
From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 20:59, 18 October 2006 by Catldr24 (Talk | contribs)

catldr24 is a bunny, one of the younger ones at that. He gets obsessive, and is known to do things in RL just to make people stare, sush as what he is doing at this very moment, chewing on a paintbrush. Mmmm, paintbrush. He is a USA bunny, much to his chagrin. Once cross-dressed and posted the disturbingly confusing result on the forum. Errr.... he has n idea what else to write for now, so he'll just skip to rps and characters and that sorta stuff. Oh, and he's never done this before, so if someone could link all of the RPs and characters here that'd be much appreciated.


The Omega Fighting League Tournament


Keenfans RP 2.01




Qwerty -- Omega League

Brette Violet Holloway -- Psion

<catldr24> -- Keenfans 2.01

Hyuuga, Tomoko -- Naruto

Harumi -- Avatar

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