EGSDF Space Navy

From Egs Mayhem

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The EGSDF Space Navy, usually called simply "The Navy" due to the apparent lack of a maritime branch of the EGSDF, forms Mayhem's first line of defense from spaceborne threats.


The Admiral

The Navy is lead by Fleet Admiral Jstone. He joined the EGS-DF on the same day as the initial invasion warning, and is in the organization to this day. He has progressed from relative cannon-fodder, equipped only with a bulletproof vest and assault rifle, to one of the highest-ranking officers in the Force. How this happened even Jstone (the poster) doesn't quite know, but it may have something to do with the Jstone(the character) having the de-facto role as liaison to the TDF, a position that had him coordinating spacefleet involvement. Others must have become so accustomed to him commanding ships that they just started listening to his orders. As such, Jstone now holds the rank of Fleet Admiral within the EGS-DF, and is in command of all space assets. Despite this, he retained the bad habit of charging to the front, a tactic that has seen him captured twice and killed once. Thankfully, the boardies have installed a RESPAWN facility at the Fort, so he didn't stay dead. Still, the experience of death has left the Admiral a bit shaken, and, in the future, he will maintain his proper position in the fight: Coordinating fleet operations from the relative safety of a flagship bridge.

Naval Operations Command

Naval Operations Command is (or will be, once Jstone wakes up from RESPAWN and attempts to reinstate chain of command in the woefully unorganized EGSDF Navy,) the heart of the navy. Based aboard the Mayhem Orbital Command center, NOC manages all EGS-DF Navy operations. This involves coordinating efforts from multiple, disparate, forces, as well as developing and deploying new mayhem-native vessels (an idea provied by the Port Admiral) for the EGS-DF Navy, in order to reduce dependence on foreign vessels.

Office of Naval Intelligence

ONI is an intelligence department that is internal to the EGSDF Navy. ONI's primary mission is the collection, processing, and dissemination of realtime and almost realtime battlefield intelligence. As a result of this mission, ONI focuses on electronic intelligence (ELINT,) image intelligence (IMINT,) and signals intelligence (IMINT.) Virtually all of the data that ONI works with is collected by either Navy vessels or EGSDF Force Recon green sides operations. ONI does have field operatives, which are primarily used for internal Navy investigations. ONI operatives are, by regulation, prevented from performing field operations unless under the order, and supervision, of the Office of Intelligence.


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