
From Egs Mayhem

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Bainhart the Character

Name: Bainhart (Bain)

Age: Ageless. He's a weasel. We have no Age.

Sex: Male

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Class: Maho-Shojo Animal Helper (Retired)

                     Blue Magic (Time Magic)
                     Healing Magic
                     Ability to gauage empathy (Due to his Cait Sith heritage)
               Bladed Weapons
                             Plug Bayonets
                             Sythe or Sickle
                             Scottish Claymore
                                         Level: Unknown

Religion: Mocks organized religion.

Race: Weasel (Actually he is Half Ermine/ Half Cait Sith)

Height: 33 cm (Standing)

Weight: 90g

About: Recently got out of the Annoying Magical Girl talking helper animal buisness, although just proffensionally.

Appearance: Looks like a Ermine with a long prehensile tail.

Personality: His knowledge of magic and such is vast, and he is very resourceful in all forms of combat. He seems to have considerable computer skills. Bain often acts as an advisor in most things, though there are times his judgement and/or advice leaves much to be desired. He is skillful at analyzing dangerous situation and coming up with countermeasure when most others are in state of panic. is also quite good at analyzing individual strength and character. Unfortunitly he likes to not use these skills, perfering to watch others struggle. Due to his small size he does not like Glomps.



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