Universe Traveler/mooncenterpointboomerang2ndghostcratersecond0

From Create Your Own Story

You threw the boomerang. You have beaten the ghost crater, that earns 45 points. 25 United States cents and a key fell on the floor, you grabbed them both. You can now walk ahead and unlock the treasure chest.

Open the treasure chest.

Items: 8

US money: $13.25

HP: 75

Stamina: 153%

Score: 275

Allies: 2


Purple Cow 1

Items: 1

US money: none

HP: 85

Stamina: 172%

Duckling 1

Items: 0

US money: none

HP: 45

Stamina: 85%

Gigi (Client)

Items: 14

US money: $21.50

HP: 84

Stamina: 96%

Client Points: 66

Jininia (Helper)

Items: 9

US money: $35.25

HP: 80

Stamina: 90%

Friend Points: 80
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