Say "Eh, wanna come over to my house instead? It's closer."

From Create Your Own Story

She says, "Sure."

The two of you walk away from the mobs of kids gathered in their different cliques to the lonely sidewalks of the town. You two start a conversation about not being able to wait until you get your driver's licence.

Your friend is a bit taller than you, despite being younger by almost a year. As you walk, you glance at her, noticing the body so many girls are always jealous of. You begin getting a little turned on, which freaks you out because you currently have a boyfriend and have always been straight. You looked at girls sometimes, but had never actually checked them out.

Once you two reach our house and enter, you both drop your things and race up the spiral staircase, pushing and shoving all the way. You slam into the door, and she slams into you, and you both collaspe outside the door of your room, laughing and panting.

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