
From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 05:12, 6 December 2006 by Nokvok (Talk | contribs)

Name: Stone
Age: 3.3 Billion Years.
Gender: n/a

Appearance: A irregularly formed, 2 Inch large, blackish-blue stone of around 8 ounces weight.

Power: Sentience (Yeah, for a Stone this is a Superpower ).Correspondence: All space is one, Distance is non-existent, Reach and Location a matter of perception. The Stone learned to control his perception rather than being controlled by it. In the end that Means Stone can 'Relocate' himself. This looks like Teleportion, but is in reality far more powerful, since it cannot be stopped by anything short of divine intervention or a more powerful Master of Correspondence... which are unlikely to exist on Earth itself. It also in not limited by distance, at all. However, since Stone is bending reality, and reality is based on sentient beings perception... any observer of it using its powers is causing some Paradox fluctuation... which cause sometimes funny, sometimes dangerous breaches of reality which stone cannot control. Yes, that's all.

Weaknesses: Stone is Mute and unable to write, hence unable to communicate at all. Its power forces him to work unobserved by most Humans, so it has a very limited influence. He is a stone and as such vulnerable to high temperatures, crushing. There is no special resistance against Magic or Psionics other than he is really not 'alive' in the sense of a living being. He is a little bit more resistant than normal stone, so he can withstand sand, water and wind... It is not to be denied that in another few Billion years he'll be shrunken to a sand corn however.

Personality: Stone is naturally curious, even after an eternity. To be honest the fast living beings and the speed of the development of Live, Mankind and civilization confuses, scares and excites it at once. It gained understanding of the Human's living, needs, fears and dreams... and it sometimes feels like playing a prank, to play with them, or to help them...

History: Stone is Old... soo damn old, it forgot when it was born.. or if he was ever born. It once wandered the Universe for a few Million years, played with Mountains by dropping himself onto them over and over again until the mountain was but a hill... He saw the deepest Oceans, the farthest edge of the Universe... and he still is not bored.

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