The Plague of 2006

From Egs Mayhem

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I am sad to say I have not yet rid myself of the virus, as I have not been to my grandparents in awhile. I hope that I can return soon, and rid them of this problem before it gets worse.
I am sad to say I have not yet rid myself of the virus, as I have not been to my grandparents in awhile. I hope that I can return soon, and rid them of this problem before it gets worse.

Revision as of 02:42, 20 October 2006

In the year of our Lord 2006, a young man named TeddVerres picked up a strange virus from an acquaintance. It immediately sent itself out to all those in his MSN Contacts list, and the Great Keenspot Plague of 2006 began.

The virus quickly spread like wildfire throughout the forums, with many such as catldr24 succumbing to its supremely irritating effects. The flow was stemmed when the good Sir Lomgren posted the antidote: a good dose of Sophos and Avira.

Some, like TingYi and Grim Atescu, owned Macs and luckily escaped the plague.



"Well. By curious coincidence, I also picked up the virus from a guy I knew at school. Nonetheless, that didn't make it any less annoying.

The first symptoms were it autosending itself about once every thirty seconds to everyone in my buddies list, then attempting to close the windows. I was forced to sign out.

The next day, my brothers told me the computer wouldn't start at all. Sure enough, whenever I attempted a logon, the computer would invariably go to the Blue Screen of Death. I tried starting the computer in Safe Mode, which worked fine. I ran several McAfee virus scans, none of which turned up anything. I had to call McAfee itself. I listened to light music for about an hour or so total, interspersed with "Your call is important to us"s and "Our operators are busy"s. Eventually I got on to someone, who sent me an email with standard procedure to remove viruses, which didn't work.

I eventually gave up on McAfee and instead tried Lommy's cure, which has worked fine so far. So far."


I'm sorry to say that, chances are, I was the source of the great Keenspot Plauge. I was simply playing around on the internet when I got a MSN hit from an aquaintance of mine who goes by "Dayne". It asked me if I was in the picture in the link it had. Being of curious nature, I clicked, and thus released the virus into my grandparents computer.

I didn't notice at first, until everyone on my AIM and MSN got pop-ups. And thus, I released the virus unto all people I knew, who in tern spread it to more, until the virus was everywhere.

Fortunetly, it wasn't to bad. I shut down my MSN and AIM so I wouldn't spread the virus anymore, and then all I had to worry about was several annoying pop-ups with an orc smoking a cigar.

I am sad to say I have not yet rid myself of the virus, as I have not been to my grandparents in awhile. I hope that I can return soon, and rid them of this problem before it gets worse.

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