Backstory225 MKRP

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 07:48, 21 March 2010 by OzLionHeart (Talk | contribs)


Pages 200 to 205

Page 201

Wiki notes

  • Rainbow-KF's spines are noted as being like porcupine quills, except for being rounded at the tips instead of pointy.
  • MKRP is noted to be counted as a game for bunnypoint counting purposes.
  • The weather is noted to be clear skies with a few clouds.

Tower of VOR

  • Sage steps off the dock, and walks off across the lake.

Redstone Lake

  • Nonah breaks the kiss, and smiles, showing her fangs. Freek grins back.
  • The two of them go for a swim, with Nonah changing to her true form.


  • Ann giggles as Lomgren kisses her paw.
  • Lomgren puts his head on Ann's shoulder.
  • Ann puts her head against his.
  • Both start purring in sync, relaxing in the ambience (and each other's company). They spend some time talking of many things.


  • Rose goes to touch Rainbow-KF's eyelashes, then stops and asks permission. Rainbow-KF agrees, and asks her to be careful, as they are rather sensitive.
  • Ann-KF possesses RKF, and comments that it gets easier each time.
  • Rose gently strokes Rainbow-KF's eyelashes with a finger, noting that they feel coarse. RKF notes that they appear to have nerves in them, and that the petting feels good.

The Rex

  • Sqauto serves Atescu and Pat with their food.

Temple of May (under construction)

  • Eshli has a flashback, where she meets Grim for the first time.


  • Rose pets RKF's eyelashes a few more times, before realising that Xiao is probably waiting for them to leave so he can close up. She suggests that they go do... something.
  • RKF grins at this.

Page 202

Wiki Notes

  • Several posts on this page are truncated, due to the forum move.


  • Rose grins at RKF's insinuation, and waits for a reaction from Ann. When none occurs, she looks around, to find that the two (three) of them are alone.
  • Rose starts to ask where Ann went, then realises that Ann probably went off with Lomgren, and changes the subject.
  • The two of them head for home.
  • RKF skips along with Rose as they walk down the street.

Redstone Lake

  • Freek and Nonah talk as they swim together. About cookies. And HPL (Nonah laughs and says "Not on the first date").


  • Eric fights a terrific battle with Ericka, his evil female duplicate. (I'm not sure if this should be included here or not; it does not directly affect Mossy Knoll itself.)

Redstone Lake

  • Freek begins singing Foreigner's Head Games.
  • Nonah sings along with him, then stops, commenting that the song doesn't feel very appropriate somehow.


  • Ann and Lomgren emerge from the park, headed for the town square, talking about the bookstore.

Redstone Lake

  • Freek and Nonah talk about voices playing games with them (which inspired Freek to sing that particular song).

Page 203

Wiki notes

  • More posts truncated. Mostly the conversation between Nonah and Freek.


  • Lomgren instinctively edges away from the Deathmanse as they pass it.
  • Ann and Lomgren stop between their houses, and say goodnight.
  • Lomgren asks Ann if she would mind helping him set up the bookstore tomorrow. Ann agrees.
  • Lomgren and Ann kiss.

Redstone Lake

  • Nonah and Freek discuss the voices. Freek says that his voice does not seem to like Nonah's demonic heritage.


  • Ann-KF does some poking around, and Rainbow-KF's wings exchange types. She fails to notice.
  • Ann and Lomgren finally break off the kiss, and go into their houses, agreeing to meet at 8:00am.
  • Ann walks into her house, and into the bathroom, where she takes a cold shower, fully clothed.

Redstone Lake

  • More discussion between Freek and Nonah.
  • Nonah's voice is revealed to be an ancestor of hers, who then tells her story through Nonah.

Page 204

Wiki Notes

  • The story continues, with more posts truncated.

Redstone Lake

  • The story of Vlyntyr continues.

Lomgren's House

  • Lomgren takes a quick cold shower (unlike Ann, he remembers to undress first).
  • Lomgren has a sandwich, then goes to bed, forgetting to set his alarm.


  • Xiao realises that everyone has left, and closes up the diner. Realising that he has no key to lock up with, he uses a locking spell to secure the premises. He then heads for the general store.

General Store

  • Xiao buys a few items he needs to set up camp for the night, and opens a tab to pay for it all.

Ann's House

  • Ann cleans up after her shower, then goes to cook herself something, and decides to watch TV to relax.

The Rex

  • A jukebox starts playing, and Pat and Atescu dance to the music.

Page 205

Wiki Notes

  • Still some truncated posts, in the conversation between Freek and Nonah (and their ancestors).

Redstone Lake

  • Nonah somehow summons the spirit of Vlynytr. Lots of backstory ensues.


  • JJA sends a hologram letter to Lomgren, explaining where he has been, accepting his invite to the party, and offering apologies for the actions of the Nabikis. Also promising to reimburse Lomgren for the over-charging.

Pages 206 to 210

Page 206

Wiki Notes

  • Most (in fact, nearly all) of this page is taken up by the conversation between Freek and Nonah.

Redstone Lake

  • The 'voices' depart. Freek and Nonah go swimming.
  • Nonah changes back to her Lake-Dweller form, carries Freek around on her back.
  • Nonah asks Freek if he'd like to go to dinner somewhere, and asks him to suggest a place, since she doesn't know the town well.
  • Freek suggests the Diner, or the Rex.He talks about meting a vampire lord for the first time.
  • Freek tries to create the largest object he can, and creates a D20.
  • Nonah grabs the die as Freek tosses it into the lake, and chides him about tossing items in 'her' lake. She would like to keep it as a souvenir, but has no place to put it.

Page 207

Still the Lake

  • Freek takes the die, to hold on to it until Nonah has a place to keep it.

Lomgren's House

  • Lomgren is awoken by JJA's hologram letter. He opens it, and listens to the contents. He then sets it on the nightstand, and goes back to sleep.

The Rex

  • Atescu and Pat are still there, dancing.

Redstone Lake

  • Scribble jumps into the lake, and shape-shifts into a Leviathan. He swims over to the couple, who are not best pleased by the intrusion. Especially since Leviathans and Lake Dwellers don't get on...
  • Scribble shifts back to humanoid form, and introduces himself.
  • Freek asks Scribble how it is that he knows of the existence of Authors.

Scribble asks what he difference is between Authors and Gods. Freek explains.

Page 208

Still the Lake

  • Freek continues with this explanation, describing Planar Mortals and Multiversal Beings.
  • Nonah and Freek bid farewell to Scribble, and head for shore.
  • Nonah resumes her humanoid form as she emerges from the lake.
  • Freek collects his clothing, and checks for his wallet. Fortunately it's there, along with all the contents.

Author House

  • The Tasteful Curtain rises. The window shades, however are still drawn. And the lights are off.

Back at the Lake

  • Scribble samples Nonah's Essence, and uses it to become a female lake-dweller.
  • Freek and Nonah (on shore) kiss. Nonah goes a bit far... and confirms that Freek's blood tastes like champagne.
  • They kiss again, and Freek is able to tell from the after-taste that it does indeed taste like champagne.
  • Nonah shakes off most of the water, and puts on her robe. She then asks for the die.

Page 209

Lake Shore

  • Freek hands over the die, which Nonah puts in a pocket of her robe.
  • Nonah gives Freek a peck on the cheek, and takes his hand. They then head for the Rex.

The Rex

  • Atesu and Pat leave, and go to the Bakery for dessert. They pass Freek and Nonah en route, but neither of them notice, being preoccupied with each other.

Tower of VOR

  • Lora watches through the window as Freek and Nonah leave after talking to Scribble. She then goes to have some nachos, only to find out that she is out of chips.

The Rex

  • Freek and Nonah arrive. Freek puts his clothes on, and they go inside.
  • They sit down at a table, and de Spectre appears.
  • Freek asks for recommendations. de Spectre recommends the sandwiches.
  • Squato watches de Spectre as he waits on tables.


  • Sage is wandering about, feeling oddly disturbed for some reason. He sees Lomgren and Ann together, and avoids disturbing them. He finds a small grove of trees, sits down against one, and begins to relax.

Redstone Lake

  • Scribble jumps out of the water, and shifts to a humanoid shape. He then walks to the park, where he meets James. and Eric. It seems James has been experimenting on Eric, and Eric is not at all happy about it...

Tower of VOR

  • Lora is pacing around, trying to not think about her distressing memories (which aren't, exactly...).


  • Eric is sent to Lora's Tower by James. "Sent" as in "Shifted reality to teleport him there".

Tower of VOR

  • Eric appears in Lora's kitchen. He says that he thinks he has gone mad.


  • Xiao carries all the stuff he has bought into the park. He finds a convenient place, and uses his magic to set up a shelter. He then casts a spell to disguise the shelter as a large boulder, and walks off towards the town square.

Page 210

Tower of VOR

  • Lora throws a bowl of guacamole at Eric in terror and surprise. She then demands to know who he is and what he is doing in her kitchen.
  • Eric introduces himself, and explains that he is there because James painfully shifted reality to place him there.
  • Lora asks why. Eric explains that James is a god of Chaos, and is therefore insane.

The Rex

  • Freek orders a BLT. Nonah decides to order the same.
  • de Spectre offers a choice between a sandwich and a sandwich. Freek specifies the first, and asks what the difference is (he can hear the italics, being an Authorial Demideity).

Author House

  • Grim and Kraggi cuddle. Grim decides to make some dinner.


  • Giggles are heard from inside the Royal Engagement Suite, as de Spectre the First passes by.


  • Sage has his calm disturbed by the actions of James. He finds him, and reads him the riot act.

The Rex

  • de Spectre explains about the transformational effect of sandwiches. He then takes their order, and asks what they would like to drink with their meals.

Tower of VOR

  • Eric and Lora talk. Lora is confused by Eric's comments about the town's creation.

Sage's Tower

  • Sage checks on the kitties, finding them to be passed out on catnip. He then assembles some dinner for himself.

The Rex

  • Freek orders a glass of cream soda.

Outskirts of Town

  • Joi trudges through the wastes, heading into town.

Pages 211 to 215

Page 211

The Rex

  • Nonah asks for bloodwine. On being informed that the pub has none in stock, she decides to try the cream soda, instead.

TF Store

  • JJA returns from his vacation, and meets Xiao. He introduces himself as the owner of the store.
  • Xiao holds up a TF gun, and asks what it does. JJA explains it as the TF-001, the basic model TF gun. Xiao asks if it has nay use besides recreational purposes.

Redstone Lake

  • A small figure emerges from the lake, shakes itself off, and heads for the centre of town.

Sage's Tower

  • Sage sits down with his dinner.

Street near Ann's House

  • Jodi pauses, and looks up at the stars. She then looks around for some place to stay the night.

Author House

  • Grim and Kraggi cuddle some more. They kiss.
  • Grim suggests a movie. Kraggi is very excited by this suggestion.

The Rex

  • de Spectre comes back with the sand- er, the BLTs and the drinks, startling Freek and Nonah.
  • Freek raises his glass, and toasts to them.

TF shop

  • Scribble pops up out of nowhere, and describes the TF-X.

The Rex

  • Nonah tries her first ever sip of cream soda... and it ends up on Freek, due to the timely appearance of de Spectre. She then orders some water to go with her drink, as it's rather sweet for her taste.
  • de Spectre vanishes again, and reappears with the water, and napkins for Freek.

Author House

  • Grim produces a selection of movies, and Kraggi chooses one to start off with.

Page 212

Author House

  • Grim sets up the DVD player, and they settle in to watch Princess Bride.

Ann's House

  • Ann gets up to get herself a drink, during a commercial break. She gets out a bottle of milk, and a saucer. Somewhat embarrassed at herself, she looks around to make sure she's not observed. Looking out the window, she sees a tall catkin, glowing blue. She immediately goes to investigate.

The Rex

  • Freek and NOnah enjoy their BLTs and drinks.
  • Nonah rapidly acquires a taste for cream soda.
  • They have a moment, which is interrupted by the reappearance of de Spectre, who asks if they wish anything else.
  • Freek pays the bill (plus a reasonable tip), and asks if Nonah wants to go somewhere else. Nonah decides to stay - she hasn't finished her cream soda, after all. They spend the rest of the page in conversation.

Page 213

Wiki notes

  • The play-by-play between Tahask and Sayobi begins here. Not recorded, as it does not affect Mossy Knoll itself.

The Rex

  • Nonah finishes her dream soda, and they discuss places to go next.
  • Freek explains how the Authors arrived in Mossy Knoll.
  • They get up. Nonah kisses Freek's hand, which he finds funny.
  • Noah asks why he finds it so funny, and asks who Eshli (who was mentioned earlier) is.
  • Freek explains about Eshli, as they leave, and walk to the Author House.

Author House

  • Freek and Nonah arrive, to hear the sounds of a movie from inside.

Page 214

Author House

  • Freek, finding the door locked, tries his key... only to find that the door is deadbolted.
  • Nonah picks up a sign from the step - it reads "Do Not Disturb".
  • Freek realises that Grim must be inside, with Kraggi, and suggests they go to the Bakery.

TF shop

  • Xiao asks what a basic model TF gun would cost, and JJA tells him.

Ann's House

  • Ann goes out to meet the new cat-kin, and discovers that Jodi is much taller than herself.
  • Jodi greets her, and asks if she knows of any place to stay for the night.
  • Ann is a bit disturbed by Jodi's glowing aura, and asks her if she is all right.
  • Jodi yawns, and explains that she has been walking through the Wastes. Ann is concerned by this, and asks her if she would rather go to the clinic first.
  • Jodi says she'd rather sleep first, being very tired.
  • Ann offers to take one of her packs. Jodi accepts, and the pack is almost heavy enough to make Ann regret her offer.
  • Ann introduces herself.

Page 215

Tower of VOR

  • Lora is confused by Eric's statement that the town was created two weeks ago.
  • Eric states that the town began as white space, and those who entered forced their will upon it to assume its current shape.

TF shop

  • Xiao counts out his money, thinking about buying. He asks about returning it if he doesn't like it.
  • JJA assures him that he could, if he so wishes, but it's unlikely that he would, as all his other customers are very satisfied with it.

Ann's House

  • Jodi introduces herself, and explains that she has walked here through the Wastes. For four days non-stop.
  • Ann is shocked by this, and asks what Jodi was doing out there in the Wastes. She then welcomes Jodi to Mossy Knoll, and offers her services as a medic, along with offering her a place to stay the night.
  • Jodi accepts, attempting to keep her prosthetic hand out of sight. She begins to follow Ann, then trips over, and falls down unconscious. Ann is more than a little freaked by this, given that the last person to fall down like that in front of her was Rose-KF, who then transformed. Fortunately for her peace of mind, nothing happens, apart from Jodi's prosthetic starting to play the Dr Mario theme.
  • Ann checks Jodi's pulse and breathing, then picks her up in a fireman's carry... and promptly collapses from the weight. She then gets a blanket, pulls Jodi onto it, and then drags her inside.
  • Ann examines Jodi's metal hand, and pokes at random buttons on it in an effort to find a way to shut off the music. She succeeds - and then the hand comes off. She manages to re-attach it, then decides to call it a night.
  • Ann turns off the television, then after washing her paws in the bathroom (and checking for any signs of glowing on herself), she goes to bed.

Author House

  • Freek and Nonah discuss places to go, and decide to go to the park.

Pages 216 to 220

Page 216

Wiki notes

  • Several posts truncated to nothing here on this page.

Tower of VOR

  • Lora and Eric talk about James, the God of Awesome.
  • Eric explains that he mooches off James's divine power, more than actually worshipping him.


  • En route to the park, Freek and Nonah decide to investigate the house with the permanent full moon...

Deathmanse, Royal Engagement suite

  • Ann-KF manifests and walks out, leaving Rainbow-KF and Rose sleeping.
  • de Spectre the First appears and informs Ann-KF that there are visitors outside.

Deathmanse Lawn

  • Freek and Nonah arrive, and look around.
  • Nonah wonders who owns the place, and a glowing scythe blade cuts a hole in reality... and Ann-KF steps out. She seals the rift behind her, and greets Nonah and Freek.
  • Freek introduces himself, and explains that they were curious about the full moon.
  • Ann-KF tells them that they are always welcome there, and offers them the use of the Observatory, which is apparently in another dimension.

Author House

  • Eshli arrives, and finding the door deadbolted, knocks on it. Grim is startled, since the knock coincides with the movie they are watching.

Tower of VOR

  • Lora offers Eric the use of her shower to get the guacamole out of his hair.

Page 217


  • Freek is puzzled by the Observatory being in another dimension. Ann-KF explains that this is THE Deathmanse, and cuts a new rift in reality to the Observatory with the Scythe.
  • Nonah and Freek take up the invitation, and step through the rift, to a mountain top with a blood red moon in the sky. They kiss... with amplification. This last part is apparently due to the effects of the blood-red moon.

HomerNet's House on the Hill

  • Homer and Helen arrive... to find that one wall of their house has been decorated with pancakes. Nailed to the wall.

Page 218

Wiki Notes

  • More truncated posts here.

HomerNet's place

  • Helen answers the door, to find JJA standing there.
  • JJA explains his mission: to undo the transformation of Homer.

Tower of observation

  • Freek and Nonah kiss... again.


  • Sanchay arrives, and begins to forage.

HomerNet's House

  • HomerNet is not best pleased to see JJA, but invites him in after he explains his mission. She then goes to change clothes for the transformation.
  • HelenNet introduces herself.
  • Homer returns, dressed in loose sweats, and JJA zaps her with the TF-X.

Tower of VOR

  • Lora and Eric talk. Eric asks Lora what she does for a living.
  • Lora offers Eric a drink.

Page 219

HomerNet's House

  • Homer suddenly turns incorporeal, and falls through the floor. After pulling herself up, she briefly becomes a solid male HomerNet, before reverting to female and solid.
  • Helen shudders at the idea of JJA being in a relationship with Cologne.

Author House

  • Eshli knocks on the door again, then calls out.

HomerNet's House

  • Homer goes off to change clothes again.
  • JJA explains that the Cologne he married is a younger version of her from an alternate reality.
  • Homer returns. Both explain that they are very tired, and JJA excuses himself to leave.

Sage's Tower

  • Sage sits down in his recliner, and falls asleep listening to music.
  • The kitties start to wake up.

Page 220

Author House

  • Grim and Kraggi put on bathrobes, and Grim opens the door.
  • Eshli enters, and explains she's come home for dinner.
  • Eshli goes to her room, and Kraggi and Grim watch the end of the movie.

JJA's Home

  • They're having eel sushi for dinner. JJA is very pleased with this.


  • Xiao returns to his tent, to find that his illusion spell has worn off. He runs to the diner, and recasts the locking spell on it, falling over from exhaustion.

Pages 221 to 225

Page 221


  • Event

Page 222


  • Event

Page 223


  • Event

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  • Event

Page 225


  • Event
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