Technology Discovery

From Crusaderkings

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The MTTH to discover a new technology varies, but is generally 50 months for a Tier I advance, 100 for Tier II, 250 for Tier III, 500 for Tier IV and 1500 for Tier V. Each technology advance has numerous modifiers that will increase or decrease this time. These can include:

-the terrain type of the province
-the presence or absence of certain buildings
-your ruler's Characteristic scores and traits
-the scores and traits of certain ministers
-the level of the realm (kingdom, duchy, county)
-whether the realm is at war (war speeds up military advances and slows down all others)
-the presence of other technologies (particularly the "Thought" tree)
-the stability level of the realm
-the power level of certain estates (peasantry, burghers, clergy, nobility) in the province
-the current year (discovery rate increases as the timeframe advances)

Consider the following example (Goats, the Tier II Herding technology):

Base MTTH is 125 months, modified as follows:

School: -10% (i.e. 10% less time)
University: -15%
Library: -10%
Civilian Harbor: -10%
Naval Harbor: -15%
Grand Shipyard: -25%
Road Network: -5%
Extensive Road Network: -10%

Peasant power is at least 30%: -10%
Peasant power is at least 45%: -10%
Ruler's Stewardship is 8+: -5%
Ruler's Stewardship is 10+: -10%
Ruler's Stewardship is 13+: -10%

Ruler traits:
'Court Education': -5%
'Hole in the Pocket': +5% (takes longer)
'Proven Accountant': -10%
'Scholarly Theologian': -10%
'Fortune Builder': -15%
'Midas Touched': -20%

Ruler is a King: -25%
Ruler is a Duke: -15%
Realm is not at war: -10%
Province has bubonic plague: +400%
Province has pneumonic plague: +400%
Province has malaria: +150%
Province has dysentery: +150%
Province has smallpox: +150%
Province has typhoid fever: +150%
Province is Struggling: -20%
Province is Poor: -10%
Province is Prosperous: +10%
Province is Rich: +20%
Province is looted: +15%
Province is in revolt: +150%

Province technologies:
Aristotelian Logic: -2%
Scholastics: -5%
Astrology: -5%
Natural Philosophy: -20%
Science: -20%
Ascetism: -5%
Apostolic Poverty: -5%
Critical Bible Interpretations: -5%
Bible Translations: -5%
Critical Thinking: -5%

Stability 1+: -10%
Stability 2+: -10%
Stability 3: -10%
Stability 0 or worse: +10%
Stability -1 or worse: +10%
Stability -2 or worse: +10%

Year is at least 1250: -20%
Year is at least 1350: -20%

All modifiers are multiplicative, meaning that two -10% modifiers = -19% (1 x 0.9 x 0.9 = 0.81) rather than -20%. This means they also stack, with the exception of some improvement modifiers, only because certain buildings replace others (e.g., a Naval Harbor replaces a Civilian Harbor, so a province would only get the Naval Harbor modifier). These modifiers can make a huge difference in the final MTTH.
A +3 Stability Kingdom with a University, Grand Shipyard, Library, and a Ruler who is Midas Touched with a 13+ Stewardship would have: (0.9x0.9x0.9)x0.75x0.85x0.9x0.75x0.8x(0.95x0.9x0.9)=0.193 x 150 month base = just over 24 months.

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