MKRP synopsis

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 12:42, 30 December 2010 by HeWhoWatches (Talk | contribs)

Please give a helping hand when you can! Try your best to keep bias out and mask anything lewd - should it appear. --Anti-paragon 07:36, 6 August 2008 (PDT)

Hey guys. Thanks for all the help, again. Please keep in mind that No OOC stuff is to be in here, unless it affects the IC world. Subsequently, if something is created, like a house or NPC, document it. I'll be using this as a bit of a library later on for all my info. Finally, mostly for the early-on recorders, ignore any sidestories unless it actually comes into contact with town. That was all a following of stuff from LPW that was just on the side. Thanks guys.

The Synopsis of MKRP

Current Pages (0% complete)

Pages 901 to 925 (0% complete)

Pages 876 to 900 (0% complete)

Pages 851 to 875 (64% completed by Anti-Paragon!)

Pages 826 to 850 (0% complete)

Pages 801 to 825 (0% complete)

Pages 776 to 800 (0% complete)

Pages 751 to 775 (0% complete)

Pages 726 to 750 (0% complete)

Pages 701 to 725 (0% complete)

Pages 676 to 700 (0% complete)

Pages 651 to 675 (0% complete)

Pages 626 to 650 (0% complete)

Pages 601 to 625 (0% complete)

Pages 576 to 600 (0% complete)

Pages 551 to 575 (0% complete)

Pages 526 to 550 (0% complete)

Pages 501 to 525 (0% complete)

Pages 476 to 500 (0% complete)

Pages 451 to 475 (0% complete)

Pages 426 to 450 (0% complete)

Pages 401 to 425 (0% complete)

Pages 376 to 400 (0% complete)

Pages 351 to 375 (0% complete)

Pages 326 to 350 (15% completed by OzLionHeart)

Pages 301 to 325 (16% complete by Amon Star)

Pages 276 to 300 (100% completed by OzLionHeart)

Pages 251 to 275 (92% complete by SleepyOrigami)

Pages 226 to 250 (100% complete by Amon Star)

Pages 201 to 225 (100% completed by OzLionHeart!)

Pages 176 to 200 (100% completed by Amon Star)

Pages 151 to 175 (100% completed by OzLionHeart!)

Pages 126 to 150 (100% completed by OzLionHeart!)

Pages 101 to 125 (100% completed by OzLionHeart!)

Pages 76 to 100 (100% completed by Amon Star)

Pages 51 to 75 (100% completed by SleepyOrigami!)

Pages 26 to 50 (100% completed by OzLionHeart!) Day two starts here!

First 25 pages (100% completed by Anti-Paragon!) Day one starts here!

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