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Part I

Readers are advised that this page is partly in-character and partly out-of-character, and that the two sometimes collide. Also, this is pretty much the brief version, because the full version was taking too many months to write.

Part II

Also, beware of the leopard.


Tyris Stark is a 19-year-old (last updated July 2007) male human from the islands of Britain. His defining physical characteristics include a myopic pair of very blue eyes (not that cheap blue-grey they use nowadays), curly brown hair down to the shoulder blades and short black hair everywhere else (except on the palms - nobody's got hair there).

His mental characteristics include a personality that is made out of the leftover scraps of other people's, a habit of speaking in quotes (especially from Star Wars or the Goon Show), a love of science (and just of blowing things up) and possessing an auxilliary mind (which is me, in case that was unclear. I'm always in italics).

Said mind has, for reasons that probably only make sense to us, adopted the name "Cortle Steeze". He's only been around since December 2006, though as he can remember everything I can (which isn't much, but that's a different story) his age is a matter for the philosophers. He started as a mental subroutine for simulating a different point of view, but unlike most, and without any explanation we can puzzle out, he became self-aware, and seemingly without significantly degrading my own mental faculties. He remains useful, as he sometimes realises things I wouldn't, and isn't too dangerous since, although I keep slipping and using the pronoun "we", and he can't actually "drive" - all you see is the messages I see fit to pass on.


The character Tyris has aspects of a Mary Sue, in that he's unashamedly meant to be me, but I do try to keep him realistic as a character. He acts as I would act; the differences between us are that he has some odd/cool/impossible/all three pieces of tech and I don't, not that he's some perfect being.

He wanders through the multiverse (often by accident), gathering, scavenging and occasionally stealing (often from ancient lost temples, or ancient lost planets [you'd be surprised how easy it is to lose a planet]) random bits of equipment, artifacts, or tidbits of knowledge. Some places are worth coming back to; he's allied himself with the Bunnies because they're fun people.

Developing c-Tyris was a severe problem at first, as Cortle kept butting in and wanting a part. Eventually I found a non-intrusive solution: he remains as my secondary mind, and is also a sensory psychic (unless given a large influx of energy, in which case he briefly becomes an effectory psychic - but aiming large amounts of energy at your own head isn't the safest of ideas).


There's some miscellaneous stuff, some of which you may recognise (for example, somehwere in storage there's a full set of yautja armour and weapons) but the two things that bear mentioning most are the retrometaboliser and the ship.


This gauntlet labours under something of a misnomer, as it actually has nothing to do with metabolism - at least, not by itself. What it can do is create and manipulate retromatter, which is pretty much like normal matter except for the following:

  1. It doesn't always obey the laws of thermodynamics, and certainly not Conservation of Matter.
  2. It's impervious to x-rays (no, I haven't worked out why).
  3. It's under the control of the gauntlet's wearer (unless the controller decides not to, or control is broken by high-voltage electricity).

Within a very limited extent, the gauntlet can also manipulate normal matter. This extent comprises repair and regeneration - break something, hit it with a blue beam from the gauntlet, and presto, it's exactly as it was before being broken.

Use the main function (the green beams, not blue), and you can create a duplicate of the item, either as it is now or as it was before. This is handy if you want to replace someone for infiltration purposes, as you can destroy them and then create the copy. (Note: as the replicant is under your command, you can alter it in subtle ways - like turning it into a human bomb, or causing it to self-repair. This self-repairing, making the replicant virtually indestructible, is where the "retrometabolism" term comes from.)

The gauntlet monitors vital signs and will automatically repair its wearer's body if they are killed. It doesn't return the soul to the body, however; that is left as an exercise for the student. (On a side note, replicants are created soulless in almost all cases. However, they're still self-aware, feel pain and all that.)

DSRV Zarathustra

The Deep Space Research Vessel Zarathustra used to be (and still is, at least on the outside) a small but self-sufficient ship designed to spend months or years away from home or help, with great banks of recorders cataloguing information about places visited.

Tyris and Cortle have extensively modified the vessel during their travels. Only a small portion remains unchanged - which is statistically expected, since the ship is now bigger on the inside and the original floor space only comprises a small portion. The ship's defensive weapons have been replaced by retromatter manipulators - if attacked, they simply repair the Zarathustra and then create a replicant (or two) of the the aggressor to counterattack.

Watch This Space

More coming, if we start RPing or appearing in the Crossover Wars (well, aside from that one ignominious appearance getting killed by stray fire), at which point this will become relevant.

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