Jack 'Big Jezza' Jacksonsonson

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 06:25, 22 January 2007 by (Talk)
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Character name: Jack 'Big Jezza' Jacksonsonson

Gender: Male

Species: Human (the accusations of kangaroo heritage is totally unfounded)

Skills: Student wizard. Outdoor tracking and general wandering Weapons: Wizard's Staff (no knob), any spells he has on him (student level only) Religion: The Dream-time stuff

Background: Part of an exchange program between Bugarup University (Last Continent, XXXX) and UU (in exchange for a couple of deckchairs) Big Jezza is currently experiencing Ankh Morpork's delights and generally studying in traditional XXXX way (getting overly drunk and trying to imbibe knowlege). He is a great fan of Archchancellor Ridcully's lifestyle and tries to match his nature feats. Years of life out back in the outback before uni have only reinforced this trait. He is also very impressed with Hex and is trying to build a portable version of him/it to bring home (just to shout "I've got the battering ram!" on games over the clacks)

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