Fort Mayhem

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 00:36, 7 June 2008 by ChroniclerC (Talk | contribs)

Created by Kylen as the Mayhem equivalent to the Main Forum's Invasion thread, it stands as a garrison against Invasion of Mayhem by the despotic Evil Overlords United and the current headquarters of the EGS Defence Force.

Bunnies and Characters Stationed at Fort Mayhem

  • Ajac
  • Alex_Mage
    • And various plushies
  • Ankhareon
    • Moranz
    • Rahv
  • Cheez
  • Cory Deleon
  • The two Forum-tans.
  • Jfan999 - Head of the law offices.
  • Piebunny - Moves between Fort Mayhem and the main Invasion thread. The EGS-DF's Chief Historian.
  • KFPB - Recovered from scythular healing. Yes, I did just make up the word "scythular".
  • Kira Sithal Tauric catkin, skilled as an arcane medic.
  • Kum-El - The local Kryptonian
  • KylenPhylar who represents General Kylen, Author KyGreg, and Several Muses. Creator of the base. Will be working on getting a working map of the Fort soon enough.
  • Liona Sabarac - "Lia", a magic-based healer. Fort Mayhem's Chief Medical Officer.
  • RichM90071 - Applying for a job at Hist-Div, not off to a great start. Which one of these foot things is supposed to be "right," again?

(Add yourself if not here.)


Fort Mayhem's layout has not yet been gone into, but it is known to possess a landing area for aircraft and a vehicle park outside. There is a central control where the RAI is set up, a medical facility, and a main meeting room. There is also a library in the basement.
The control room also hosts the Mayhem Physics Department. Formerly a broom closet, Ajac gave it to Teleros. Quite what goes on in there is not known, but catgirls are advised to stay well away...


  • Self activating laser turrets that will only target enemy soldiers. May or may not be shielded from magic.
  • External forcefields and shields capable of surviving massive orbital strikes.
  • Anti-teleportation fields around all vital areas.
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