C-f3 ('C')

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 21:47, 26 October 2006 by (Talk)
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Name: C-f3 ("C")
Age: 21
Gender: male

Appearance: Greyish pale skin wrinkles arund a skinny Body of around 5'4 hight and 95 lbs. The dirty-green Eyes ly deep and dark in the hairless skull which's only features seem to be small pointy ears and a stub nose... and a small lipless mouth which rarely opens to dispay a row of sharp, pointy teeth. His fingers are long and thin, as are all of his Limbs and his neck. He is dressed in worn out, but clean, formerly white clothes of plain cut. The shirt still has some stripes and seams indicating its past as compulsion jacket. His Voice is high pitched, but not uncomfortable to listen too. It is appearant that he rarely speaks, as he speaks slow and silent.

Personality: Silence and watchfullness make him appear shy and slowwitted, but most of the inmates and sientists have noticed by now that he is fairly intelligent, playing a mean game of chess. He is the charitable kind. Allways helpfull, allways passive, never has he been seen angry or violent. He likes books, musics and art... he even complained twice to the sientists that the inmates don't get enough of those... which startled the sientists since it was the only times he ever complained about anything.

Advantages/Disadvantages: He is weak and not overly fast, but dispite his appearance he propably is the most studiest of all Inmates. His bones never break, he barely bleeds, even if cut open and appearantly he doesn't need air nor sleep and is resistant to many poisons. He has no special offensive powers... aside his sneakyness may be... but his cells generate a special Kirlian field which allows him to heal himself (and with much effort even others!) by mere concentration... allthought this abilitiy is limited. He eats not much, but what eats he seems to comsume without waste, The sanitary of his cell was used only a handfull of times, ever. He doesn't sweat neither does he loose dead skin.

History/Background: As part of the 3rd series of Expiriements he was created as clone from an unknown donor with the intention to create an unstopable fighters. The Expiriement was partially successfull, but after several failed attempts to "finish" the expiriment the sientists realized that the thought of creations they themself had troubles killing wasn't exactly comforting. They dicided to keep him around somewhat longer to research his weaknesses before they applied their results to other, possible mor vicious expiriements. After a while they got used to his distant calm nature and started to allow him more and more activities due to his inability to seriously harm someone, starting with books, a frequent game of chess and finally to visit the small library and even to visit some of the more dangerous expiriements. They still are unaware of his ability to heal others, thought.

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