Wren Westchester

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 15:02, 15 November 2006 by OzLionHeart (Talk | contribs)

Wren Westchester, the legally adopted daughter of the enigmatic Mr. Westchester, is an eight-year old girl with vivid blue and black wings. Her parents died a little over a year ago, and she spent a brief stint at an orphanage before Westchester adopted her and had her brought to the apartment building where she's currently living under the care of Mike Paulson. She is fond of him and Cindy, and of her pet crawdad (Eduardo the Mighty). She dislikes wearing clothing unless it's brightly colored and fluttery, and prefers to do her flying and swimming naked. Wren has become an expert at jumping out of second-story windows, and loves horror movies (which, it is implied, her Dad used to let her watch, but which Mike doesn't think are appropriate for a girl of her age).

Character Notes:

  • Age: 8
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Hair:
  • Eyes:
  • Quirks:
    • Powerful fear of pipes of all sorts, especially those present in laundry rooms.
    • Hyperactivity, ability to eat three milkshakes in the space of an hour without getting sick.
    • Cuteness.
    • Does not think of Mike and Cindy as parental figures, but as friends.
    • Likes tea parties with stuffed animals.
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