Piggy's Day/When it was recorded

From Create Your Own Story

Piggy: "When exactly was this recorded?"

Swine checks the back of the album.

Swine: "On March 1. 32003, on the 30030th anniversary of the release of the original Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd."

Since travelling to the Moon by rocket is slightly cheaper today than in 32003, you go to the Moon first and travel in time there. You unenter the rocket and head to a time-travel-terminal near the station. Swine transports both of you seven years and two months back in time. Swine can't the accuracy right, so you're off by a few hours.

Swine: "Let's go wait at the employee lounge."

Piggy: "What? But won't we meet ourselves there?"

Swine: "No. We are the duplicates of ourselves that we heard on the recording."

Piggy: "Then why are we even going there?"

Swine: "Well, if we came to this place because of something that we saw in the future, there's going to be some reason for it in this time."

Piggy: "But... but..."

Swine: "Look, I do this a lot more than you. Don't start going all philosophical on me."

You go to the employee lounge to wait. After two hours, another Piggy walks in.

Piggy2: "What the... What are you and me doing here?"

Piggy1: "I could ask you the same thing."

Swine: "We thought that you'd know! Aren't you from the future?"

Piggy2: "No. At least I think I'm not. What year is it?"

Swine: "32003."

Piggy2: "Okay, I AM from the future, but I'm from a relative future to you. Clearly, I'm some alternative universe replica of... myself. I can't remember any of this happening before, and I should remember, this is quite shocking."

Swine: "Oh lord. This might be bad. The fabric of reality might be ceasing to exist!"

You have a short silence in remembrance of any conformal logic that might have predated this occasion.

Piggy1: "Wait, there's gotta be a way to set things up! My sanity is much weaker than the fabric of reality, we can make myself forget about this!"

Piggy2: "I second that."

You decide to go back to Earth. The original Swine and Piggy agree to take amnnesia gas to forget about this day ever happening. Meanwhile, the future Piggy spends two days partying in Las Vegas so that you'll not run into eachothers. However, you're still recovering from a mental illness, and taking ammnesia gas might be dangerous.

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