Ryan Saunders

From Egs Mayhem

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Name: Ryan Saunders
Name: Ryan Saunders
CodeName: Beef
CodeName: Beef
Gender: Male
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Age: 17
DNA Mix: 33% Human, 33.3% Highland Cattle, , 33.3% Lepsuko
DNA Mix: 33% Human, 33.3% Highland Cattle, , 33.3% Lepsuko

Current revision as of 21:10, 19 October 2007

Name: Ryan Saunders

CodeName: Beef

Gender: Male

Age: 17

DNA Mix: 33% Human, 33.3% Highland Cattle, , 33.3% Lepsuko

Personality: Ryan is laid back to the extreme. If you had to sum him up in one word, it would be “Meh”. He’s lazy and apathetic regarding all of this super-spy stuff. He’s a decent enough person to anyone who isn’t trying to get him to kill stuff, but even then he’s a little unreliable.

Appearance (Human): 5’9”, shaggy red hair that drapes down over his eyes, overweight. He spends most of his time like this. He wears baggy, comfortable looking clothing without any special markings.

Appearance: (Mixed): Basically a nearly nine foot tall minotaur, only with a Highland cow as the template. Nearly the same exact haircut save for the vicious horns that stick out of the sides of his skull and the bovine ears.

Background: Ryan was considered a failure from day one. The highland cattle DNA was mixed in by mistake instead of the Wolf DNA they had intended to use. They couldn’t send him off to a normal family without blowing their cover, but he seemed too useless to seriously put him in the assassin program, so instead they began training him in various support roles. All of that changed when they discovered the other DNA that had gotten into the mix accidentally.

The first time Ryan transformed under stress, he didn’t take his (then) normal portly hybrid cattle form. Instead, his shape twisted into a hulking brute festooned with spikes and sprouting not one, but two sets of horns. He was part Lepsuko, which made him several times more dangerous than anyone in Department Q could have predicted. Unfortunately for them, by the time they figured all this out, his slacker personality had already developed. There has been several attempts to coax him into an unstoppable berserker with infinite transformation mixes and powers, even installing a powerful remote-activated tazer in his body, but nothing can seem to push him to do anything more than move at his own lethargic pace.

Abilities: In his hybrid form, his size and strength are significantly increased, but what’s more, he seems to have nigh infinite endurance. He might have a slow, plodding pace, but that pace never relents when he’s set his mind on something.

As a greater chimera, he can theoretically mix-and-match forms, and he should have some form of psychic ability, but other than altering his hybrid form, and once showing Lepsuko traits, he has never expressed any of these powers.

As far as his skills, he’s fairly intelligent, and knows his way around machines and equipment. He’s basically a super-spy roadie. He lugs the big guns and any bulky equipment that might be needed, he sets up for missions and repairs things on the fly, and if the bassist is out sick he can stand in. Ow, I think I sprained something stretching that metaphor…

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