Zsa-an-ka Antran

From Egs Mayhem

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Revision as of 21:19, 26 October 2006

Name: Zsa-an-ka Antran (Nobody knows that expect may be a few even more ancient and more secretive people)
AKA: Mr. Smith, Jake, Bob, "that guy", etc. Currently his most used is "Achim Melcom"
Age: 2670 (take of give a couple decades...)
Occupation: Successfull Egoist, currently posing as antiquarian (sp? a guy who buys and sells old stuff )
Allignment: Hero... forced to, all those evils make the humans more aware of the strange and unexpected.

Powers: A Doubleganger, a complete Morph. A simple touch allows him to exactly copy a person or animal whenever he wants... In his original form, a green, faceless and ugly monster he can soak up a persons basic memories, enought to mimicry him, also just by touch (but never unnoticed by the victim) As Doubleganger he also is naturally unaging and is one of the few truly ancient beings around. his long Live granted him many skills and knowledge as well as a certain amount of wealth. He is also attempting to learn Magic since a few centuries (since it was "in" in the middle ages) but did not succeed much aside from creating light or small flames and the like. He has excellent contacts to all sorts of people, granting him access to many neat things like Bulletproof Trenchcoats, Infrared goggles, Flash bang granades, Maschine Pistols of the newest kind, edge of Technology Computers and equipment, and most important... an nearly unlimited supply of Faked Identities, Driver Licences, Birth certificates and several houses and appartments all over the city.

Weaknesses: He is not much sturdier than a normal Human and extremely Carefull, it takes him long time of preperation to get at a tast and he relies heavitly on Mundane Equipment.

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