
From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 17:14, 1 August 2008 by PixelHead777 (Talk | contribs)

PixelHead777 is an ADD, bipolar, all around silly person, who is extremely new to the Mayhem Forums, but seems to have settled in well, due to the fact that he is a fully devoted fan of El Goonish Shive. Is ok with being referred to as PixelHead.

PixelHead777 is a male human (Until he gets a true furry avatar of his own), and currently has his own character in LPW!!!, but requests that noone make an article of the character just yet.

There are no plans to join any other RP, unless it is anything like LPW, due to preference to storytelling over anything else. Also, if you wish to make any edits, add them under this. But no flaming, anything I disapprove of will be promptly removed.

PixelHead's RP Character

All information known about the character (plus some not said in the RP, given ooc for reference), as of July 31, 2008:

Name: Brown

Species: Lycan Anthrosquirrel

Gender: Male

Height: About 4 ft.

Other physical features:

  • Squirrel form: Large pointy ears, bushy tail, paw-like feet, and light brown fur (like Grace)
  • Human form: Light tan skin, short brown hair
  • Both forms: Bright blue eyes,

Current known belongings: Red shirt, jeans, and a mood ring, all of which he is wearing.

Background: Comes from a different dimension (not much is known about this dimension), was experimented on before escaping, and sent to the LPW dimension via a strange machine made for traveling to different dimensions, even though it hadn't been completed. There may be consequences on Brown because of it's incompletion when used. Brown remembers nothing before being experimented on.

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