An Embarrassing Adventure/front-walk perimeter

From Create Your Own Story

You walk a short distance to the side of the building opposite that of the sauna -- even if you found a door over there, would you want to jump back into that maze? -- and walk down a relatively empty alleyway. There is not a single door going back in to the spa, but at least no one is here to see you in your towel.

Behind the building is a spacious lot and, in the distance, the edge of a forest. You scan the back of the building and find an open door! A male employee is outside taking his smoke break, and calls out to you, "Ma'am? Is that one of our towels?"

You rush up to him and explain the situation. He responds with a laugh, and ushers you inside. "The employee lounge is the second door on the left. Nobody should be in there right now; I'll be in in a moment."

Your response?


A little uncomfortable.


An embroidered towel.

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