The Yarn Balls

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 11:52, 25 October 2007 by Teleros (Talk | contribs)

Created by Teleros, or more accurately, by his namesake, these sentient balls of yarn first appeared in the Chaotic Intentions RP, where they proved devastating to the various cat-girls and the like there. Well, devastating distractions at any rate. They come in several different varieties, but all are imbued with a mischievous sense of fun, bounce well, are very resilient to claws, and enjoy tying people up. It's suspected they may be related to the Kitten Collective, but any such link has yet to be proven.


Level of Sentience

Yarn balls have a very limited intelligence: they (somehow) communicate through mouse-like squeaks (designed to lure unwary cats out of hiding), and don't usually seem bothered if one of their number dies. They will however get upset if they're consistently unable to tangle someone up.

Standard Yarn Balls

These are the "basic" versions: all other yarn balls are based off these.

  • 10m of yarn
  • Bounce up to 2m on Earth
  • Can travel at up to 40mph
  • Natural ability to untangle themselves & roll back up into a yarn ball if unravelled

Magic Defence

First created to let ordinary yarn balls tie up a burning Kalga, these yarn balls are incredibly resilient to all forms of magic.

Physical Defence

These ones are fairly easy to defeat with magic, but are very tough to cut, pull apart, and so on.


Designed for use against multi-dimensional horrors and the like, these yarn-balls are here to ensure that not even Lovecraftian horrors can escape.


These are perhaps the most dangerous yarn balls of all: let their aura of concentrated puppy dog eyes and hint of sexy-awesome distract for but a moment and it'll be too late...


So far there haven't been any combinations of the above forms - but given who their creator is, this is probably only a matter of time...

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