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==Space Defence Notes==
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*'''GSSToD: '''It's best used offensively or as a giant shield or medical bay. It has a large variety of weapons focused mainly around Kwaktonium-743, which is a radioactive isotope with an incredibly short half-life, for making a big boom without poisoning the environment for many years afterwards. It also has laser guns and a small number of deployable fighters. However, it's an obsolete piece of junk which is only prevented from falling apart by the fact that I'm rather fond of it and don't want to destroy it. Sheer dumb luck can only stretch so far, and it's best used with caution.
*'''Constitution Class Frigates: '''The ships that have been left behind are all constitution class frigates. They're not the most heavily-armed ship up there, but they're good enough. They have a single particle beam for long-range engagements, and a number of railguns for orbital bombardment and close-range ship-to-ship combat. They'll have fewer troops and air/space fighters aboard, they've been transferred to the Oriskany to aid in recapturing those Fanworks battleships.
----- Constitution Class Frigate -----
Armor: 2300mm, Titanium metal matrix composite reinforced with carbon nanotubes. Can be ionized to help repel plasma/energy charges
Maximum sublight speed: .7C (will never really reach that speed; engine power is used for acceleration, not speed. The fold-drive is used for long-range travel.)
Superlight: Spacefold (wormhole) drive - maximum fold distance: 700 light-years "blind" 1800Ly w/subspace beacon. Time to complete: 12 minutes "blind," 3 minutes w/subspace beacon.
Armament: Centerline Particle Beam Cannon, Output: Variable. 2 to 10TJ in a one-second burst. Can be fired in a constant beam at expense of propulsion energy (engines must be slowed/stopped, depending on beam output) Nine heavy railguns (12-ton projectile,) Fourteen Light railguns (5-ton projectile) - Projectile Velocity: 35,763 meters/second fired from stationary ship. 60 multi-purpose missile tubes.
Maximum Complement: 150 ground troops (30 teams, 5 soldiers/team: 1 team leader, 3 light infantry, 1 heavy infantry.) 100 unmanned combat ground robots. 35 manned air/space fighters, 52 unmanned air/space fighters. 20 unmanned support craft (16 multi-role ECM/AWACS/etc, 4 tankers.)
Description: From the top, the Constitution class looks remarkably similar to an Iowa Class Fast-Battleship, except that the front-most and rearmost large turrets only have two guns instead of three. The other two guns are located on the bottom of the ship. There are four light-railgun turrets situated to port and starboard of the bridge on the topside (two per side and two guns per turret), and three on the bottom-side (one astern, one to port, and one to starboard, making a triangle formation around the heavy railgun (they are sunk in so the heavy turret can traverse 360 degrees) The bow has a large opening in it for the Particle cannon, and slopes to a near-point. The bottom is relatively flat, except for the ventral turrets. At the rear, the three large fusion-torch engines are situated. The port and starboard engines protrude past the top-deck.
There are two catapult openings on either side of the hull, one facing forward at the bow, the other facing rearward at the stern. Jets are recovered on the launch ramps (guided in by computers.)
*'''HoJ: '''There you go. That's the wiki entry on the Ho'J. Single most powerful spacecraft in Mayhem, or it was until I left, anyway. It's designed to be a space STATION, though, it's not very highly mobile. Computer prefers to use combat droids and remotely-operated fighterships (each armed with energy weapons) and to support them with massive clouds of remote-operated missiles. The railguns are generally saved for orbit-to-ground assaults, where they can be more accurately aimed, but if he's up against a big enough enemy Computer'll throw a few asteroids at it. Sometimes the asteroids have a high uranium content, sometimes they don't.
It has really effective antimagic defenses and a powerful teleportation array, but not much in the way of a magical offense.
*'''TSS Excalibur: '''See elsewhere
'''Hammer O' Justice'''
*The defence should be centred around the Hammer o' Justice, parked in geostationary orbit over both the Port & Fort Mayhem.
*The HoJ will be both the fleet's and the surface's main defence against magical attacks. If necessary, upgrades will be made to extend the radius of its defensive shields beyond the current 4 mile radius (this is simply too small for space warfare).
*In addition to magical defence, the HoJ will be the base of operations for both space and atmospheric interceptors: their role will be primarily to shoot down stray ordnance, enemy bombers attempting to attack the surface, and so on.
*Its missiles will also come in handy here, although depending on yield, range and defences some may be used on enemy ships.
*Given its current state, it is best kept well away from the main fighting - ideally the other side of the planet.
*Its medical facilities will be required by all EGS-DF forces, so it's important not to lose this mobile field hospital.
*It should have an escort for obvious reasons: a pair of Constitution Class Frigates should suffice, in addition to its own defences & hangars.
'''Constitution Class Frigates'''
*These will be the ships most likely to suffer damage from enemy attacks, given their lack of shielding.
*As such they will probably be best deployed as artillery ships, using their railguns & fighters to hit enemy vessels from afar.
*Some may also be used in lightning raids: with sufficient time, a network of subspace beacons can be set up that should allow the ships to effectively teleport both out of harm's way and around enemy ships.
*For this, up-to-date battlefield information will be vital: it must be assumed that the invading fleet will be able to respond within seconds of these ships appearing to attack, so the crews must be trained to fire accurately with very little preparation time.
*The ground troops aboard the frigates should be split between those ships in the fleet lacking in internal security: whilst they are of little use in a battle between fleets of starships, they can help protect against DRACO portals and the like. Any spare troops should be sent planetside or loaned to those ships headed to attack targets beyond Mayhem & the EGS main forum.
'''DG Dreadnoughts'''
*These ships are essentially heavily armed and armoured (albeit slow) mobile stations.
*They are probably best used as (semi) fixed defences around the planet, where speed is of little importance compared to firepower and defences.
'''TSS Excalibur'''
*From a purely technological standpoint, the ''Excalibur'' probably has the best weapons and defences in the fleet.
*Like the frigates above, it is also very flexible: it has hangar space for fighters & bombers, extremely long-ranged weapons, and is very manoeuvrable at both STL and FTL speeds.
*As such, it should be possible to use the ''Excalibur'' as a mobile reserve, hitting the enemy fleet wherever it is most vulnerable).
'''Ground Support'''
*Both the Starport & Fort Mayhem have considerable defences which can be used to hit aerial & orbital targets.
*In addition, Scythe AFVs can be used to hit warships accurately.
==Enemy Ship Data==
*Images from [[Operation Lagomorph]] and elsewhere have shown a lack of visible shielding on any of the ships employed, including those captured from FLEET.
*In addition, fighters have been observed engaging in battles between capital ships: this would appear to indicate that such ships are vulnerable to fighters.
*In addition, the use of physical materials as armour rather than shielding suggests firepower levels no higher than the megaton range.
*Whilst it must be not be assumed that these are the only ships available, it should be noted that, if accurate, the ''Excalibur'' could take on a very large fleet single-handedly!
==Electronic Warfare==
*For defence, the RAI systems on the ''Excalibur'' and the HoJ's computer should be able to handle any serious levels of electronic warfare.
*If the enemy does not possess sufficiently advanced electronic warfare technology, then the RAIs etc should be used to compromise their ship security measures.

Current revision as of 18:50, 15 January 2008

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