MKRP Sapphire

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 14:53, 4 March 2008 by Author-Man (Talk | contribs)

Shy little mouse girl. Oh, and she can manipulate water, too. Fun!


The Basics

Name- Sapphire Ryo.
Age- Unknown.
Gender- Female.
Height- 4'5"


To get things out of the way, Sapphire is an anthro mouse. There. I said it. She wears very baggy clothing, mostly with a Japanese influence, and has blue hair/fur/etc. she wears glasses (small ones!), and has shoulder length blue hair. On top of her blue fur. Her eyes are also blue. And her name is Sapphire. Anyone sensing a pattern here?


Sapphire is vrey, very, very insecure. She is also equally shy. For the most part, she lets her older brother (who is sadly still in her home dimension) do the talking. She suffers from mild xenophobia, and really dislikes being trapped in an alternate dimension, where interaction is forced upon her.


Sapphire is an Aquakinetic. She can, to a certain degree, manipulate water. She is not, however, very good at said water manipulation.

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