
From Egs Mayhem

(Difference between revisions)
(Emmet's Inventory)
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*TF Gun (Built into arm cannon)
*TF Gun (Built into arm cannon)
*1 Beret with a picture of a bunny on it. (Worn)
*1 Beret with a picture of a bunny on it. (Worn)
*? Fireworks, given by [[Littlebeast]] or one of his characters.
===Emmet's Abilities===
===Emmet's Abilities===

Revision as of 03:31, 1 August 2007

Jorlem's current avatar. It is supposed to be the image on Jorlem's shirt, except um... better. My first attempt at using GIMP.


Jorlem The Poster

Jorlem is a long time reader of EGS, but only started posting shortly before the EOU launched their attack on Mayhem. He signed in at the newbie thread, but was eager to try to help, and left before he got his full share of glompings, and also did not get all of the possible newbie gifts/supplies. Jorlem is a member of the EGS Defence Force. Jorlem is a member of the Loyal Opposition. He is also using this page as a place to put all his character bios.

Jorlem The Character

A sprite of Jorlem made by LittleBeast. I added the wormhole myself using GIMP. I think it came out OK. Thanks LittleBeast  :D

Jorlem is a very curious and inquisitive person. His first response to something new and strange is to either ask about it, or try to do research on it, if there is time to do so. This is made easier by the fact that Jorlem is also a speed reader, and can therefore read and absorb information from books very quickly. If there is no time to ask or do the research, he will try to figure out how things work as they go along, if he has a place to start from, such as a computer console. He usually wears a light blue shirt, with an image of a vortexy thing over the area where the pocket usually is (If someone knows what this is called, please put it in.), and dark blue pants. Jorlem is slightly less than six feet tall, and has black hair and brown eyes, except when he is using his powers, then his eyes glow purple. When he pushes his powers to their limits*, his eyes turn completely purple (In the same way that the Demonic Duck in the corner of this page has eyes that are completely yellow).

He fought in the first Battle of the Mall, and helped to seal the interdimensional rift that was created during that battle. He is currently on the sub-bridge of one of the recaptured Fanworks.

*Limits to be determined

Jorlem's Inventory

When not in use, most items are stored in a storage space behind Jorlem's back, which is only present when he is not looking.

  • 1 TF Gun
  • 1 Squirrel Teddy
  • 1 Cookie in a shiny wrapper
  • 5 cans of unlabeled soda (One was accidentally launched out of a grenade launcher at some EOU robots)
  • 1 dead fish
  • 1 Elliot voodoo doll
  • 1 fire extinguisher
  • 1 grenade launcher (With a very large amount of grenades)
  • 1 plasma grenade
  • 1 plasma grenade manual
  • 1 Jetpack (taken from a downed clone of Genghis Khan)
  • 1 copy of Tesseracts, Wormholes, and Other Interdimensional Anomalies, by The Teleporter.
  • 1 Stabilizer (It is about three and a half feet long, tapers from a foot wide to nearly a point. Instead of a point at the tip, there is a small, concave energy emitter. It has a tripod that can be folded up, and a shoulder strap for easy carrying. It has an opening at the top that a DRACO bracelet or the PFS can be fitted into. It is also, for some reason, a bright orange.)
  • 1 PFS (Portal Frequency Scanner. (It can scan sites where there were interdimensional portals, such as DRACO portals, and use this data to extrapolate and then create a stabilization field that matches the one needed for that portal.) It is currently attached to the Stabilizer.)
  • 1 Terran Defense Force Mk. 1 Light Infantry Battle Armor, with a zero-G maneuvering pack attached. The maneuvering pack allows for about 10 minutes of constant propulsion in zero gravity. (Picture by Jstone) (currently equipped, replacing regular clothes and armor.)
  • 1 Nivenian Impact Suit. It is a dark blue, and is usually worn underneath Jorlem's other clothes, which are usually a similar color. (He's had this the whole time. Yeah. <_< >_> <_< )

Jorlem's Abilities/Powers

Jorlem can create a pair of linked wormholes within a range of about 25 feet of himself. The wormholes are disc shaped, and have a maximum diameter of about 6 feet. The wormholes, once created, cannot be moved, so if the wormholes are needed in a different position or location the current wormholes need to be closed, and new ones opened at the new locations. The wormholes can be opened and closed with just a thought, but opening and closing several in quick succession will leave Jorlem out of breath for a moment. These wormholes have proved very useful as shields, and for redirecting enemy fire, among other things. For the time being, Jorlem can create two sets of wormhole, and move them around without needing to close and reopen them. This is indirectly a result of A Fan's attack on a DRACO portal, which resulted in an interdimensional rift, which weakened the fabric of reality, making it easier for dimensional manipulations, such as the wormholes, to be performed. After the rift was sealed, Jorlem retained these increased powers by absorbing dimensional energy that had collected in the Stabilizer. Also, because of absorbing this energy, the range he can open wormholes increased to about 50 feet, and he can also open wormholes to places that he has been before, such as the mall, or Fort Mayhem. He has also developed a sort of extradimensional storage space. It is possible for Jorlem to exceed these limits, suggsting that they are, at least on part, self imposed. However, doing this puts a bit of strain on reality, and causes devices that interact with multiple dimensions to act strangely.

Plushie Jorlem

Created by the chaos energy that was running loose in Fort Mayhem during the Chaos Cold incident, then animated by Alex Mage, this plushie shares most of Jorlem's powers, such as being able to create wormholes, and (maybe) absorb dimensional energy. He also has the added ability of always knowing where Jorlem is, and is able to open a wormhole to his location, so long as he is not in an alternate dimension. He is about 10 inches tall, and cannot speak, as his mouth is just a piece of thread that is where the mouth should be.(See here) He also has a small tag on his back that reads: "Made in Not-Moperville" He has a Golden Chocobo that can exceed lightspeed when it has the right motivation.


Originally a Bass robot drawn by Ti-Phil in one of his exits from Main's Invasion thread, this robot was then misidentified by Tangent as a type of guitar, or possibly a fish. Jorlem correctly identified it as Bass from Ti-Phil's webcomic, The Volet. Jorlem then scanned the robot for any booby-traps, and finding none, settled on the name Emmet for the robot. Emmet was in New Mayhem, but was dispatched on the rescue mission to Too Many Authors. He is a member of the Bunny Berets, a unit formed to go on the rescue mission to TMA to save Littlebeast. He then returned to Fort Mayhem in time for the party, and then left again to help free TMA from the EOU.

Emmet's Inventory

  • 1 ID Badge Blank (Insert into Terminal to receive ID)
  • 1 Low-output Electrolaser Stunner w/holster (Built into the arm cannon)
  • 3 Vouchers redeemable for uniform
  • 1 Voucher redeemable for combat equipment; Battle Armor, Assault Rifle, Sidearm. ((One of these, one of these, and one of these.))
  • 1 Multi-function Communications device. ((Similar to this, but with a touch-screen. Is used as a computer and personal comm device. Includes a miniaturized subspace locater beacon that is used, in conjunction with the station's space-fold drive, to transport you anywhere in the multiverse. It can also open a comm channel to any other comm device, regardless of universe. It's an IC way to bridge the communications and transportation gap between this station and Mayhem.))(Integrated with body.)
  • TF Gun (Built into arm cannon)
  • 1 Beret with a picture of a bunny on it. (Worn)
  • ? Fireworks, given by Littlebeast or one of his characters.

Emmet's Abilities

Emmet has all of the basic abilities Bass usually has, such as the buster/arm cannon, and battle armor, but also has a few additional abilities/modifications added on/made by Jorlem (the poster). He can see through illusions, still being able to see the false image, but also perceiving the reality underneath. He can also detect lies and untruths when he is paying attention, trying to catch any lies. The blasts of energy from his buster will cause more harm to being that are not in their true form, or are not who or what they claim to be. His interdimensional communicator has been built into his body, and his Electrolaser stunner and a TF Gun have been integrated into his arm cannon. The stunner has been modified to allow a good deal more power to be put through it, hopefully allowing it to damage or destroy the EOU's droids. The low power mode still exists, and is the default setting.


A character for Ajac's Discworld RP. Bio:

Name- Aur Choshev (pronounced "Or Cho-shev")

Age- 26 (I think this is an appropriate age for a student wizard.)

Gender- Male

Species- Human

Height- Around 5'10" ish

Weight- About 11 stone (Thats just over 150 pounds if you don't know how to convert stone to lbs.)

Eye Color- Dark brown

Hair Color- Black

Skin Color- Pale, with reddish splotches that might be something similar to sunburn.

Personality- Friendly, and possibly slightly naive (He doesn't get out much.) Though he is able to work with others, he tends to work alone.

Basic Background- Aur is a student wizard under Ponder Stibbons. He works with and on Hex, performing maintenance such as making sure the living parts of Hex are fed, and keeping everything in generally good working condition. This is between regularly attending his other classes, much to his professors' dismay. He has learned well not to utter the m-word around the librarian by observing the experiences of others. His current task/project is to figure out a ay to improve Hex using light. Aur's experiments with light magic have resulted in the creation of several new ways to manipulate light, as well as a good deal of sunburn style injuries He is making progress though.

Spells- Most of the spells that Aur knows deal with manipulating light in some way (think basic illusions/mirages and invisibility, and being able to make a magical light source), and a basic fire spell for self-defense in case of an emergency. (Nothing major, just being able to create a small fire near himself.)

Clothes- In public, Aur usually wears the traditional dark blue robe and pointy hat, with a pair of comfortable sandles and pants on underneath (A result of a class taken on Cruel and Unusual Geography. The professor kept stressing the need to be able to run in an emergency, and this was really the only useful bit of knowledge that Aur took away from the class.) In private, he just wears the pants, sandals, a shirt with the UU emblem over the left chest area (Does anyone know what this area on a shirt is called? Its the area where the little crocodile or polo player is on polo shirts.), and sometimes a smaller pointy hat.

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