Johnathan Thrane

From Egs Mayhem

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Age: 18
Birthplace: Colorado, United States
Location of Transformation: On/Near his school campus.
Species: Barn Owl
Former Profession: Student (future aerodynamics major)
Height: 6-ish feet
Weight: 96 lbs
Build: Thin

  • Face, chest, & underwings: White
  • Everywhere else: Tan

Eyes: Dark brown
Typical Outfit: Special glasses (they have to be tucked into his feathers since he has no human ears), blue jeans, sandals or no shoes (they won't fit over his talons), and a shirt that either can be easily ditched or won't interfere with his wings.
Physical Appearance: Looks mostly like an oversized owl. He has even taken on the stereotypical dish-like owl face which, while great for his hearing, can be rather expressionless at times.

Animal Abilities:

  • Hearing: Simply exceptional. Can hear a pin drop from the other side of a football field.
  • Sight: Owls can't see in complete dark, as is common belief, but his dark-vision is still impressive. His distance vision is also quite good, but at the cost of being extremely farsighted. Even with glasses, he still has trouble seeing details of things too close to him.
  • Flight: Blessed with hollow bones and wings, he can fly, plain and simple. But this, too, has a cost. He has difficulty with tasks that require fine manipulation with his hands (even writing or typing is labored), and his hollow bones are more fragile than normal human bones.

Personality: While normally pretty laid-back, he is suspicious of the whole situation. He would probably try to escape the island if he knew which direction to fly and believed he could make the trip.

History: John had always envied birds and the ease with which they ruled the skies. It's what inspired him to study physics and aerodynamics; he wanted to be able to design a device to allow him to take to the air. Even before his transformation, he was an amateur hang glider. He was (fortunately) alone when he started to change, and he was able to make it home mostly unseen. Not unseen enough, though. He had an uncle who worked on some kind of genetics research, and John's plan was to reach his uncle before the government found him; he had heard the stories about how transformed people vanished, taken away to some top-secret facility. By laying low and quickly learning how to use his new wings (his previous hang-gliding experience and basic knowledge of the physics of flight helped), he was able to evade his captors for a good while, but they caught up with him long before he could reach his planned destination.

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