Struggle your way out

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Tired and Inattentive Apparel and Items: Shorts, Shirt, Panties, Bra, and Shoes
Day, Time Monday, Morning
Need to Bathroom Morning Need, Full of the Fibrous Cereal
Level of Humiliation About to be diapered

"No i won't!" Katie yelled. She stood up from the chair and walked to the door. At the same time the nurse stood up and grabbed Katie by the arm.
"Katie, just lay down and let me do my job. I know, first time is the worst but it will be okay."
"NO!" Katie screamed and she struggled free. The nurse then grabbed Katie's waist and brought her to the bed. Katie continued to struggle but the nurse was stronger. When Katie was on the bed the nurse started to take off Katie's shorts.
"Now just relax. I'll ready the diaper beforehand so you will spend as little time possible without your shorts."
The nurse turned around to grab the tools and Katie saw her way out. She jumped from the bed and ran to the door while trying to keep her shorts in place. She opened the door, ran into the hall and tripped.
She smacked down and let go of her shorts. During the fall her shorts had come down all the way to her knees. Some other students were also in the hallway. A few boys laughed and a girl came to help her up. Katie pulled her pants to where they belonged and stood up with her help. Katie blushed. Luckily she knew none of these people, otherwise they would've seen her red panties. Suddenly Katie was yanked along by the nurse.
"Now stop struggling and let me do my work" the nurse said while closing the office door behind her. Katie was made to lay on the bed again and this time she did so more voluntarily.

The nurse once again took of Katie's pants and prepared the diaper by laying it underneath her bottom. When everything was ready, Katie had to pull down her own panties and expose her crotch. She cursed Jill the entire time. When the diaper was done she pulled up her pants and stood in front of the mirror. The bulge was clearly visible underneath her shorts.
"Don't worry" said the nurse again. "Nobody will notice. You only see it because you know it's there, your classmates won't notice a thing. Besides, most of the time you'll be sitting on your bottom anyway."
What the nurse said might be right but Katie was still uncomfortable. Just when she packed her stuff the first bell rang and Katie had to hurry to class. Her toilet need was rising but she wouldn't be able to go to the toilet in time.

Go to class in a diaper

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