42nd KORVATHIAN Infantry

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 03:47, 27 August 2009 by Zerras (Talk | contribs)



The Year is considered to be 13 After Asteroid Impact {AAI}.

13 years ago a smaller asteroid landed in the middle of the African savanah. Its arrival in the now resource starved planet triggered a massive war. One that is know to many as "The War of the Rock".

Many Alliances were broken, made, and broken again in the course of this conflict. Leaving a horrible political and bloody mess.

It wasn't until an self hired Mercenary Organization called "WILLOW" took control of the site, and began its research, that it was found that the asteroid was of little resource value.

This discovery resulted in major political backlash on the participating countries, as the grieving survivors of the men and women lost during the war learned and believed that their loved ones had died in "political pissing match". This resulted in many Mercenary organizations standing up to say that they could do the job, for a nominal fee of course, and with them there would be less political backlash as they are considered "Expendable"

When these organization took over they began to develop new weapons as force multipliers. These weapons made the armored vehicles of even the most modern army obsolete overnight.

The Weapons

The new weapons were commonly called "Mechs" though this created the image of giant cyborgs and crazy laser weapons. This was far from the truth. They were simply much larger and walking tanks. Some groups still called them Mechs, but most cosidered them to be RCAV's. [Ranged Combat Armored Vehicles]. They are designed to be modular so that a single squad, could be provided, and outfitted with the newest weapons as soon as they became availible, and to be able to re-outfit them to better suit their RCAV's to an upcomming battle, without having to bring a plethora of minor variants.

Weapon System

Name Purpose Range (Kilometers) Cost Ammo Reload cost Rate of Fire Damage Caused per round “Splash” ? Xxx Carry system name Cost Allotment Max speed Limitations Max weapon size
120mm repeater All purpose Assualt 3.5 0.500 200 0.250 45 RPM 0.500 N Xxx 4x4 Wheels 5 200 Bad on hills, fast on flat terrain 120mm
3x120mm repeater all purpose Assualt 3.5 1.500 300 0.500 135 RPM 0.500 N xxx 6x6 Wheels 7 180 Moderate on hills, fast on flat 200mm
.50 cal HMG Anti-LAV/Personnel 1.5 0.250 1000 0.125 1200 RPM 0.000 N xxx Treads 10 100 Great all terrain, tad slower, immune to knock back 300mm
30mm repeater HRF Suppression/ Anti-Armor 3.0 0.500 250 0.250 60 RPM 0.250 N xxx 4 leg 12 140 Goes anywhere No limit
EMG 200mm Sniper 9.0 1.000 125 0.500 60 RPM 0.600 N xxx 2 leg 6 180 Does ok on hills, and ran still run on un-even terrain 200mm
2x3 120mm Rocket Wide area suppression 4.0 1.000 6x5 0.500 30 RPM 0.500 Y xxx Reverse Joint 2 leg with Stabalizer arms 8 160 Good hill climber, slowed due to its stabilizer kit 300mm
25mm Mini gun Anti-LAV/Personnel 1.0 0.250 2000 0.125 3600 RPM 0.001 N xxx

300mm Rifle Sniper 8.0 1.000 200 0.500 30 RPM 0.750 N xxx

60mm Shotgun CQB 2.0 1.000 250 0.500 15 RPM 0.750 Y 1m Diameter xxx Explanations of Numbers

Pneumatic Spike CQB MELEE 2.000 15 1.000 5 RPM 1.000 N xxx A 'naked' RCAV has .999 “health”. Each armor kit doubles the “Health”

400mm Cannon Anti-RCAV Cannon 5.0 1.500 25 0.500 15 RPM 1.000 Y 10m Diameter xxx The damage points are dependent on direct hits

Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxx
xxx A near miss or “splash” does half damage



Stinger Anti-Air/RCAV [seeker] 4.0 1.000 5 Xx 20 RPM 0.850 Y 5m Diameter xxx

HEAT Un-Guided Anti-Armor 3.5 1.000 4 Xx 15 RPM 1.000 Y 5m Diameter xxx

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

-Big Guns-


12x3 120mm Calliope Long-Range Area Suppression 10.0 3.000 36 0.100 36 RPM 1.000 Y 10m Diameter xxx

600mm Howitzer Long-Range Artillery 10.0 2.000 25 0.500 15 RPM 1.500 Y 25m Diameter xxx

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx



Armor kit Survivability
1.000 Xx Xx
Each kit doubles the amount of damage an RCAV can take, each kit over the limit reduces the speed by 25% n/a xxx

UAV launcher Scouting Tool 25.0 2.000 Xx Xx
xxx n/a xxx

All Weather Optics Increases Sight Range and Visibilty 20.0 0.500 Xx Xx
xxx n/a xxx

flare/smoke launcher Illumination/Concealement 3.0 0.500 10 0.250
xxx n/a xxx

Active guidance countermeasures Chaff/Flares, Intended to misguide enemy [Stinger]s 1.5 0.500 10 0.250
xxx n/a xxx

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx




4.000 25



4.000 10



4.000 30




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