List of Drayco's Retired Characters

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Rising Moon

Name: Sutarousha Drayco

Nickname: "Hakatana" (Sword-teeth)

Height: 6'4"

Age: He'd like to know too

Race: Half-dragon (Ranmyakuryuu)

Appearance: He bears the standard look one would expect of a half-dragon, pupilless blue eyes, and scales on the visible areas of his upper arms and legs, and his feet are decidedly draconic, having only four clawed toes and a fifth claw behind his heel. His hair is blond and restrained only by a red headband that he always wers. The headband has a blue flame design embroidered into the ends. His outfit looks like it was once a samurai's warrior-robe, but it's unique at this point. The red top part has been cut off roughly a little past the shoulder, and the ends of the dark gray hakama have been frayed severely from wear. He wears cherry-wood geta sandals with a plate of what is apparently diamond between the base and teeth of the sandals to reinforce it. He wears two identical katana, one on a sheath across his back, the second on the back of his belt. The katana are for the most part unadorned, but they both have blue wrapping on the handle and a stylized dragon and flame design etched in silver along the length of the cherry-wood sheaths.

Personality: A man who lives outside the law, and to some outside reality. He gained the nickname "Hakatana" from a phrase that came to be associated with him once he told it to a number of the emperor's guard, after they attempted to bring him in on later proven false charges of murder some many years ago: "I seek to wield as many weapons as I have teeth." By trade, he is a mercenary, bounty hunter, assassin, and all-around vagrant. His goal in life is to be just what that phrase implies - to be the master of as many styles and weapons as he can. He only accepts jobs against reputable warriors, ones who he wishes to learn the ways of. As such, he's rarely actually completed any of these jobs, but luckily for him he has the tendency to require full payment up front. This trend has earned him many enemies around the country.

But mostly all that is known about him is the nickname and the two katana he wields, which gained the equally amusing nickname of "Kiba Hakatana" ("Fangs of Sword-teeth"). He has been known to wield them more than any other weapon, and they are the only weapons he always carries with him. His other styles are used when those weapons become available to him by wherever he happens to run into combat. He has been known for the use of other weapons in some other rumors about him, ranging from a Zanbatou to a Bo staff a weapon resembling a Kusari-gama.

It is also that he teaches what he knows to any who wish to learn from him, but there is an equally well-known rumor that there aren't any living people who claim to be his students.

Golden Sun: Age of Alchemy

Name: Drayco

Age: Looks ~18 (I think the Proxians age like humans, though it wasn't covered in the games)

Adept: Mars

Home: Prox

Height: 6'

Weight: 170 lbs

Class: Mars Swordsman

Starting Level: 10

Stat Archetype: Warrior (High Str, Average Agi/Def, Low Luck, Average MP/Power)

Elements (power/resist): Mars-High/High, Venus-Average/Good, Jupiter Low/Average, Mercury Bad/Low

Starting Powers: Flare, Volcano, Blazer, Guard, Move

Starting Equips:

  • Weapon: Mars Broadsword
  • Armor: Leather Armor
  • Hands: Leather Gloves
  • Head: Open Helm
  • Feet: Fur Boots

Appearance: Skin is normal colored on his face (faintly tinted like his skin color), the rest of his body is a jade/teal color, with the two darker triangular patches on his cheeks that all Proxians seem to have. His eyes are blue-flame blue, and he has blond hair. Outfitwise, he prefers to wear red, choosing to wear a red leather vest and dark gray wide-legged pants, and his red headband which he considers lucky. He carries his sword in a sheath on his back. The Mars Broadsword is a simple broadsword forged in the fires of Mars Lighthouse. It raises his fire power and resistance slightly, and has no unleash. Personalitywise, he can be cocky and arrogant at times, as many of the Proxians seem to be. He does, however have a strong urge to protect those weaker than him, and he will go out of his way to do it.

Backstory: After the events of years past, Prox spent time once again recluding from the outside world. But as their climate began to become more tame, it seemed to have a similar effect on the people. Finally, the elders of the village met, and they decided it was time for Prox to rejoin the outside world. A small group was sent out to be the emissaries from Prox, to travel the world and communicate the village's wishes. Among this group were Drayco and his father.

However, shortly after leaving, the boat they sailed on was caught in a vicious storm, ravaging the craft and eventually driving it onto the rocky reefs surrounding the northern area of the main continent. Drayco's father was slain in the storm, struck by a bolt of lightning. Most of the rest of of the group were slain as well, only Drayco and two others eventually drifting ashore on the edge of the slightly mountainous tundra that separated the area of Imil from the rest of the world. They were wounded, and none of them posessed any healing Psyenergy. Faced with no other option, they struggled over the mountains, soon running out of healing supplies from the hazards of the trip and the monsters they faced along the way. The other two fell to a powerful ice monster just outside of the Imil area, though they destroyed the creature in the process. Drayco had run out of his own Psyenergy by this point, and quickly began to feel the effects of the cold climate now that he didn't have his own fire powers to keep him warm. He finally collapsed in a forest outside Imil, his strength completely gone. But his luck had not yet completely given up on him. A younger member of the Mercury clan came upon him while passing through the forest, and quickly rushed him back to Imil to be healed.

HHFO: Sapphire Garden

Name: Drayco Rykytail

Race: Dragonblooded Anthro-Wildcat

Height: 6' 2"

Age: currently unknown

Appearance: He's well-built, but a more athletic build for speed than he is bulky. His body fur is tawny blonde over most of his body, with the exception of a stripe down his back that's golden-blonde like his hair. The end of his tail and the tips of his ears also have tufts that match his hair. He has bright blue eyes, though they're pupilless. He wears a red bandana and a matching sleeveless lightweight vest that has many pockets, and no shirt underneath. He wears baggy dark gray mid-calf pants that have an equally large number of pockets, and the closest to shoes he gets is that he has leatherlike foot-wraps on his feet. His feet are slightly double-jointed, and he can walk normally or digitigrade at any time. He also wears a small mithral ring set with an unusual bluish gem at the tip of his tail below the tuft. He considers that his most prized posession, and will not tolerate anyone so much as touching it without permission.

Personality: Self-proclaimed "Master Treasure Hunter", and he is willing to fight to defend that title. He is quite confident in his own abilities, however, perhaps a bit overconfident. He has his own slightly odd moral code, but he won't tolerate others picking on those weaker than them. Aside from that, he's very easygoing and would rather enjoy life than be constantly fighting. Though he's not averse to the occasional fight to keep his skills sharp. He also has a streak for immense curiosity in things he hasn't seen, as well as a notably short attention span.

Powers/Abilities: Aside from natural agility and above-average strength and resilience, he's also partially fire-resistant and has heightened senses. Also, due to a minor implication with certain magicks, the retractable claws in his fingers have been restructured into mithral, keeping a razor-sharp edge. He has trained as a treasure hunter for most of his life, and he has both the theiflike skills and supply of treasure to prove it, the latter of which is kept in an extradimensional 'hoard.' He's also a Sorceror of notable skill, but the majority of his magic seems to be in the areas of Telekinesis and Illusions, though he has learned the ability to 'charge' magical energies from his weapons for greater effect. He wields a pair of gunblade-like weapons, which function both as blades and as weapons that fire magical energy based on what type of energy crystal is in them at the time. The crystals are about the size of marbles, and he normally carries ones of various types and elements, though each gun can only hold one at a time. He also carries an extendable staff that can also break apart into a nunchaku-like weapon, though those are his backup weapons, and the staff tends to be more often used as a tool than a weapon.

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