Gabriel White

From Egs Mayhem

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by [[nokvok]]
<u>Name</u>: Gabriel White<br />
<u>Name</u>: Gabriel White<br />
<u>Alias</u>: -<br />
<u>Alias</u>: -<br />

Current revision as of 20:41, 5 April 2011

by nokvok

Name: Gabriel White
Alias: -
Sex: male
Age: 36
Hair: Pale-Silver (Uhm... I am not bothering to think of an original color considering the Ultra tech means of hair dyeing, lol, he prolly has nanites in the hair which can change color on vocal command or something.)
Eyes: brown-green (though he most often wears green or pink contact lenses)
Build: 6'11", 265lbs.

Appearance: Pretty beefy, but due to the height not yet overly so. He is of average attractively, actually grows a goat like beard, which is split by rubber bands into two small plaits. Otherwise his face is pretty plain, but he can put on a pretty mean/angry/mad look which he practiced since his football days. His complexion is a little pale, despite his tries to get tanned.

Meta: Yes (registered)

Mundane Abilities: Gabriel is an excellent runner, expert Wrestler, Judo and Sumo just as well as more 'western' approaches. He also is highly skilled in sneaking. Following his mundane job, he gained a fairly good knowledge about Electronic (or Opto or Biotronics or whatever they use at that time) which means he can find and manipulate or install simple and average Security or surveillance systems and the like. Shooting a Gun is in his skill repertoire, but mostly used for Stun guns or hook&rope shooting. Above average 'car' driving skills and some proficiency with larger Machines like shuttles or exoskeletons, but not much. Uhm.. yeah, he is pretty strong, but within normal human range. He's not 'lacking' in the brain departments, but not overly intellectual.

Powers: 1: He can 'obscure' the whole electromagnetic spectrum. This manifests as an almost totally dark field of blurring. The field can be up to around 50 feet in radius around him (but always encompasses himself and cannot be 'projected ahead' and only roughly shaped) and completely blocks or deceives any means of Vision. Visible spectrum, UV, IR, Radar, X-ray. A sensor or ability based on Gamma radiation is able to Penetrate, though is still heavily blurred... like a badly adjusted TV. His own senses are completely immune to this obscuration, but not sensory or equipment he might carry, neither can he exclude friends or allies from the effect. 2: He can stop his body.. and equipment carried in immediate vicinity to the body... from reflecting sound waves of any frequency. Rendering him invisible to all kind of Sonar or Echolocation... but also turns him deaf for those moments as well as invulnerable to any sort of sound based attack. 3: Toughness & Slow Regeneration. Within his one field of obscuration, his body also gains additional toughness and minor regeneration abilities. He regains his health on a base of Minutes... even heavy Injury is gone within one hour, crippling injuries might take a day (like bones breaking or lost extremities. He still can be killed if enough Damage is done, though he is tough and hard to stun and rarely collapses from blood loss... while obscured.

Personality: Gabriel learned over the time to take a deep breath and take things with as stoic calmity, but inside he is still the heat headed wild man he was in his early youth, and if he swallows enough, it sometimes breaks out. Aside from that he is a pretty ok person looking out for some quality life making the best out of his registration, hoping the 'hot' phase of the current Anti-Meta sentiments will come once he is dead... which is the reason why he decided against marrying and getting children. He does not suffer from any Heroic urges or honorable feelings, though he is not overly egoistic either.

Background: He was born in a medium sized city, tested for the Gene as toddler and subsequently observed and faced with the same rejection any Meta has to endure. He did his best to fit in, to find peoples acceptance... this lead to him doing a lot of silly stuff. Drinking, Brawling, Bullying... he even was able to join the Football team (or an equivalent sport ) and really liked it, he even considered starting a professional career, despite the knowledge in the back of his mind that one day his Powers might show... and so it was. Just as he was putting effort into the sports his powers manifested and the League ruled him out of competition.

It followed a hard time in a Registration Facility until he could control his powers. He tried many different jobs now, not staying long at any given place. He even tried to put his Powers to use as Body Guard, tried a few more sports, but nothing could really catch his interest. With time he gave up and settled with a Job in Electronic Repairs... nothing he liked, but he was decent enough in it, and it is a job which draws not much attention. On his endless wandering from town to town, he eventually some when landed in Smallville. A hiring at a Local Electronic Job made him stay for over five weeks now.

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