
From Egs Mayhem

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(Terran Defense Fleet)
(The Poster known as Jstone)
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Pseudo-lurker who doesn't participate in many games or RP's. Is most active in the [[Crossover Wars]]. May be the harbinger of doom for RPs: Any RP he has joined, with the exception of the Crossover Wars, has either died or failed to start. He has also tried to start an RP of his own, but that too failed miserably, despite a fairly original concept. He understands that most of his characters began as self-insert 'Gary Stus', and apologizes for that.
Pseudo-lurker who doesn't participate in many games or RP's. Is most active in the [[Crossover Wars]]. May be the harbinger of doom for RPs: Any RP he has joined, with the exception of the Crossover Wars, has either died or failed to start. He has also tried to start an RP of his own, but that too failed miserably, despite a fairly original concept. He understands that most of his characters began as self-insert 'Gary Stus', and apologizes for that.
== The Poster known as Jstone ==
=The Poster known as Jstone=
Jstone is nothing special in real life. He lives somewhere in the Midwest. Jstone is currently enrolled in a college, and is studying Information Technology. He's also something of a self-styled computer hacker, but not a computer cracker. The difference here is simple; hackers play around in computers and networks, usually finding hidden services, or bugs that can make a device perform a task it was never intended for. Hackers do not break the law; that is the realm of computer 'crackers,' who are known as such because they crack software and passwords. Any confusion of these two terms will likely set Jstone off into a long-winded rant about the media ruining the name of hackers by associating the term with crackers, so be careful.
Jstone is nothing special in real life. He's pretty much your standard nerd, being obsessed with computers, science fiction, and anime. One interesting distinction is that he's also an open-source nerd: he runs Linux on his personal computer, with his current configuration being Ubuntu 10.04, with a number of GUI customizations, running on a Dell Latitude d420.
== Primary Characters ==
An interesting tidbit: Jstone had completely abandoned the Keenspot forums in mid 2009, and has only recently returned due to the efforts of [[Xepharon]]
=== The Persona known as Jstone ===
Jstone the character, otherwise known as Fleet Admiral Colin Johnstone, is the direct avatar of Jstone the poster. He joined the EGS-DF on the same day as the initial invasion warning, and is in the organization to this day. He has progressed from relative cannon-fodder, equipped only with a bulletproof vest and assault rifle, to one of the highest-ranking officers in the Force. How this happened even Jstone (the poster) doesn't quite know, but it may have something to do with Jstone having the de-facto role as liaison to the TDF, a position that had him coordinating spacefleet involvement. Others must have become so accustomed to him commanding ships that they just started listening to his orders. As such, Jstone now holds the rank of Fleet Admiral within the EGS-DF, and is in command of all space assets. Despite this, he retained the bad habit of charging to the front, a tactic that has seen him captured twice and killed once. Thankfully, the boardies have installed a RESPAWN facility at the Fort, so he didn't stay dead. Still, the experience of death has left Jstone a bit shaken, and, in the future, he will maintain his proper position in the fight: Coordinating fleet operations from the relative safety of a flagship bridge.
==Northern Michigan Anime Convention==
Jstone has also gotten himself involved with an anime club that runs a yearly convention at his local college. It's still a small event, but has managed to attract some not-so-small stars: the latest being Vic Mignogna, voice of Edward Elric, Tamaki Suou, and Fai Flourite, among others.
==== Naval Operations Command ====
=RP Assets=
Naval Operations Command is (or will be, once Jstone wakes up from RESPAWN and attempts to reinstate chain of command in the woefully unorganized EGSDF Navy,) the heart of the navy. Based aboard the Mayhem Orbital Command center, NOC manages all EGS-DF Navy operations. This involves coordinating efforts from multiple, disparate, forces, as well as developing and deploying new mayhem-native vessels (an idea provied by the [[Teleros|Port Admiral]]) for the EGS-DF Navy, in order to reduce dependence on foreign vessels.
Jstone isn't involved in many RPs (see the first paragraph on this page for an explanation,) but has listed those few characters (and others,) that he does control here.
* [[EGSDF_Space_Navy#AdmiralRedstone|Fleet Admiral Redstone]] and, by extension, the vast majority of the EGSDF Navy. [[Fort Mayhem]]
===== Office of Naval Intelligence =====
* <s>[[Terran Defense Fleet]]</s> Home universe may have imploded. No longer present in any Mayhem RPs.
The ONI, which is currently comprised mainly of TDF Intelligence, is an internal intelligence department to the EGS-DF Navy which provides intelligence directly to Naval Operations Command. This intelligence is mostly gathered through SIGINT, ELINT, and IMINT operations conducted by Navy vessels; HUMINT operations will be left to [[EGS_Defence_Force#Office_of_Intelligence_.28OfInt.29|OfInt]]. Note that this office serves two purposes; it provides the EGS-DF navy with standardized, near-real-time battlefield intelligence, and also gives Jstone an excuse to integrate data gleaned from some of his 'cyber sleuthing' into the RP without him having to [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AssPull Ass-Pull] another player character for use in the Office of Intelligence. Note that ONI is ''not'' an ass-pull, as it will be newly created alongside the Naval Operations Command, and also has a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Naval_Intelligence Real Life counterpart]
* [[Meghan Ulrich]] ([[Mayhem TIAFR]])
=== Alternate Jstone ===
Naval Lieutenant Johnstone is an alternate of Jstone that hails from the TDF's universe. This version shares the real Jstone's interest in computers, but devoted his time to learning cyber warfare tactics due to the alien invasion. As such, he is quite skilled at both information gathering and disrupting enemy operations. Alternate Jstone spends most of his time aboard the Terran vessels, so he isn't seen much in the Fort. This may change in the future.
== Muses ==
=== Creator (Jstone) ===
Jstone's creative/orderly 'muse.' Has the ability to create universes, and has in fact created many. He is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent within his own universes, but his power in other universes depends on how strictly defined the rules of the universe are, as well as how much power he is allowed by any controlling entities. These limits are quite strong; putting forth enough effort to break through such limiting factors can cause creator's own universes to destabilize. Because of these limiting factors, creator is often stuck with the power of a low/mid level mage, a fact that annoys him greatly.
=== Destroyer (Jstone) ===
Destoyer, otherwise known by the greek name Akakios (meaning not evil,) is Jstone's destructive/chaotic 'muse.' Destroyer is pure chaos and destructive energy. This does not mean he is evil, a fact that he will gladly point out. His personality can be quite irritating, and he is quick to anger. Which is unfortunate, because you don't want to make destroyer angry; he can retroactively remove you from existence. This ability does have its price, however; it causes the entire space-time continuum to lose some stability. Destroy too important of an object, and the entire universe could unravel. Because of this, destroyer is kept under tight control by Jstone.
== Terran Defense Fleet ==
The TDF was called to EGS's aid by Jstone. From a unverse where Earth was captured by aliens, the soldiers of the Terran Defense Force are used to fighting battles against seemingly impossible odds. All the technology they have access to was reverse-engineered from alien technology that was captured in battle. The TDF marines' skill in shipboard combat is second only to their skill in ground combat.
All TDF forces have been withdrawn from Fort Mayhem continuity, though they still pop up from time-to-time in random RPs and game threads, usually as 'summons' performed by Jstone.
=== Constitution Class ===
The Constitution Class Frigate makes up the backbone of Jstone's fleet. It is moderately armed and armored, and has a good number of ground troops and air craft.
* Length: 800 meters
* Armor: 1500-2500mm. Titanium metal-matrix composite w/Carbon nanotube reinforcement. Outer coating includes optical dispersion layer to reduce effectiveness of laser weapons. Can be charged to repel plasma and charged-particle weapons.
* Armament: 9 heavy railguns. 14 light railguns. One centerline particle-beam cannon. Multiple point-defense cannon and missile batteries. Point defense includes guided/unguided kinetic kill-vehicles, as well as directed-energy weapons.
* Sublight: 2 high-output fusion engines. Max sublight speed: .80C (will not reach maximum speed under normal conditions)
* Superlight: spacefold drive. maximum fold distance: -Classified-
* Ground Troops: 150 infantry, 100 unmanned combat ground vehicles.
* Air Vehicles: 30 manned fighers, 52 unmanned fighers, 20 unmanned support craft.
=== Revenge Class ===
The Revenge Class Battleship is the brawn of the TDF's space-combat arm. The armor and armament dwarf that of the Constitution Class Frigate.
* Length: 1,500 meters
* Armor: 2000-3500mm. Titanium Metal-Matrix composite w/carbon nanotube reinforcement. Outer coating includes optical dispersion layer to reduce effectiveness of laser weapons. Can be charged to repel plasma and charged-particle weapons.
* Armament: 12 high-output particle-beam cannons. 6 Heavy Railguns. Multiple Missile tubes and point-defense weapons. Point defense includes guided/unguided kinetic kill-vehicles, as well as directed-energy weapons.
* Sublight: 3 ultra-high-output fusion engines. Maximum sublight speed 0.65C. (will not reach maximum speed under normal conditions)
* Superlight: spacefold drive. maximum fold distance: -Classified-
* Ground Troops: 200 infantry, 250 unmanned combat ground vehicles.
* Air Vehicles: 30 manned fighters, 100 unmanned fighers, 30 unmanned support craft.
=== Oriskany Class ===
The Oriskany Class Carrier is used to carry any craft that does not have its own jump drive. These include landing craft, air combat craft, and other intra-system vehicles. There is a large artificial-gravity deck on the upper portion that functions as a dry-dock for repairs.
* Length: 3,000 meters
* Armor: 1000-2000mm, Titanium metal-matrix composite w/carbon nanotube reinforcement. Exterior coating includes optical-dispersion layer to minimize Laser effectiveness. Can be electrically charged to repel plasma and charged-particle beams.
* Armament: multiple computer-controlled point-defense batteries, including kinetic weapons, both guided and unguided, as well as directed-energy weapons.
* Sublight: 3 high-output fusion engines. Maximum sublight 0.60C (will not reach maximum speed under normal conditions)
* Superlight: spacefold drive. maximum fold distance: -Classified-
* Ground Troops: variable. depends on craft carried.
* Air Vehicles: variable. depends on craft carried.
=== Stealth Ship ===
The stealth-ship is used in much the same way that the German U-Boats were used: surveillance and anti-commerce. The ship is covered in radar-absorbing materials, and has zero EM emissions when "running silent." The stealth ship can be covered in a meta-material cloak to make it completely invisible in the entire EM spectrum (including light.) When the cloak is deployed, the stealth ship uses a periscope that protrudes from the cloak for navigation and target acquisition. The periscope can be retracted if necessary, in which case the ship will function on inertial guidance.
* Armor: -Classified-
* Armament: -Classified-
* Sublight: -Classified-
* Superlight: spacefold drive. maximum fold distance: -Classified-
=== Ground Forces ===
Ground forces are organized into 5 person teams. Each team has four light infantry and one heavy infantry. Light infantry are equipped with a [[TDF Skin Suit]] - skin-tight armor with similar appearance to a wet-suit which augments strength and speed, provides advanced sensors and comm gear, protects against most small-arms fire, and can even protect its wearer from the vacuum of space. The heavy infantry wears a heavy exoskeleton in addition to the skin-suit. The [[TDF Heavy Exokeleton]] augments strength even more, provides even better protection, and is fitted with powerful armament, including .50cal machine guns, rockets, and a 20mm chain-gun.  Later versions have increased reactor output, allowing the 20mm chain-gun to be replaced with a rapid-fire railgun capable of penetrating 150mm of steel armor at a range of up to 1000 meters.

Current revision as of 03:01, 31 July 2010

Pseudo-lurker who doesn't participate in many games or RP's. Is most active in the Crossover Wars. May be the harbinger of doom for RPs: Any RP he has joined, with the exception of the Crossover Wars, has either died or failed to start. He has also tried to start an RP of his own, but that too failed miserably, despite a fairly original concept. He understands that most of his characters began as self-insert 'Gary Stus', and apologizes for that.

The Poster known as Jstone

Jstone is nothing special in real life. He's pretty much your standard nerd, being obsessed with computers, science fiction, and anime. One interesting distinction is that he's also an open-source nerd: he runs Linux on his personal computer, with his current configuration being Ubuntu 10.04, with a number of GUI customizations, running on a Dell Latitude d420.

An interesting tidbit: Jstone had completely abandoned the Keenspot forums in mid 2009, and has only recently returned due to the efforts of Xepharon

Northern Michigan Anime Convention

Jstone has also gotten himself involved with an anime club that runs a yearly convention at his local college. It's still a small event, but has managed to attract some not-so-small stars: the latest being Vic Mignogna, voice of Edward Elric, Tamaki Suou, and Fai Flourite, among others.

RP Assets

Jstone isn't involved in many RPs (see the first paragraph on this page for an explanation,) but has listed those few characters (and others,) that he does control here.

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