carries two easily concealable and undetectable energy pistols hidden on his person. He has several credit cards that are packed with magic and technology. One expands into a black sword, he has several business cards which can detonate with the force of a hand grenade, others can be tracked from orbit, and a few are actually powerful runes which have various uses such as a universal translator. The red-gemmed rings he wears on each hand are actually powerful energy manipulators, letting him redirect and amplify electrical current as well as thermal and kinetic energy.
He is also well versed in martial arts, and though he has no official rank, he is considered a highly skilled practitioner of several fighting styles including Jujitsu and Krav Maga. Though he does not seek fights, he is one of the few members of the corporate elite who does not employ bodyguards, and on the rare occasion he is attacked, he will often take the time to employ a fighting style of his own design, often toying with his attacker.
Weaknesses: While Leonard does not have a 'kryptonite', he is a slave to public opinion of his companies, and he cannot associate them with any shady dealings or business. Also, he has earned himself a lot of enemies in the arcane circles for commercializing their ancient and secret arts. Though none are actively working against him, it's generally a bad idea to have a bunch of wizards irritated with you. Also, while it is not misplaced, Leonard's confidence in himself is possibly overly high, and he is loath to seek help or assistance.
Secretary/Personal Assistant: Erin Montgomery is perhaps the closest person to Leonard. She is aware of and assists with all of his projects and plots, and she does so with an almost inhuman level of professionalism. She spends her rare downtime partying, which is not a fact Leonard's competitors have looked over. There have been several attempts of varying seriousness to persuade her to reveal Leonard's secrets, but even after several drinks, some poisons, masked kidnappers and an assault team she seems impervious to persuasion. It's worth mentioning she is also a walking arsenal. She was in a severe accident several years ago which had left her with both legs amputated and one arm severely mangled, as well as severe damage to her internal organs and scarring on her face. Leonard offered her a job which included full cybernetics coverage and restorative surgery, and now she is possibly the most dangerous secretary on the planet. Her loyalty to Leonard is absolute, but other than gratitude and a mutual respect, there is no other emotion in their relationship.
Head of Security: Bruno is possibly a walking stereotype of the beefy security guard. He is almost seven feet tall, with hugely built muscles and a crew cut straight out of a recruitment poster. He's also utterly no-nonsense, and has an uncommon guile that his appearance hides very well. Bruno is in charge of global security operations for all of Leonard's companies, and he is very good at what he does. He's also not afraid to get his hands dirty, and has personally stopped several attempts at espionage.
Chief Scientist: Simon Whitetower is a young man who doesn't think he deserves his position, which makes him possibly one of the hardest working employees at the Pleasant Corporation. He oversees all the publicly visible projects, and is kept out of the loop for the darker side of the company. There are those who have more experience than him who have to answer to him as their superior, but other than an initial resentment, most quickly understand why Leonard put the man in his position. He's a workaholic with incredible organizational skills and a brilliant mind, and his lack of experience means he just hasn't learned yet what is impossible, which is an important trait for this company.
Accountant: Jenkins is an enigma, even moreso than Leonard. No-one knows his last name, no-one knows where Leonard hired him from, and no-one knows how one man can handle the finances of an entire company. It's rumored that he's some sort of devil or a golem, but really, no-one knows. (Really he's actually a sort of avatar, and his domain is paperwork and bureaucracy. Leonard used a powerful ritual to form Jenkins out of the shared energy of thousands of paper-pushers across the world, and the result isn't quite a demigod, but it is very, very good at what it does. Also, he has the ability to manipulate paper like "The Paper" can in the series Read or Die)

Piebunny's Character

Name: Doctor Knip Knid-Spoon Age: Old enough to know better. Gender: Male Species: Human Physical Appearance: A man with short hair and ridiculous Coke-bottle glasses. He has a harsh, grating, penetrating voice. Personality: Evil. Well, he likes to think he's evil. In fact, his schemes almost never work out due to shoddy equipment. Job: Evil Genius History: Knip Knid-Spoon was always, erm, evil. He masterminded a plan to take over his preschool when he was 18 months old but ended up with a time-out. At 14, he set up his first evil lair in the janitor's closet at his high school. This was subsequently found and he was put on detention. At 18, he recieved a substantial inheritance which he used to build an evil lair beneath Boston's Shawmut subway station, from which he has worked ever since. Front Organisations: He owns a shipping and logistics company called International Shipping Industry Holdings Accruement Corporation, which has large stakes in MBTA, British Rail, FedEx, DHL, Union-Pacific and Sydney's CityRail, as well as performing its own operations in several countries. Dastardly Deeds: Many, many world domination attempts. He has an army of hamsters which he keeps in reserve, as well as a button for blowing up the world should the need ever arise. Sort of a "if I can't have it, nobody can" thing. One of his most evil deeds was slashing the CityRail budget, making its trains always run late, its stations filthy and forcing the network to continue using its fleet of dirty, smelly, obsolete pieces of junk instead of the fabulous trains they have over in Perth, which is his next target. For some reason, he has it in for Australia in particular.

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