Backstory50 MKRP

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 16:57, 25 July 2009 by OzLionHeart (Talk | contribs)

Page 26

  • Atescu awakens early, and sets out pies in the bakery.
  • Grim (who slept late) is running to the bakery, when he spies a figure walking by, whom he greets. The figure turns out to be Kraggi (v5'd).
  • Freek takes a batch of freshly-baked cookies out of the oven.
  • Eshli has found a baseball, and tosses it up and down.
  • Kraggi and Grim chat.
  • Sage awakes from his nap, and heads for the bakery, in search of something for breakfast.
  • Kraggi, being very excited at Grim's mention of cookies and pies, charges into the bakery, dragging Grim with her.
  • Eric flies through town, having been transformed into a fairy, apparently at the whim of his god.
  • Eric flies into the bakery, and perches on Kraggi's shoulder. He introduces himself, and explains that he has been transformed, and needs to nestle in a woman's cleavage for an undisclosed amount of time in order to return to human form.
  • Kraggi explains that (a) she is not actually a woman, and (b) Eric is not getting into her shirt, on pain of being squashed.
  • A shrunken Kirk appears, and perches himself on Kraggi's other shoulder. He introduces himself, and leers at Kraggi's... endowments. This earns him a flicking off of said shoulder.

Page 27

  • James arrives in the bakery.
  • HomerNet wakes up, climbs out of bed, and hikes into town.
  • Sage enters the bakery, and asks about breakfast-type baked goods.
  • Kraggi asks James what he is the god of. James says that he is the God of Awesomeness. Or Awesome.
  • HomerNet enters the bakery, and is admired by Kraggi.
  • Kraggi greets HomerNet, and starts to ask her something, when James grabs Eric and stuffs him into HomerNet's cleavage, then teleports himself away.
  • JonJonAug enters the bakery, sees HomerNet, and tells her about a special TF gun that created specifically for her, to restore her to male form. He then sits down, and asks Kasumi for the food that he ordered earlier. Kasumi than goes to get it.
  • Kraggi asks Eric if he was required to take an oath of celibacy. Eric says that he asked once, and received a concussion for his pains, but no answer as such.
  • Kraggi fishes around in Homer's shirt for Eric, and pulls him up enough to be visible.
  • Atesu asks Sage what he would like. Freek heads out to see the rest of the town.
  • James summons the Pervert Fairy.
  • Kraggi asks for three pumpkin pies and two dozen cookies, and asks how much that would be in Zarbortokens.
  • Sage orders "a dozen scones, 3 dozen glazed doughnuts, and a cake, preferably chocolate."
  • Kraggi complains that she was there first, before Sage.
  • Another fairy (James) appears, and dives into Kraggi's cleavage, before being forcibly removed by Kraggi, and thrown against a wall.
  • Sage gives Kraggi a business card. She bites the card, then puts it in her pocket.

Page 28

  • Atescu fills Kraggi's order, and calculates a price for same (about $65 or 390 Zarbortokens).
  • Kraggi takes her goods, pays for them, and asks if someone could help carry her purchases. Grim volunteers.
  • Atescu fills Sage's order, as Sage pays for it.
  • Grim asks Kraggi what the lake is called. Kraggi says that she heard it called "Redstone Lake" by the realtor. She asks Grim if he wants to go swimming.
  • Grim agrees, and Kraggi has an internal argument as to whether to get a swimsuit or go without.
  • JJA opens the TF Store. (Description of the items stocked, as well as description of V6 forms.)
  • Back at the bakery: HomerNet yanks Eric out of her cleavage, and orders a bear-claw.
  • HomerNet walks down the street, and sees the newly-opened pub. She goes in to apply for a job.
  • Eric flies out and apologises, then an unknown force takes over his wings and sends him deeper into HomerNet's cleavage again.
  • HomerNet opens her top slightly, and Eric flies out and is restored to normal form.
  • HammerQueen makes an appearance, watching the situation with Eric and HomerNet.
  • Sanchay pops up and greets HQ, introducing herself.
  • HQ introduces herself, and says she's new here.
  • James floats down from the sky, and says that HQ will need a house. HQ is not seen again in Mossy Knoll after this page...

Page 29 (This page is mostly OOC discussion, not recorded here as per AP's request.)

  • Sqauto goes to the pub, in order to interview Homer (Note: it says "Helen" - this may be confusion on Squato's part) for a job.
  • James tells Eric that he needs a job. He asks Eric if he knows how to mix drinks, and on being told "No", uses his powers to give him the required knowledge and skills. He then commands Eric to go to the pub and get a job there.
  • Ann appears in the town square, rather confused, and sans clothing. She summons the magic T-shirt that Lomgren gave her, and uses it to cover herself.
  • At the lake: Kraggi takes off her top and jeans, and goes swimming in her underwear.

Page 30


  • Grim follows suit, and dives in after Kraggi. The lake turns out to be a bit cold...
  • There is a splash as a new person comes in, and Grim grabs for the nearest thing to grab. This turns out to be Kraggi.

Town Square

  • Knave (GoKF) appears next to Ann, similarly unclad. He summons the Regalia of Death, covers himself, and comments that this feature may need fixing.
  • f-ej2 flies down into the Deathmanse and back out, using the permanent night as cover.
  • Knave wraps the Deathcloak around Ann, and the two head back to the Deathmanse.


  • Ann and Knave discover the corpse of Knave, being prodded by what appears to be Ann. Ann is very confused by this.
  • The new Ann explains that she was in the body when it was revived by a certain phoenix-woman.
  • Ann realises who this is - the other (former ghost) Ann.
  • Brad appears, and offers Ann a magic clothing ball. She politely refuses it.


  • The new person introduces himself to Grim and Kraggi as the God of Awesome.


  • Eric jumps behind the bar, and proceeds to demonstrate his new mad drinks-making skillz.

Page 31

  • GoKF says he should have some dresses around the place, or at least a spare robe.


  • Grim lets go of Kraggi, hoping that she would understand his grabbing was a reflex.
  • Kraggi greets James, and asks after Eric.
  • James shakes Grim's hand as he is introduced by Kraggi. James then teleports away.


  • GoKF takes Ann to find some new clothing for her, since the new Ann has her uniform.
  • Brad makes a robe for Ann, using his magic yarn.


  • Kraggi dives down to check for fish in the lake.
  • Grim dives after her.


  • Ann declines Brad's offer (again), and GoKF takes Ann upstairs, and finds her a black dress to wear.
  • Ann checks herself out in the mirror, while the new Ann gets used to her new body.


  • Kraggi starts to resurface, and has some difficulties...

Page 32 Lake

  • Grim notices Kraggi is in difficulties, and lends her a hand.

Lomgren's house

  • Lomgren awakes from a nightmare as his alarm goes off. He has some brunch, then cleans up and heads into town.

Tower of Vor

  • Lora looks out over the lake, and sees the swimmers, recognising one of them as Kraggi. She hops into her dinghy, and rows over to visit.

Town Square

  • Lomgren looks around for a place to buy or rent for his store.


  • Sqauto checks over Eric's work, and hires him. He then gets ready to open up the pub.
  • Sqauto posts OOC a description of the pub's layout and wares.


  • Ann sees GoKF looking at her, and strikes a sexy postpose.
  • Ann(2) peeks in on Ann while taking a sip from a flask she found on her person, and nearly chokes on it. Both Anns blush, for different reasons.
  • The new Ann comments that she is more open about herself here.
  • GoKF joins the blushing epidemic, as he recalls certain dreams he apparently forgot to share with the new Ann.

Page 33

  • Scribble makes a dramatic entrance at the lakeside.

Town Square

  • Lomgren finds a shop that looks exactly right for him.


  • Ann is puzzled that the new Ann is so embarrassed, after Helen took that photo of her and Homer in the same bed.
  • Ann2 has no idea what Ann is talking about. Apparently it never happened in her timeline.
  • Ann makes a bid to outdo Lomgren in the blushing stakes, and then suggests they get some food, in order to get away from the awkward moment.
  • All three shudder as Scribble's tentacle of darkness passes over them. Ann looks out of the window, but doesn't see the cause of it.


  • Scribble walks into town in the altogether, having no concept of clothing or modesty.


  • Lomgren checks out the building he has chosen a little more carefully.


  • Ann agrees with GoKF's suggestion of the pub, then remembers that New Ann has her wallet.
  • Ann offers her spare room to the new Ann. New Ann decides to discuss it over food. She hasn't tasted food in years.
  • GoKF brings up a problem with two Anns...


  • Lomgren finds the owner of the building, and negotiates a lease.


  • Ann and Ann2 realise the problem. They look at each other for a moment, then announce that they're willing to share...

Page 34


  • Lomgren sets up a sign in the window of his new store, announcing the coming of Lomgren's Books. He then decides to head for the pub, which is now open for business (and meals).


  • GoKF blinks at the pronouncement, then shrugs and decides to see how it works out.
  • The Anns both realise that their heats synchronising could be a problem, but decide to talk about it over food.
  • The Anns (plus GoKF) head out to the pub, in search of food.


  • Lomgren exits from his bookstore-to-be, and sees Ann. He waves to her, then freezes in confusion at the sight of two Anns.
  • Ann spots Lomgren, and walks over to him. Ann(2) thinks Lomgren looks vaguely familiar, somehow.
  • GoKF zaps himself with the Scythe, and becomes f-GoKF.
  • Lomgren is more confused at this point. Ann takes him in paw, and tells him that the other Ann is her twin sister.
  • Ann(2) drags f-GoKF to the pub, where f-GoKF orders sandwiches for herself and Ann2. The one she orders for Ann2 is italicised...
  • Ann helps Lomgren up, and leads him into the pub.
  • Ann enters, and takes a seat across from f-GoKF. She looks around with approval, and decides she might be a regular here.
  • Lomgren feels awkward, not wanting to intrude, but f-GoKF invites him to join them.
  • Ann moves over to give Lomgren room to sit, and starts to perform introductions. This runs into a problem of how to introduce Ann2...
  • Ann and Ann2 move away from the table, and hold a whispered discussion...

Page 35


  • Lomgren asks f-GoKF how he/she came into the Office. She explains this: she was the first to claim the Office here. In other worlds, it was a case of killing the previous Officeholder (as described in On a Pale Horse).
  • Discussion between Ann and Ann(2) continues. Ann(2) is not happy about something.
  • Ann makes a deal with Ann(2), the details of which are not yet revealed.
  • Lomgren asks f-GoKF about the permanent full moon over the Deathmanse. She says that it came with the House, along with the skeletons in the closets. Yes, real ones. One of the previous Officeholders though it was funny.
  • Ann and her twin resolve their issue, and return to the table. Ann then introduces the other as Rose Pertchin, her twin sister. And Death's girlfriend...
  • Lomgren is a bit confused by the tension between Ann and f-GoKF, but greets Rose and shakes her handpaw.
  • Scribble (still nekkid) enters the pub. He is not noticed by the group, due to their table being too far from the entrance.
  • Freek enters the pub, brushing past Scribble, and tells him to put some clothes on. He then goes to the counter, and asks if the pub could use a cook (Grim).
  • Scribble thinks about it, then produces clothing from his body.
  • Sage, finishing his baked goods, spots opened pub, and does a happy dance before entering and asking is they serve Martinis.

Homer's Place

  • Homer wakes up in her bed, with no memory of how she got there. And no sign of her clothes...

Page 36


  • Sqauto points to the sign stating that all customers must wear clothing. He then informs Sage that they do indeed serve Martinis, and asks him how he wants his.
  • Sage orders a vodka martini, shaken not stirred. Eric produces same, using his god-given drink-mixing skills.
  • f-GoKF is rather confused by Ann's pronouncement, and asks what happened to the proposed sharing.
  • Sage sips his drink, then recalls that he has no tolerance for alcohol. He then continues drinking anyway.
  • Lomgren is confused by the mention of "sharing", then gets it, and blushes.

Homer's Place

  • Homer searches her home, and finds no sign of any of her clothing. After some creativity with some fancy knots (and a couple of safety pins), she heads into town, wearing her bed-sheet.

The pub (now named The Rex)

  • The food arrives, breaking the awkward moment somewhat.

Page 37


  • Homer arrives, Not Happy. She asks around for a clothes shop, and is directed by a helpful passer-by to same.

The Rex

  • Sage passes out after his one drink, blind drunk. Lomgren looks around, then goes back to eating.


  • JJA has an idea, and staffs the TF store with four Nabiki clones, to operate the store in shifts.
  • Homer goes to the clothing store, and buys herself a new wardrobe.

The Rex

  • f-GoKF checks on Sage to make sure he is all right, then returns to eating her sandwich, which has a little flag on it...


  • Grim and Kraggi discuss buying the diner in town.
  • Marcus enters The Rex, accompanied by Shampoo (possibly a clone?).

Clothing Store

  • Homer has most of her new clothing sent to her house, and heads for the pub.

The Rex

  • Sage wakes up, with a hangover. He asks Eric for a root beer to help with it.
  • Scribble, seeing Homer enter, decides to transform her. This works, but only momentarily, and Homer then reverts to her Ranma-chan form.
  • Scribble is rather confused that his attempt failed, and more confused that he finds himself happy that it failed.

Page 37

  • Ann is still upset, and realises that she did not order food for herself.
  • Rose takes a bite of her first food in years, and savours it.
  • Rose finishes her sandwich, and tells Ann to tell it straight out, as they are all adults.
  • Homer goes up to the bar, and recognises Sqauto as the father of Helen's child.
  • Sage takes a sip of his root beer, muttering about how he hates alcohol.
  • Ann starts to explain to GoKF: if their heats synchronise, they would be at each other's throats, and neither one wants that.
  • Rose takes over the explanation, as Ann is too choked up to speak: GoKF is not the Knave that Ann fell in love with, and they have agreed that Rose is to be the one to have him/her.
  • Ann gets up and walks out.
  • Lomgren starts to go after Ann, but Rose calls him back, saying that Ann needs some time to herself.
  • Rose suggests that Lomgren wait ten minutes, then go after her, and give her something, which Rose produces from her pocket.
  • f-GoKF continues to just...sit...there...still too stunned to think. And eats the sandwich.

Page 38

  • The object turns out to be Ann's house keys.

Ann's House

  • Ann arrives, to discover that she is locked out.

The Rex

  • Lomgren pays for his food, and heads to Ann's house.


  • Kraggi departs for her house, to change out of her wet underwear.
  • Grim departs to his house, for the same reason.
  • Having changed underwear, both Grim and Kraggi head for the pub, and meet up outside.

The Rex

  • Sage leaves some money on the bar, and goes back to his tower, where he goes to sleep.
  • f-GoKF notices the flag on her sandwich, leaves some money on the table to pay, and puts her hood up.

The lake

  • Lora blinks and looks around, wondering where all the people she was talking to went. She finishes her sandwich, then ties up at the dock, and goes into town in search of employment.

Page 40

Ann's house

  • Ann hears someone coming, and straightens herself up a bit. The someone turns out to be Lomgren.

The Diner

  • Grim and Kraggi buy the diner from the owner between them.

Town Square

  • fDeath pushes out into the square, accompanied by Rose. fDeath is rather unhappy.

Ann's House

  • Lomgren greets Ann, and gives her the keys. He tells her that he is there for her if she needs a friend.

Town Square

  • Lora arrives, sees fDeath and Rose together and greets them.
  • Rose realises that the sandwich fDeath ate was a sandwich (note italics), and finds it funny, until she realises that it was meant for her...
  • Lora is rather confused by meeting fDeath, since she was male previously.
  • fDeath still has her hood up, but something is different about her voice...


  • Grim and Kraggi look over their new acquisition, and decide what sort of foods they can serve.

Town Square

  • Lora explains to fDeath and Rose that she is looking for work, and asks if they know of anyone hiring.

Page 41


  • Grim and Kraggi discuss names for their diner/restaurant.

Ann's House

  • Ann is interrupted from her mood by Lomgren offering his support. She smiles at him, and suggests that they get out of the rain, which is just beginning to fall...

Town Square

  • Rose introduces herself and fDeath to Lora.
  • Since Lora has said she's looking for work, Rose asks her what her skills are.
  • Lora describes her skills, which are mostly limited to music.

Ann's House

  • Ann unlocks the door, and they go inside. Ann notices a window open, and realises that she could have used the window to get in.

Town Square

  • Rose yanks fDeath's hood off... to reveal that fDeath now looks exactly like her.
  • Lora starts to comment on this... and falls asleep. Standing up. In the middle of the town square.

Ann's House

  • Ann closes the window, and smiles back at Lomgren.

Town Square

  • Rose is more than a bit shocked at the revelation. She puts Ann-GoKF's hood back up, then takes it down again. No change.
  • Ann-GoKF begins to realise what has happened.

Page 42 (Insert H2G2 reference here)

Ann's House

  • The fur on Ann's neck stands up, for no reason she can identify.
  • Ann shrugs this off, gets out a bag of potato chips, and invites Lomgren to watch television with her. He accepts.

Town Square

  • Rose looks at Ann-GoKF, then sets off for Ann's House.
  • Ann-GoKF picks up Lora, and follows Rose.

Ann's House

  • Ann's TV viewing is interrupted by the sound of boots on her kitchen floor, followed by the sound of the liquor cabinet being opened. She goes out and intercepts Rose, in the process of raiding her liquor.
  • When asked what she is doing here, Rose points to the door... where Ann-GoKF is carrying in Lora.
  • Rose calms down a little, and puts the whisky bottle back in the cabinet.
  • Ann is not happy about the water on her floor (all three are soaked from the rain), but directs Ann-KF to put Lora in the spare bedroom.
  • Ann-KF does so, and explains what happened to her: she ate a sandwich. Ann and Rose remember the little flag on the sandwich, and make a note of it for future reference.
  • Ann goes to go change out of her dress, finding it too awkward to move around in. She tells Rose to come with her, since her uniform is soaked.
  • Ann looks into the lounge to talk to Lomgren, and finds that he has fallen asleep on the couch. She covers him with a blanket, then signals the other two to follow her silently.
  • Ann leads the others into the main bedroom, gives them a towel each, and has them change out of their wet clothing. She takes the wet clothing out and puts it in the dryer.
  • Ann then checks on Lora (and Lomgren), and takes a bottle and three glasses back to the bedroom, where she finds Ann-KF and Rose looking through her photo album.

Page 43

The Rex

  • Sqauto interviews Homer for a job, and hires her as a "Bar Wench" (yes, that's her official title).


  • Grim and Kraggi realise that it is too far to go to either of their houses, and decide to stay there while the rain continues.

OOC: JJA posts the list of items available at the TF shop.

Tower of Sage

  • Sage awakens form his nap, and decides to go out, taking a "Magic Umbrella" with him to ward off the rain.

The Rex

  • JJA enters the pub, and talks with Homer about undoing her form change. Homer is not impressed. She mixes him a Tahitian Firecracker. He chokes on it.

Page 44

Ann's house

  • Lomgren wakes up, somewhat confused about where he is for a moment, then remembers.


  • Grim and Kraggi decide to cook something up to pass the time.

Ann's house

  • Lomgren gets up, and finds his way to the main bedroom. He knocks.
  • One of the trio pokes her head out (presumably Ann), and greets Lomgren.

Page 45

Ann's house

  • Ann emerges, full glass of whisky in paw, and escorts Lomgren back to the lounge.
  • Lomgren asks about the drink, and Ann explains that she wanted her share before it all went. She offers to share it with Lomgren.
  • Lomgren declines, as he doesn't drink, and asks her what the others are doing.

Page 46


  • Having eaten, Grim and Kraggi are now cooking up something else to pass the time...
  • Scribble sneaks in invisibly, and plays voyeur.
  • After cleaning up, Grim and Kraggi disappear behind a Tasteful Curtain.

Ann's house

  • Ann stalls for a moment, not really wanting to tell Lomgren.


  • Sage passes the restaurant, and senses the Curtain. He then gives the restaurant a wide berth...

Ann's house

  • Ann quickly changes the subject, asking Lomgren about what has disturbed his sleep lately.
  • Lomgren explains that he had a nightmare. Ann asks him about it, trying to ignore the sounds from the bedroom.
  • Lomgren reluctantly describes his nightmare - it's about a friend dying, over and over...

Page 47

  • Ann is puzzled by Lomgren's description of his dream, and asks him what could have sparked it. She is still doing her best to ignore the sounds from the bedroom, which are becoming louder...


  • Scribble watches certain events unfolding, apparently immune to the effects of a Tasteful Curtain.
  • A mysterious figure somehow grabs Scribble, stuffs him into a box, and leaves the box in the town square.

Town Square

  • A number of very interesting photos appear in the town square, each about ten feet across, and censored in places.
  • Scribble escapes, and decides to go on a TF rampage.

Ann's house

  • Ann hears the sounds from the bedroom, and takes a rather large drink. She then asks Lomgren more about his nightmare, in an effort to distract herself.
  • Lomgren confesses that the friend was Ann herself, and tells her more.


  • Scribble uses his powers to make an old lady young again.

Restaurant The Curtain lifts, revealing Grim and Kraggi in underwear.

Ann's house

  • Ann takes another large drink, and then excuses herself to check on the others.

Page 48

Ann's house

  • Ann takes another drink, then sets the glass down and goes off the the bedroom.
  • Finding the duo hugging each other, she tells them to stay put for a moment, then goes into the closet and comes out with something.
  • Ann-KF and Rose invite Ann to join in the fun. Rose had a bit too much whisky.
  • Lomgren (in the lounge) is getting a bit freaked out by his own thoughts, since he knows that Death is present.

Page 49

  • Ann reveals the the object is Helen's old camera, and takes a photo of the duo hugging.
  • Lomgren gets more and more upset. The sounds of his distress reach Ann, and she puts the camera down before going to investigate.
  • The other two follow her, not thinking to put clothes on first...
  • Ann enters the lounge, flanked by the others.
  • Lomgren asks Ann outright is she died, not looking up.
  • AnnKF says that she did.
  • Ann attempts to reassure Lomgren, and only then notices the other two.
  • Lomgren looks up and sees the trio. Cue blushing...
  • AnnKF explains to Lomgren what happened to her and Ann.
  • Rose drags AnnKF off to the laundry room, while Ann and Lomgren have a moment.
  • Ann and Lomgren kiss. Ann breaks it off suddenly, leaving Lomgren confused.

Page 50

  • KF and Rose have a moment in the laundry room.
  • Ann is still trying to sort out her feelings, then kisses Lomgren again.
  • Ann and Lomgren progress to making out.
  • Rose and KF come out of the laundry. KF falls down, out cold.
  • Alerted by Rose's cry of distress, and and Lomgren come to investigate. Ann checks KF over, then pick her up and carries her to the bedroom. Lomgren waits outside.
  • Ann puts KF on the bed, then goes to tell Lomgren that he can have the sofa for the night, as she needs to keep and eye on KF and Rose.
  • Lomgren dozes off on the sofa, still concerned about KF.
  • Ann goes back to the bedroom, after checking on Lora, and finds Rose passed out on KF. She covers them both up, and sits down to think.
  • Ann becomes very depressed by her thinking, until interrupted by a voice in her head. The voice turns out to be KF. Ann is not happy at this.
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