Races of Legends: The Imprisoning War RP

From Egs Mayhem

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These are the races playable in Legends: The Imprisoning War RP. Special exemptions may be granted by Paradox244 for those he trusts and has experience with.




The Hylians are the inhabitents of the kingdom of Hyrule, and bear close resembelence to earthly humans. The only noticible difference from humans is that Hylians have pointed ears.

Hylians are fairly average in terms of strength, speed, intelegence, and agility. They do, however, have a remarkable facality to use tools to make up for these weaknesses, such as swords, bows and arrows, and domesticated animals. As a result, Hylians thrive. They have access to a well developed infrastructure, and Hylian characters tend to have the connections to aquire supplies.

Hylians are the most common of the races, having been the first race in Hyrule to create a civilization. Hylians may have a wide variety of skills and talents.

Hylians are said to have an inate capacity for magic, although this ability has grown dormant as of late. A Hylian gifted with fairy magic may grow to be a powerful wizard, or may gain powerful psychic abilities.


Gorons are a humaniod race that dwell mostly in the area of Death Mountain. Gorons are large, and have bodies that appear to be made of some form of rock like material. On their backs they grow rocky protrubances.

Goron physology is unique. Gorons subsist on a diet of rock, iron, and water. As such, food is rarely a problem, although they do show preferences for certain types of rock. Iron is considered a delicy. Gorons are very strong and difficult to injure. They are resistant to heat, able to walk even in molten lava. Gorons are very slow and heavy, and cannot swim. In water they are helpless. They cannot, however, drown as they appear to lack the need to breathe.

Gorons do not appear to have gender, and their means of reprodction is not known. They don't generally talk about it.

Gorons have the ability to curl up in the fetal position and roll at speeds in exces of 70 miles per hour. They can harm enemies by running in to them at thse speeds.

Gorons are very strong, and like to engage in tests of strength. Goron society is based around honor, strength, and brotherhood. Gorons call each other brothers, and will address honored members of other races as such, regardless of gender.

Gorons are generally peaceful, but a Goron warroir is powerful. Gorons are also generally considered to be of low intelegance, but simple is perhaps a better discription. They enjoy the simple pleasures in life, eating, sleeping, bathing in hot springs, and engaging in sports such as boxing and sumo wrestling. Gorons can be very intelegent, and make wonderful blacksmiths, crafters, and sculptors. Their mining equipment is very advanced, making use of electro-magnets.

A Goron who has been gifted with fairy magic can grow metal spikes at will, which can be used as weapons.


The Zora are a reclusive, fish like race that inhabits the waterways of Hyrule. The majority of their population, however, is centered in Zora's domain.

Zoras have the appearence of blue humans with fins and tail like extensions on their heads. They are capable of breething in water or on land, and can swim fast enought to swim up waterfalls. The fins on a Zora's arms can extend, and be used as offensive blades or shields. Zoras are very fast in the water, and agile even on land. They are about as strong as a Hylian, and are weak to extremes of heat and cold.

Zora are a reclusive race, and will not allow anyone into their domain without the express permission of the King of Hyrule. When called into battle, they are fierce warroirs, using spears and their nautral offensive weapons to great effect.

Zora males and females have the same general appearence, with the exception of the Zora royal family. Only Zoras of status, such as the royal family, wear clothes. Zora worship the Lord Jabu-Jabu, whom they consider their protector and guardian spirit.

A Zora who is gifted with fairy magic can generate a protective elecric field around his body that will shock attakers, and may also throw his fins like boomerangs.


The Gerudo are a tribe of dark skinned theives. All Gerudo except for their king are women, with one man born every century. The only current male Gerudo is the villian of this RP.

Gerudo are strong, swift, and agile. They are mistresses if the spear, scemitar, and bow. Gerudo players are defectors, as the main contingent of Gerudo society are loyal to Ganondorf Dragmire, this RP's main villian.

A Gerudo who is gifted with fairy magic will typically manifest fire or ice based magic power.

Skull Kids

Skull Kids are imp-like creatures native to Kokiri Forest. They are short, and wear masks over their faces.

Skull kids can use magic, typically of the fairy kind. They possess a deep bond with nature, often able to summon monsters to fight for them. Mischevious by nature, they are impish and often cause trouble. Skull Kid magic is manifested

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