
From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 01:15, 6 March 2011 by Sleepyorigami (Talk | contribs)
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Mayhem Bio

SleepyOrigami is the Paper Owl of Mayhem. He folds origami and is often sleepy. Also known as Sir SleepyOrigami the Not Quite Undead.


Before joining the Keenspot forums, SleepyOrigami was a member of the Cartoon Network Adultswim message boards from 2004-2007. Here he went by another username based off his highschool nickname. While there he posted primarily in the Incoherent Babbling section which was just a bunch of random nonsense. Since leaving these boards in 2007, he has not returned.

SleepyOrigami joined the Keenspot boards on Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:05 pm. He made his first post in the EGS Main board's Newbe intro Thread there 35 minutes later. It read:

"Howdy! I've been reading since late 2005 / early 2006 and I enjoy the comic a lot. I am excited about were the story is going and :sleep:"

He made his first strip slay four posts later. The next Keenspot board SleepyOrigami joined was the ZebraGirl forum 10 days later on Dec 02, 2008 10:56 am. Here he explains that:

"I started reading Zebra Girl when the comic for April 30, 2007 was the newest. I saw that page and was instantly smitten. I had to know what was going on and so I hit previous to read the next page. I ended up reading the entire comic in reverse chronological order within a matter of days. I then read it from beginning to end like a *cough* sane person. :shifty:

As to how I came across this masterpiece, its a fairly simple story. I read El Goonish Shive in late 2005 which lead to the Wotch a year later and from the link page there I saw a little animation of Sandra on fire and thought I'd click the link since it was time for me to find a new comic. It has been a part of my daily schedule ever since."

Finally, on Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:33 am SleepyOrigami made his first post to what was then EGS Mayhem (now Mayhem) in the Drop something on the next poster thread. It was just a bit of silly nonsense. It read:

"Preemptively drops original meat based arms in expectation of catching shiny new stone arms.

  • Catches one of the venus de milo arms with my skull, the other continues to fall.* :gonk:"

At this point he had still never been in a RP. Mostly Sleepy played the games or asked questions in the Ask Anti-Paragon thread (formerly, and currently the Ask TingYi thread). When the EGS boards moved over to the 910cmx website during The Great Migration, SleepyOrigami was one of the Mayhemites who tried to maintain a presence in both forums. SleepyOrigami posted his RP first character bio on the 910cmx boards on Sat Jan 31, 2009. His first RP character was No One, a level 30 undead priestess for MMO RP 2.

After that, SleepyOrigami began to join other RPs. The first RP he joined on Mayhem was MKRP on Sat Apr 18, 2009 9:44 pm. His first RP character on Mayhem was Dr. Steve Frankenstone, an unfrozen mad scientist caveman who lived in a FlintStones style world alongside dinosaurs. One month later he graduated college and went on to become a Chemical Engineer.

SleepyOrigami ran his first RP, SIAFR, as a GM on Wed Jun 03, 2009 6:13 am.

Characters - RP Specific

Christopher Kowalski - Moperville RP 3

George L. Parchinson III - Anthro Academy

Igor - MKRP

Lindsay Marie Poppins - Second Children

Miyano Tanteidan - Shonen Hero School

Nuri Slate - Moperville RP 3

Sleepy - Mayhem: It's All For Real

Slif of Kreldon - Third Region RP

Dr. Steve Frankenstone - MKRP

Characters - Multi-RP


Age: 23

Gender: Male


Sleepy is a 5’4” anthropomorphic owl made out of weather resistant paper. He has both wings and arms. His paper feathers are colored like a White-faced Scops Owl. His weapon of choice is a Bat'leth.


Image of Sleepy by Drayco (wings not pictured).

Special Abilities:

He can fly and see in the dark. He has insomnia. He can fold origami models of high complexity which take on some of the properties of the objects they represent. He has a tea kettle that brews an almost infinite supply of hot tea. Sometimes he sets out snack trays (with a small warning label) which have a 1 in 3 chance of turning people who eat from them into intelligent zombies. If they don't like being zombies, he can give them the antidote, but it takes two weeks to be effective.


Sleepy is the cautious observer type. More likely to sit back and sip his tea than help out in a battle. Still, he is rather knowledgeable about sciencey things and can be useful in that capacity. He has a strong sense of humor and enjoys a good laugh. Since he is often tired he sometimes gets confused about whether what just happened was a dream or not. When he finds something interesting, he gets very excited and will attempt to explore the subject matter in as great an amount of detail as possible. He is SleepyOrigami's Aspect of Reason.


Zombie the ASCII zombie. Zombie looks like this (f O_o)f . He appears in dark green letters on a floating computer monitor with dark static as a background. Sleepy and Zombie have a rapport similar to that of Dr. Blight and Mal from the Captain Planet television series. Zombie’s program is not stored in the monitor, but in an undisclosed location safe from destruction. He’s like a computer virus in that he can “bite” other programs and turn them in to mindless shambling zombie versions of themselves willing to obey.


(f o_O)f ~"Under construction."


(f o_o)f ~"Under construction."

  • The name SleepyOrigami is a combination of his most defining characteristic, sleepiness, and one of his favorite hobbies, origami.


a dewrag, colored sleepily(which I now deem a color), and a mood ring! -PixelHead777

Infinite Bag of Dice - The kool

Scarves of Invisibility - Celtic Minstrel

I present to you a catnip mouse (blue), a ball of yarn (blue) and a Newbie Pack containing: 1 TF Gun 1 Cookie wrapped in shiny plastic 6-pack of unlabeled soda 1 dead fish 1 squirrel plushie - ChronosCat

a copy of This is how I disappear by My Chemical Romance and some sanity. A Khaoliquid. (An extremely deadly viscious killing machine that's practically indstructible) - Aeg'air

His bandages, a block of Seruna's nevermelting ice, Zen's nonexistent shirt, and Chrono's extra Bandana. - Dreestith

Say what you will!

- That I shall do! Mwahaha!

- what you will!

- has been making a lot of templates for MKRP ~Mandros

- Where's Origami's description? That girl has been popping up everywhere lately, it's about time she got a description here.

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