Black Winged Angels Inc.

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 11:25, 4 August 2010 by Zerras (Talk | contribs)


in the mid 21st century in the dense forest of Michigan, the open Sahara of Africa, and the frozen north of Siberia three large chunks of an highly advanced craft and its cargo payload crashed into the ground. The Cargo of this ship was scattered across the world. NATO and The Warsaw Pact nations along with several other smaller players fought a series of bloody skirmishes for control of the items. These battles brought many citizens of the more "civilized" nations to grow disgusted or disillusioned with their respective governments. Like the German Hessians, the Swiss Guard and the Infamous 'Blackwater' warriors to fight in your stead were now for sale.

The technology salvaged proved to be the final piece of the power supply puzzle that had plagued powered armor since its initial stages.

the first generation mobile powered armor vehicles were large, slow, and were wheeled, tracked or quad legged.

--BIO Chart--

Name: Callsign: Theme: [optional] Age: Sex: hair: eyes: build: Personality: Education level: Family: how/why they were recruited: background: unit ID# : "X ##" [Mike, Tango, India = MALON, TURK, ISHIM] [any two digit number not claimed] RCAV Type and Build:

Awards and Decorations:

weapon builder chart

subject to change



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Name Purpose Range (Kilometers) Cost Ammo Reload cost Rate of Fire Damage Caused per hit “Splash” ? DPS Time to kill (seconds) Time till empty (seconds) Xxx
120mm repeater All purpose Assault 3.5 0.500 200 0.250 45.000 2.500 N 1.875 2.667 266.667 Xxx
3x120mm repeater all purpose Assault 3.5 1.500 300 0.500 135.000 3.750 N 8.438 0.593 133.333 xxx
.50 cal HMG Anti-LAV/Personnel 1.5 0.250 1000 0.125 1200.000 0.001 N 0.020 250.000 50.000 xxx
3x60mm repeater all purpose assault 1.5 0.500 300 0.250 125.000 0.375 N 0.781 6.400 144.000 Xxx
105mm Rifle all purpose Assault 3.0 1.000 150 0.500 60.000 0.750 N 0.750 6.667 150.000 Xxx
EMG 200mm Sniper 740.0 1.000 125 0.500 60.000 2.500 N 2.500 2.000 125.000 xxx
2x3 120mm Rocket Wide area suppression 4.0 1.000 30 0.500 30.000 2.500 Y 1.250 4.000 60.000 xxx
30mm Vulcan Anti-LAV/Personnel 1.0 0.250 7200 0.125 3600.000 0.010 N 0.600 8.333 120.000 xxx
300mm Rifle Sniper 8.0 1.000 200 0.500 30.000 3.750 N 1.875 2.667 400.000 xxx
60mm Shotgun CQB 2.0 1.000 250 0.500 15.000 3.750 Y 1m Diameter 0.938 5.333 1000.000 xxx
Pneumatic Spike CQB MELEE 2.000 15 1.000 5.000 25.000 N 2.083 1.000 180.000 xxx
400mm Cannon Anti-RCAV Cannon 5.0 1.500 25 0.500 15.000 5.001 Y 10m Diameter 1.250 1.000 100.000 xxx
Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxx


Stinger Anti-Air/RCAV [seeker] 4.0 1.000 5 Xx 20.000 0.850 Y 5m Diameter 0.283 17.647 15.000 xxx
HEAT Un-Guided Anti-Armor 3.5 1.000 4 Xx 15.000 1.000 Y 5m Diameter 0.250 20.000 16.000 xxx
SARA Anti-Armor [laser guided] 10.0 1.500 20 0.500 1200.000 10.000 N 200.000 1.000 1.000
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

-Big Guns-

12x3 120mm Calliope Long-Range Area Suppression 10.0 3.000 36 0.100 36.000 1.000 Y 10m Diameter 0.600 8.333 60.000 xxx
600mm Howitzer Long-Range Artillery 10.0 2.000 25 0.500 15.000 1.500 Y 25m Diameter 0.375 13.333 100.000 xxx
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx


Armor kit Survivability
1.000 Xx Xx
Each kit doubles the amount of damage an RCAV can take, cost limit n/a

UAV launcher Scouting Tool 25.0 2.000 Xx Xx
xxx n/a

All Weather Optics Increases Sight Range and Visibility 20.0 0.500 Xx Xx
xxx n/a

flare/smoke launcher Illumination/Concealment 3.0 0.500 10 0.250
xxx n/a

Active guidance countermeasures Chaff/Flares, Intended to misguide enemy [Stinger]s 1.5 0.500 10 0.250
xxx n/a

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx


PEW All purpose Assault 15Km 4.000 500 0.500 75.000 3.000 N 3.750 2.667 400.000 xxx
KNOW Anti-RCAV RIFLE 20Km 4.000 10 0.500 60.000 5.500 Y 10m Diameter 5.500 1.818 10.000 xxx
TSR Sniper 250Km 4.000 30 0.500 30.000 7.000 N 3.500 2.857 60.000 xxx
Falcon Anti-Air/RCAV [seeker] 500Km 6.000 2 None 1.000 30.000 Y 1Km Diameter 0.500 1.000 120.000 xxx

0.000 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

Carry system name Cost Allotment Max speed: Kph Limitations Max weapon size

Relative Size

4x4 Wheels 5 200 Bad on hills, very fast on flat terrain 120mm

Approximately the Size of a 2 lane wide tractor/trailer, front axle is bicycle style as it can pivot 360

6x6 Wheels 7 180 Moderate on hills, fast on flat 200mm

Same size as the 4x4, however its wheels are standard, but its mid-section is flexible

Treads 10 100 Great all terrain, tad slower, immune to knock back 300mm

As wide as 2 lanes and as long as a double hitch tractor trailer

4 leg 12 140 Goes anywhere No limit

As long as 2 tractor/trailers end to end, and as wide as a 3 lane road

2 leg 6 180 Does OK on hills, and ran still run on un-even terrain 200mm

As wide as 2 lanes and its feet are the size of a VW Bug.

Reverse Joint 2 leg with Stabalizer arms 8 160 Good hill climber, slowed due to its stabilizer kit 300mm, only one besides the 4 leg to be able to handle a 200mm EMG

Same as normal two leg, but its knee joints face the other way and have two little drop down recoil absorbers.

ISHIM 5 400 no more then 4 weapons can be placed on it 30mm

limited to 4 hard points, but is able to fly.

TURK 8 180 no more the 6 weapons can be placed on it 105mm

has a total of 6 hard points for weapons, but only if you sacrifice both hands. If one hand is still in place it comes with a free engineering and demo kit.

Explanations of Numbers

A 'naked' MALON has 4.999 “health”. Each armor kit doubles the “Health”

a 'naked' TURK has 2.999 “health”. Each armor kit doubles the “Health”

a 'naked' ISHIM has 1.999 “health”. Each armor kit doubles the “Health”

The damage points are dependent on direct hits

A near miss or “splash” does half damage

if you can figure out a weapon concept, and can balance it with these, I'll work with you to decide cost and or approval.

additionally, any specialized mods you wish to make will be considered and balanced for feasibility



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