Raven Ellis

From Egs Mayhem

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'''Name:''' Raven Ellis<br>
'''Age:''' 19<br>
'''"Duplicate" of:''' I'm not saying my real name.  ;)<br>
'''Gender:''' Female<br>
'''Time since the split:''' A few weeks<br>
'''Appearence:''' Fairly long light brown hair, grey eyes, about 6 feet tall. Always in jeans and t-shirt. Will have a grey jacket on if the weather permits.<br>
'''History:''' [CC]'s best friend is a conspiricy nut. Between the two of them, they stumbled across an early piece of Uryoum tranformational technology. [CC] touched it on a dare. That was mistake number one. Fast-forward a few days, and [CC]/Raven and his/her friend are at the bewitchery diamond. Mistake number two. We all know what happens there. Both halves are calm, and seek out help from the staff at the facility. Mistake three (kinda). Although it was the best thing they could do, they are now seperated, with Raven about to be set up at the facility.<br>
'''Personality:''' She is still a little frazzled about the whole thing, but is remarkably calm, all things considered. Book-smart with a good sense of logic, she blames neither her friend nor her original. She is just as shy as the person she was duplicated from (pretty shy). The part that bothers her the most about the whole ordeal is what pronouns to use when talking in the past tense. Slightly OCD. If you can get past the shy part, she is a very nice person, and always makes a point to make friends with those in charge.<br>
'''Anything else:''' Can spread her "curse" by touch, as per standard with the diamond, but has never opted to use it. The devise that the ability mimics was very simple, and her touch is a very basic sex change (nothing more, nothing less).<br>
'''More other things:''' Some basic martial arts training, some low-level mind affecting magics: charms, illusions, stuff like that. She mostly uses them in jest, and would never do anything truely malicious unless defending herself.
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[[Category: ChroniclerC's Characters]]

Revision as of 20:40, 17 February 2009


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