Nations of TWWLI RP

From Egs Mayhem

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The Ellarwi territory is separated from the rest of the continent of Lorem by the nigh-impassable Armes mountains.
The Ellarwi territory is separated from the rest of the continent of Lorem by the nigh-impassable Armes mountains.
==Etaoin Shrdlu==
Omo's followers who are not Ellarwi live in this somethingocracy. It's called a somethingocracy because nobody's quite sure who runs the place- it just sort of happens.
The two main cities of Etaoin Shrdlu are its capital, the bustling port city of Port Aliqua, and Radion Pass, a city that fills up the only navigable pass through the Armes Mountains into Ellarwi territory.
Its primary exports are minerals, crops and rare jungle products. The Etaoinians regularly send expeditions into the Ellarwi's rainforest basin to collect fruit, bark, leaves, roots and so forth. These more often than not turn out to be useful, like containing medicines and stuff. The Etaoinians are not aware of the Ellarwi, mainly because the Ellarwi, as has been established, are lost.

Revision as of 01:46, 8 October 2007

This is for The World We Live In RP.


Duchy of Cimmeros

Surrounded on three sides by inhospitable mountains and the sea on the other, the Duchy is a rich and wealthy human maritime trading nation (most consider it the maritime trading nation), with ships visiting practically every port. Its wealth allowed it to construct the High Cathedral of Turaer - even though its people are not particularly devout followers of that particular deity (they're a pretty eclectic, cosmopolitan bunch actually). It has very little land to build on though - the country is little more than the capital Cimmeros, farmland, forests for timber and rugged mountains known for coal and iron deposits, but little else.

Although it has only a small army (chiefly concerned with watching what few mountain passes exist in the interior of the country and maintaining order in the capital), it has a large and well-run navy, feared by pirates and known for enforcing the Duchy's free trade ideals.

Beyond trade though, the Duchy has few plans: what colonies it has abroad are either small and rather insignificant or little more than a port for Cimmerian ships, and its good relations with most countries means it is often a mediator between them.

The Duchy also has a fairly strong following for Fnarl Bostron, as the god of trade, but they tend to gloss over the whole atheism business.

Kruge Empire

If the Duchy of Cimmeros is the political heart of Turaer's church, then the Kruge Empire is the religious heart of it. A sprawling, heavily forested kingdom, it grew from Krugedorf to encompass first the mercantile Union of Valdspar, followed by Kittle, Bren and Oschland. Further expansion was halted by the jagged peaks of the Bren Mountains and the tenacious warriors of the neighbouring nations. Despite the occasional small victory though, these countries still resist to this day.

A primarily human nation, Kruge nevertheless has a sizeable (mostly civilised) orcish and (civilised when sober) dwarf population, both of which contribute heavily to its excellent army. Whatever the species though, most Krugans share a stoic, serious attitude and are very devout - more Divine Champions come from the Empire than any other single nation.

If the strength of Kruge is its large and professional army (at close to a hundred thousand strong it's one of the largest around), its weakness is its size: with a population of some forty million spread over such an area, the Emperor's Chancellor of the Arcane Arts spends much of his time co-ordinating the Empire and ensuring that the central government knows what is happening. Somewhat inevitably, things slip through the cracks despite the best efforts of the Imperial Bureaucracy and the Chancellor's spellcasters.

Despite its aggressive nature, the Empire gets on fairly well with the Duchy of Cimmeros, its northern neighbour. The Duchy is canny enough to realise what a vast market the Empire is, which in turn leaves the Cimmerans alone and helps it police the long Krugan coastlines.

The Empire is also well known for its overseas... interests. There have been half a dozen invasions of Hyksos and Kultaln, with varying degrees of success, but as of the latest round of negotiations the Krugans are more-or-less back to their own borders, with just a few fortified colonies abroad.

The kingdom of Hyksos

The Kingdom of Hyksos is a nation in the north of Dolor Sit-Amet. It used to be a multitude of smaller nations, but these were conqurered, their lands added to it. Because of this, there are many cities and large towns dotted around the country. The kings of Hyksos stopped their expansion long ago, but the country still has a large standing army, which is often loaned out as mercenaries to allied nations. As well as the main Kingdom, there are a couple of small colonies on the northwestern coast of Lorem. The kingdom's main exports (other than soldiers) are furs- mainly bear, wolf, ETC, worked bone products (Knife/sword handles, combs, ETC), whale oil, timber, amber, silver and iron. (Raw materials as well as worked goods)

The religion of the kingdom is very diverse, with pretty much every deity worshipped. Majority worship of a particular deity in some regions is common. Cruach's following is mainly in the northeast and the God of metalworking is worshipped mainly in the west.

The climate is pretty cold, with snow most of the year. The North has snow year-round, while the South has a wet spring and a temperate summer. The kingdom is heavily forested with pine in most parts.

The Kingdom has a problem with pirates. While generally not as good as the Cimmorans, coastal Hyksos often make good sailors. Some trade, others pirate. Many do both. These pirates sometimes venture down to Cimmoran waters and they often prey on ships, no matter what nationality, off their own coastline and those of their neighbours. The Hyksos Navy does try to combat them, but many officials are corrupt and so little is actually done, and when something does happen, the pirates soon know of it, so the Hyksos navy often makes a raid on a suspected pirate base to find a peaceful fishing village. Once they're gone, the pirates return from the island or cove they were hiding out in and laugh.

Hyksos is divided into eight provinces-

  • Hyksos Province- The original kingdom. The seat of government and the richest province. Home of the world's second largest temple to Cruach. Majority religion- diverse
  • Temple Province- Owned by the Great Temple. Not required to pay taxes like the other provinces. Provides the Hyksos Army's best troops. Majority religion- Cruachist.
  • Northern Province- Snow, rocks and trees. Was invaded mainly to stop raids into Hyksos territory and attacks on shipping by bands of natives. Northerners considered 'barbarian savages' by most other people. Many Northerners join the Hyksos Army, where they are often used as skirmishers and berzerkers. The poorest province. Majority religion- Mainly Cruachist and Verslarbaeshraekist
  • Helvinthona province- A province. Nothing special. Majority religion- diverse.
  • Erycya Province- Mainly agricultural. Majority religion- possibly Verslarbaeshraekist (animals) or an NPC God of Agriculture.
  • Itium Province- The location of most of Hyksos' iron mines. Majority religion- Mainly Cruachist in the east, [Lohti's god]ist in the west.
  • Silberneslund Province- Name means 'land of silver'. Source of pretty much all Hyksos silver. The second richest province. Majority religion- almost entirely [Lohti's god]ist.
  • Ostkaste Province- The East coast of Hyksos. There are a couple of large ports in this province. Its main industries are fishing, whaling and piracy. Despite the risk of being attacked by pirates, many traders frequent the ports. Hyksos Navy ships are available as escorts, but these come at a high price for any ship not being used for official Hyksos purposes. Silver from Silberneslund Province is often taken here by road or river and then either sold to traders in the ports or stored until summer, when the Northern waters are passable, ten taken to the treasury in Hyksos (city). majority religion- Luniaism and Fnarl Bostromism.

Ellarwi Territory

The Ellarwi, Omo's chosen race, inhabit a rainforest basin in Lorem's southeast. Being a "lost race", they have no cities, though they suspect they did have some, once. They tend to just generally wander around in the basin, living a nomadic life in touch with nature. At least until they try to wash it, that is. Then nature gets irritated. Things aren't so pretty after that.

The Ellarwi territory is separated from the rest of the continent of Lorem by the nigh-impassable Armes mountains.

Etaoin Shrdlu

Omo's followers who are not Ellarwi live in this somethingocracy. It's called a somethingocracy because nobody's quite sure who runs the place- it just sort of happens. The two main cities of Etaoin Shrdlu are its capital, the bustling port city of Port Aliqua, and Radion Pass, a city that fills up the only navigable pass through the Armes Mountains into Ellarwi territory. Its primary exports are minerals, crops and rare jungle products. The Etaoinians regularly send expeditions into the Ellarwi's rainforest basin to collect fruit, bark, leaves, roots and so forth. These more often than not turn out to be useful, like containing medicines and stuff. The Etaoinians are not aware of the Ellarwi, mainly because the Ellarwi, as has been established, are lost.

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