
From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 23:45, 9 November 2006 by Joat (Talk | contribs)


Is “the darling hubby of IceTigerLily”, as she herself states. (he is and you know it - ITL)

Dayantis is from Britain. As a result, our afternoon can be his late night.


Note from Joat: This being written by someone other than the creator of the character, it may contain some inaccuracies.

There are at two versions of Dayantis that I know of. One resides in LPL. This version has the following statistics:

Race: Half-serval
Gender: Male
Class: Calica
Age: ??
Appearance: Light brown with black spots
Special Abilities: Can comprehend all languages and all creatures can comrehend him
Unsloved Mysteries: None
Birthplace: ???
Current Home: ??? (Assumed to be somewhere in LPL, if he has a home at all)
Known Family: Brother (The Dark One)

He is in love with Sevilin. He is of good alignment and is a cross-thread character. He also has an evil twin (who technically predates him in LPL) who was created for the purpose of torturing Akiva. This twin is now cursed to continually glow black, allowing for easy differentiation from the real Dayantis.


Note from Joat: This being written by someone other than the creator of the character, it may contain some inaccuracies.

This version of Dayantis resides solely in LPW and, to my knowledge, never crosses threads. This version has the following statistics:

Currently dead Race: Half-serval
Gender: Male
Class: None
Age: ??
Appearance: Light brown with black spots
Special Abilities: None
Unsloved Mysteries: None
Birthplace: ???
Current Home: LPW
Known Family: None

He is in love with either Seri or Lommella, though for the life of me I can’t remember which one. He is of good alignment.

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