Dese (MKRP)

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 05:39, 23 July 2007 by Krid (Talk | contribs)










Dese is the the requisite pyro. She simply adores fire, sparks, explosions, and molten stuff. She's the reason why Bob is able to look for a permanent residence when he should be attending classes - a "lab accident" (Which left no incriminating evidence) resulted in their campus being declared a superfund site, and the students are on "academic hiatus" until it gets cleaned up - she and the rest of the crew are planning on spending some time at Bob's place once it's cleaned up since they don't want to pay the draconian rent on a townhouse they don't *need*, although they have yet to inform Bob of this fact. She's currently flirting with Keb, although it remains to be seen if that will end-up going anywhere. Dese met Xaych in macroeconomics, which they both agree is a very boring way of getting easy credits.


Green hair and red eyes. Her height is slightly shorter than average - 5'3", or 160cm


Dese was blessed by a lesser fire god when she was born, and (Although she can raise her body temperature to levels that wouldn't be healthy for normal humans for extended periods of time) while currently incapable of summoning or controlling fire, she IS healed by high levels of heat - the excitement she gets from fire is simply the result of energy bleed. Needless to say, the lesser fire god is pleased with her exploits.


Because of her fairly small stature and benign nature, she's only slightly less opposed to combat than Bob. She's not to handy in a brawl, although since getting lit on fire is a huge boost to her and a huge bane to whoever she's fighting, she tends to end up walking away the least bloodied up and exhausted.
Although she's a good shot the "fire" part of firearms tends to make her excited and twitchy, so after a few shots her accuracy drops sharply. She's more of a shotgun person, since twitchiness is less important if you're not worried about accuracy.
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