Channel Nine

From Egs Mayhem

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*[ BSNBC on Keenspot]
*[ BSNBC on Keenspot]
*[ BSNBC on 910CMX]
*[ BSNBC on 910CMX]

Revision as of 06:28, 31 January 2009


Basic Description

Channel Nine, the Thread and the IC news group, was founded by Seth/Sara. He gave it to me when he no longer had time for it. Since then, it has become a lot more political and has also fallen on hard times.

This page will detail the known information, both IC and OOC, so that it's interactions with the rest of Mayhem can be smoother. From an OOC point, that is.

Seth: "Don't listen to him! He stole it! HE STOLE IT!!!" *Is dragged away by Channel Nine security guards.* "Hey Bruno, did you cut your hair? Looks good."

KELL: "My legal council has advised me to clarify my position. I am not the owner of Channel Nine, merely it's chief anchorman, executive producer and general stopper of bucks. Ownership lies in the hands of the Board, whose membership I'm uncertain. Any claims at theft by Seth , or any of his family, is the result of financial manoeuvrings among the board. As such, I'm not responsible in any way for it, so there. Now, if you will excuse me, I have some manipulating of my own to do." *Vanishes*


Player Characters


The following is a list of the PCs under my control that work for C9. As they are PC, you may not control their actions unless Mind Control or some similar IC reason is involved. You also can't one shot them, but that should be obvious.

  • KELL: An effeminate, and quite fey, looking male Muse. His position is Chief Anchorman and Executive Producer for Channel Nine. Everything about him, from his voice to his looks, has an uncertain quality to it.
  • SAMUEL: A female Greep. She was made sentient by feasting on Kell's flesh and blood; similar fair is require to maintain said cognizance. She has multiple forms, though use wears a TF collar (her transformation method) in all of them. She is also capable of human speech in all her forms. She works as Co-Anchor and second in command at Channel Five.


  • Seth William Rilea: The original anchorman before those in power decided BSNBC would be better governed by someone more capable of bringing in the ratings. He is currently anchor of the 910CMX location.
  • Sara Renee Dorris: Co-anchor to Seth, she too was fired by BSNBC before the moving.
  • Seraphina Williams: Chief Meteorologist.
  • Rachel Moore: Sports reporter.
  • Sibyl Cecilia: Field Reporter and currently in charge of giving the homeless people direction.

Non-Player Characters

These are some of the C9 NPCs. As such, everyone is allowed to play them, providing you don't make them act out of character. Therefore, I shall provide plenty of enough detail to there characters.

The Current Location is so they don't break continuity by being in two or more places at once. If it's left blank, then feel free to have them turn up anywhere within reason, provided you note down where they are when you do.

  • Angela Mary Tilling: Short brown hair, hazel eyes, 30 years old human female. She looks a lot like Kell, except she's female and wears glasses (very near sighted) and make-up. But from behind they're identical. Angela is the head of Finance and Administration at C9. She's also the de-facto third in charge, after Kell and Samuel. Personality wise, she's the quiet, bookish type. She's also has Asperger's, a mild obsessive compulsive disorder and a crippling fear of spiders. The first to make her very good at her job, but she has great difficulty dealing with people outside of a structured working environment. Despite this, she's been happily married for several years. Finally, she's bisexual, but doesn't even think about cheating. CURRENT LOCATION: Hugs Hospital.
  • Maggie Westonbury: Dark brown hair worn in a bun, light brown eyes, with small rectangular glasses, female half immortal. Maggie was born to a human mother and a fire spirit. She appears to be early thirties, though is actually a lot older, and her ears are normally obvious as she rarely lets her hair down. She fully awakened, but is not a professional magic user, and the most she can do is conjure a fist sized fireball. However, she's a reasonable lawyer and excellent card player. She also smokes heavily, but is immune to cancer. Her fiancé died during the Raven's Fall incident, leaving her with a grudge against the DF and their cronies. This is the main reason she excepted Kell's offer become C9s legal council. CURRENT LOCATION: House of Law.
  • Jessica Morton: Shoulder length green hair, brown eyed 26 years old human female. An attractive, busty, English born, Caucasian woman, though not too bright, the sort that generally go into modelling or acting. She chose acting. Alas, she wasn't very good at it and in a world where anyone can look how they please, her looks weren't enough to cover. Luckily, she was picked up by Kell to play him when he's not around, at which she's passable. Obviously, TF technology is used for this. CURRENT LOCATION: Newbie Package Factory.
  • Daniel Green: Short dark brown hair, brown eyed 22 years old human male. He's a tall, 6' 9", and massively built English born black man, the sort that can't help but look intimidating, with a deep booming voice. And like most such men, he's a pussy cat really. He plays Samuel the way Jessica plays Kell, except with a lot more talent. At some point he plans to move on with his acting career, but the money is too good at the moment. CURRENT LOCATION:
  • Alfred Stone: Short brown but greying hair, brown eyes, Caucasian male human. Alfred is 46, he uses TF technology to look half that, but still in good shape. Dedicated to his wife and kids and a generally laid back character, he left the DF after the War and joined the C9 security team because C9 has a better pay to not getting shot ratio. Also, despite being a Niner, he doesn't actually have a grudge against the DF. Finally, he's a lefty. CURRENT LOCATION:
  • Brian Robson: Shoulder length blond hair, dark red eyed 25 years old human male. Brian has worked in security all his life, and as such is good at his job. However, due to a certain flair for the dramatic, expressed through actions, clothes and a well groomed goatee, he has always been passed over for promotions. Despite this, he's an intelligent, educated man, with a sarcastic sense of humour, that knows how to get things done. He joined C9 because of there benefits, however, the recent death of his best friend Paul, also a C9 employee, when the Sky Fire crashed has left him wandering about his choices. CURRENT LOCATION:
  • Lisa Winters: Short bobbed black hair, black eyed female half immortal. Lisa, originally from Japan, Anglicized her name when she moved to Mayhem City. Of Asian decent, she's fully trained in the Art of Pop Culture Ninjitsu. She's also the strong silent type, though very observant and has a good heart. She's also a Dreamer, who's only spell is a weak blinding attack, and works as security at C9. CURRENT LOCATION:
  • Niu Kevin: Short white hair, grey eyed 50 years old human male. Professor Niu is a little Chinese guy a weathered complexion. After the death of his friends Bob, he became the leading scientist in Channel Nine's R&D department. He is your typical good mad scientist, a maverick of many fields, though his speciality is cybernetics. CURRENT LOCATION:
  • Alison Milward: Long dark brunette hair, grey eyed 46 year old Caucasian human female. An old friend of Professor Niu, Alison joined C9 to help him in the R&D department, bringing her oldest daughter with her. She is a brilliant Neurologist, learn in all things relating to the Brain or the Mind, and possesses an eidetic memory. She is one of a number of employees that disagree with DF rulership, but not enough to violently oppose them. She's also a widow, but lost her husband and another daughter awhile ago in something that has nothing to do with the DF. Currently has a 13 year old son, Terry, from a relationship with Simon Rushmore, founder and sole owner of a R&D company. That relationship is now over, but they are still on speaking terms. Finally, for all her intelligence, Alison is prone to pettiness and childishness. Especially her humour. CURRENT LOCATION:
  • Alice Milward: Short hair, pink eyed 24 year old human female. Alice is an albino, a Christian and asexual. She also an expert at using computers, a lover of webcomics and an avid chatroomer. She also has a very droll sense of humour, liking puns, fart jokes, etc, as well as typical nerd fare. Like her mother, possesses an eidetic memory. Considers C9 to be a career, not a cause. CURRENT LOCATION:
  • Michael Graham Bennett: With long dark brown hair flowing to his waist (often tied into a ponytail), honey brown eyes a dark complexion of no certain ethnicity, this 22 year old human male is the sort of beauty that only comes from heavily mixed ancestry. He's also an Uke and a Keet, being of average height and build, if he was female, being excitable and feminine in personality, plus a certain sense of naive innocence to things like innuendoes. However, he is a fully qualified pilot and surprising intelligent. His job is main pilot for the Sky-Fire. Finally, he's homosexual and has been married to his childhood sweetheart, Dafydd, for nearly five years. CURRENT LOCATION:
  • Dafydd Ollie Bennett: Shoulder length blond hair, blue eyes, 21 years old human male. Slightly taller than average, but well built, Dafydd is Michael's husband and the Seme to his Uke. Physically at least, as though he isn't manic like his beau, he is a pretty laid-back kind of guy. Professional, he's a painter, but become the Sky-Fire's co-pilot at the same time Michael came the pilot. Why, well, he doesn't trust the way Kell looks at Michael. CURRENT LOCATION:
  • The Homeless People: Men and Women out on their butts after being fired by MNCAN. BSNBC executives lovingly took them in and gave them food, before telling them "You now work for us, you are assigned to this rag tag group." indicating the 910CMX team. Current Location: 910CMX BSNBC


Channel Nine, after the actions of Seth Rilea, Sara Dorris, Rachel Moore, Seraphina Williams, and Sibyl Cecilia (after a raid in which most of MNCAN's equipment was...borrowed) set up post in the alleyway behind Dr. Germahn's lab as the new location of BSNBC after the move to 910CMX. While the board of directors of Channel Nine have been tight lipped about this act, they seem to approve at the expansion of BSNBC and their dedication to Dan Shive.


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