Go home and tell your parents about what you've done

From Create Your Own Story

You and Jenny agree it's better if you go to your homes alone. You hug and kiss for goodbye and start walking slowly home.

After about 30 minutes you are near home (there's barely 100 meters left). But all of a sudden a group of teenagers surrounds you; you haven't seen them approaching you. You recognize one of the 2 unhurt bullies leading them. He shouts to an older boy: "That's him, Billy! He's beaten up Georgy and Tim and me barely got away!"

Billy approaches you and smiles: "So, you're the little punk that messed with my younger brother. You look younger than them, but my bro' and his friends were always bad at fighting. None of that matters now, because me and my friends are gonna teach you a lesson you won't forget!"

You take a look at the gang. There's 8 of them and one of them has a small knife. You need to react quickly:

Kick Billy in the crotches and push his brother away

Make a run for it

You are: A 10-year-old male
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