
From Crusaderkings

Revision as of 04:58, 15 June 2009 by Llywelyn (Talk | contribs)
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A realm's TAG is the four character marker used to identify it by the CK program and saved game.

For counties, it is a C followed by three digits counting more or less from northwest to southeast across the map. A complete list can be found here or in your game's configprovince_names. A map of county tags can be found [ here].

For duchies and kingdoms, the tag is usually (but not always) the first four letters of the realm in question. A partial list can be found here; the rest are here. Their in-game display is controlled by configworld_names and configextra_text.

Tags are all hardcoded to be at a certain level. You can edit a scenario or a saved file to make a kingdom act like a county for awhile or vice versa, but eventually things will right themselves: once independent, the kingdom will remain so; the county will bevassal itself to the appropriate duchy; etc. Further, 'elevated' tags will still behave as they were, without demesne or prestige bonuses from their modded rank. A list of the hardcoded level of tags can be found here.

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