The Crossover Wars

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 06:57, 30 April 2007 by (Talk)



It can be said that good and evil are a matter of perspective, and that measures taken by those defending their land may be just as bad as those taken by the attackers. These two theories were tested to the fullest during the crisis that was the Crossover Wars of 2007, when Bunnies and CRFH Boardies went head to head with an evil the like of which they had never seen before...


In early 2007, a band of villains known as the Evil Overlords United, led by the sinister Editor, launched an attempt to conquer the webcomic universes. Using a technology called DRACO (Dimensional Realities Arcane Crossover Organiser), they subdued world after world in devastating blitzkriegs, leaving the inhabitants reeling. Then one day, EGS appeared on one of their monitors...

The Arming and the Retreat

In response to their observations of EGS, the Bunnies in the Main Forum began arming themselves against an attack from the EOU, believing it to be coming soon. However, the Overlords noticed the arming of the Bunnies and decided that attacking a place geared up for war would be suicide, and seemingly focused their efforts elsewhere. Not for long, however...

Agent Bunny Comes

On April 4, 2007, the Overlords sent a spy into the forums, to learn the tactics of the Bunnies and sow dissent. This spy was known as Agent Bunny. At the same time, a poster named Death Bunny entered the Invasion Thread and signed up for training. On April 10, Agent Bunny infiltrated a TF gun warehouse and placed DRACO beacons on some of the crates, allowing a stockpile of TF guns to fall into the hands of the EOU. On April 16, things took a dramatic turn- Amon Star accused Death Bunny of being the mole. Death Bunny was immediately arrested and put on trial, but found not guilty due to lack of evidence. Many apologised, but several remained unconvinced....

The Attack on the Funky Horror and Agent Bunny's Discovery

On April 24th, the Head Alien launched an assault on the Funky Horror, using Agent Bunny's DRACO beacons to bypass any defences. Finally, on April 27th, Loweko made this post.....
"Ah, Death Bunny. Found not guilty by a jury of your peers, and so proud of yourself for getting off scot free. A newbie, and therefore one with access to all that bright, shiny equipment because of course EGS took you in and gave you a TF gun... and no doubt you've been hanging around a lot of storage places over the last few weeks. If a newbie wanders around a sensitive area, why, he's clearly just gotten a bit lost. Perfectly understandable.

But it's amazing what a background check will turn up, and my Counterintelligence people have discovered you're not a forumite at all. You're a character from Impy & Avery. A webcomic currently plagued by mysterious forcefield technology.

In other words, no doubt trying to curry favour with your overlords to avoid the invasion of I&A, you're working to give them EGS instead. You're Agent Bunny.

Men? Take him alive if it is reasonably practicable."
Death Bunny confessed immediately, and began to fight his way out. A huge battle ensued, with many bunnies injured. However, the victory eventually went to the forces of Bunnydom, Death Bunny just escaping with his life... and a mysterious scrap of paper, which the Overlords were delighted to see...

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