
From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 08:38, 27 March 2008 by Jenerix(LT) (Talk | contribs)



Jenerix525, also known as Jenerix, is a bunny who overly enjoys transformation. For some unknown reason, he has developed a mysterious ability to transform without aid from the TF-gun. He wears a white, short-sleeved shirt and dark greenish-brown trousers usually.


As stated above, Jenerix525 is capable of changing form without the gun, but this is the equivilent of manually programming a clone form, he must focus specifically on the required changes, making it dificult to change back from a new or rarely used form. He has several natural forms (forms that he can easily change back to) dependent on the dominant personality. The most common form has bright white hair and red eyes (he's not evil damn it!).

current form

At the moment Jenerix525 is stuck in a female version of the form described above. His/Her abilities have been blocked (if he/she tries then they look constipated and don't change. All that because femme cola spilt on his TF Gun!



I, Jenerix525, Really like the comic on the other end of this link >This one, right here!< and would like to share a few pieces of information about it; I wish I could do what is said in panel 1, I WOULD NEVER EVER, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, EVER do what Tedd discusses in panel 2! EVER! Quote: "No matter how cool or sexy it would've been!" I don't think it would've been sexy or cool, it would be both, and should be filed under sexy-awesome. I could decribe myself with the third sentence of panel 5, and wish I had a girlfriend like in panel 6. In short: I wish I was Tedd, but the world perceived without the cartoon look. I also hate my keyboard!

Just setting up cameras...

I wouldn't

I believe that it should be public knowledge that EGS isn't the only thing I like.


1 TF gun (damaged (femme cola) (under repair))

1 squirrel teddy

6 cans of unlabeled soda

1 dead fish

1 cookie


1 shiny hubcap

1 can of mackerel

1 bag of salt-n-glass cookies

1 yarn of Forgetfulness (from Kalga)

1 Uryuom Work suit (from shadowwing)

1 Enchanted Diamond Katana (from shadowwing)

1 fishystick (from R3@P3R)

a pair of sunglass-rimmed sunglasses (?)(from Nikolai)

1 white yo-yo (from Zolis)

a set of markers (from Zolis)

a cookie of shiny love-love

Mini-items of undisclosed varieties and undisclosed number;


Mini-Squirrel (This is a miniature statue of a squirrel)


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