Backstory850 MKRP

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 20:56, 5 July 2009 by Anti-paragon (Talk | contribs)

When we last left our heros:

  • Lee and the Artmoogle were trying to help Emily at the Town Square, with Natalie and Eli looking on.
  • Ann, having finished talking with the Duke (Albert), was cooking some tea for herself in her kitchen while talking to Rose. Steve slept on the couch nearby.
  • John-Luke, Likal and Jodi were at the Clinic, where A. Rescuer had just entered.
  • Daniel and Archie were heading to Squato's Ranch.
  • Jake and Jane are still at the TF store.
  • Lomgren and Sage are still at the Bookstore.
  • Bishop, Gil, Milla and Sapphire are at the Rex. (I think)
  • Injugo was observing all the going-ons from the sky.
  • Still need locations for: Hail, Rivelle.

Page 851:

  • Emily cries in her sleep.
  • Eli asks questions like a curious child to the group around Emily.
  • Art is sad he couldn't help.
  • Natalie comfort Art.
  • Jodi hides in the back room of the Clinic from A. Rescuer, slightly afraid of the unusual creature.
  • Steve wakes up from the special tea Ann is brewing in the kitchen and approaches.
  • Ann and Rose notice Steve. Ann explains to Rose why Steve is in her house (after being accused of philandering).
  • Steve pulls a 'KITTY!!!' moment and tries to hug Rose.
  • Rose and Ann flee to the hallway.
  • Steve ends up tackling a chair instead, breaks his nose, and calls out to Rose not to flee in a strange Feline tongue.
  • Rose understands Steve and after a minor, quiet discussion with Ann, returns to the kitchen.
  • Art sees Eli (whom looks like a giant version of Emily still) and freaks out for a moment.
  • Steve, still quite delirious, asked some confused questions to Rose(one being about seeking a medical herb).
  • Rose stalls with chitchat while sizing up his condition.
  • John-Luke sneezes again and grumbles about it.
  • Archie and Daniel reach Squato's Ranch.
  • Lee catches Art when he stumbles back.
  • Art hides behind Lee.
  • Lee asks Eli if he/she is related to Emily.
  • Natalie thinks Eli isn't related, a reason derived from a silly list of hindsight logistics by the author.

Page 852:

  • Albert ponders over Ann's heritage as he walks towards the Town Square.
  • Steve is shocked that Rose speaks human and deducts she's from a hidden village he heard rumors about.
  • Rose reluctantly goes along with Steve's story.
  • John-Luke disassembles his diagram, preparing to leave the Clinic.
  • Albert pings for interactivity.
  • Likal responds to A. Rescuer with a declining quack.
  • People in the Clinic get a feeling of being watched again...
  • Steve starts to ramble, his coordination waning. A. Rescuer assures Likal that he will help if it's needed, and looks about for anyone he hasn't met.
  • Jodi discreetly watches A. Rescuer from the back room, worried about Likal's safety around it.
  • Rose rushes to aid Steve in case he falls and calls to Ann to get medical supplies. Ann complies.
  • John-Luke leaves the clinic, spots the flamingo, and fails his leaping tackle, landing in the mud. Fail.
  • Lee agrees with Natalie that Eli isn't related to Emily and asks who (s)he is.
  • Steve starts losing consciousness.
  • A. Rescuer notices Jodi and approaches.
  • Rose comforts Steve, agreeing with his incoherent babblings, while giving an impromptu repair to his broken nose.
  • Jodi responds to A. Rescuer with passive hostility.
  • Steve's nose is fixed, but is bleeding, he thanks Rose.
  • A. Rescuer gets snippy with Jodi.
  • Rose looks for something to stem the flow when Ann returns with medical supplies. Rose mentions showering Steve since he's so dirty. Ann, distracted by the thought, puts the cottonballs meant for Steve's nose in his mouth.
  • Lee sees all the armed people around the town Square (the town being on alert from waste creatures) and suggests the group move to Roan's house.
  • Art goes with Lee to Roan's house and finds Ann's goo-covered remains there. He quickly (and comically) flees to Ann's house with a trail of tears.
  • Lee tries to stop Art, but fails. He tells the others (Eli, with Natalie and Emily) to go to the Clinic and promptly chases after him to Ann's house.
  • Jodi continues talking to A. Rescuer in half stand-off mode and gives him a sonar treatment to see what's under the fur.
  • Art runs into Ann's front door, bamfs through, and skids down the hall comically.
  • Ann snaps out of her thought-induced stupor and goes to see who just came in.

Page 853:

  • Art see Ann and promptly hugs her leg, glad she wasn't horribly exploded.
  • Ann, still wearing (only) a skimpy housecoat, covers any potential view Art may have with her hands and tries to keep her composure while consoling him.
  • Rose continues tending to Steve.
  • Art snuggles Ann's leg while crying, going on about how he saw Ann exploded. He then jumps back from Ann upon realizing she was still alive, convinced he just hugged her evil twin.
  • Steve noms the cottonballs and asks for the recipe.
  • The sonar reveals A. Rescuer is simply dense hair and a few golf-ball sized, less dense clumps. The sonar makes A. Rescuer meek and he apologizes, making for the door.
  • Lee enters Ann's house, tells her to go have her tea upon seeing her, picks up and comforts Art, and asks Rose who her friend (Steve) is. Man that guy can multitask.
  • Art calms down, slightly humiliated at being treated like a plushie.
  • Rose realizes she doesn't know Steve's name.
  • Ann realizes that really is Art, not really recognizing him with the Roan-like changes.
  • Lee uses some healing magic to staunch Steve's bleeding and repair the damage.
  • Art says hello to Ann, confusedly.
  • Jodi humbly apologizes for how she was acting and asks him to stay, deducting (mentally) that he must be jellyfish-like in structure.
  • Ann comments about Art's look, but is quickly (and subtly) silenced by Rose, returning to drinking her prescribed tea.
  • Steve thanks Lee for healing him, and curiously asks if he is a witch. A. Rescuer timidly asks for no more sonar blasts, having been hurt by it.
  • John-Luke joins the mob at the Town Square wielding a dog-catcher's net and searching the sky. Also sneezing.
  • Albert asks an old lady with a flamethrower what is going on.
  • Art is confused by Ann's statement, feels self-conscious, and tries to pull his non-existent hat down. (A very Roan-like action)
  • Jodi feels guilty for hurting A. Rescuer and asks his name, finding it a little cute.
  • Lee confirms Steve's curiosity.
  • Sage suddenly arrives at Ann's door, asking for Art.
  • Lomgren is surprised the Bookstore emptied out so quickly. He tries to unshrink himself.
  • Art greets Sage, worried about how flustered he is.
  • Sage feigns contentness and asks Art to come to his tower, while subconsciously realizing he left Lomgren unattended.
  • Art glomps Sage at the potential for a party, realizing he's hungry.
  • Rose asks if she should come with Sage and Art.
  • Art hugs Rose for joining the 'party' at Sage's. Injugo telepathically eggs Sage on by saying he has no idea how long Art has until he's stuck this way.

Page 854:

  • The little old lady, of whom the Duke(Albert) asked what was going on, informs him that she knows nothing. She's just the streetcleaner. With a flamerthrower. Fwoosh.
  • The Duke queries the necessity of the power of her cleaning equipment.
  • The little old lady informs him Gal-Zabor requires special street cleaners for special trash. Fwoosh.
  • The Duke asks tons of questions about Gal-Zabor waste ethics. And about how she got a flamethrower.
  • Lee offers to stay at Ann's house to help around there.
  • The little old lady laughs at the notion of Gal-Zabor having trash heaps and states magic trash usually needs to be fully removed. Ann seems content with Lee staying.

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